"And in the time of greatest despair there shall come a savior and he shall be known as: THE SON OF THE SUN"
("Journal of the Whills," 3:12)
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12/29/98: I looked for the answer to this question fervently over the internet but couldn't confirm or deny this rumor. Here's my question: A friend of mine recently told me that he read somewhere that Obi-Wan Kenobi is actually a CLONE. The real Kenobi was born Ben Kenobi, and the designation OB-1 (acronym for Old Ben 1) came from his being cloned, possibly as the original Old Ben was dying or dead. Can you confirm or deny this? And if true, where did this information come from? Thanks in advance
(Source: Doug)

The rumor that 'OB-1' is a clone designation has been around for a very long time, and I am not sure if anyone can pinpoint when it was first speculated. You may be interested in an article on my website which was written in 1980, that covers the Clone Wars, the prequels, and even the OB-1 clone thing. You can read it here.
I believe that if there is any significance to 'OB-1', it is that 'Obi-Wan' may be a Jedi title, in much the same way 'Qui-Gon' may be. Jedi may take special names when they ascend to the rank of Knight. I remember back in the day, the action figures had OB-1, then 'Obi-Wan' in parenthesis.
The numeric designation of that name does not seem to be used as much anymore, if at all. I think Lucas liked the idea of names which were spelled out in the fashion of numbers. How about Kenobi's brother, Owen Lars. O-Wan? O-1? I suppose anything is possible....WJ

I agree with what you say on your site - many fans create their own self fulfilling prophecies based on their own desires rather than logic and common sense, and there was a lot of woolly thinking both on the better prequel sites and in the forums particularly. I also found the article that you scanned up to your site very interesting as well. Some of its speculation seems a bit off in the wake of what was subsequently revealed in Jedi, but other parts sent chills up my spine. The author hitting on the slave idea was one case in point. Where did the article first appear? I didn't see its attribution on your site. Obviously from around the time ESB was released. On the issue of Vader crushing people's windpipes as a mirror of the punishment inflicted on him as a child... have you ever thought that his injuries, his 'crushed lungs' as they are described sometimes, may be part of this? The suffocation he felt after his accident - not being able to breathe, may be mirrored in his favorite form of attack? Anyway, great site, I have it bookmarked now. Keep up the good work!
(Source: Chyren)

Thanks a lot. I had failed to transfer the accreditation for that article, but I have it back up now. It seems slavery has indeed become a major theme in the SW universe, and ironically cloning is a major issue now, 20 years after the initial release of ANH. It would be really brutal to see Anakin suffering, straining to breathe, then using this very torture years later as a psychological manifestation of that pain....WJ

Hello, I wanted to know if you have gotten any feedback about the new Yoda in the prequel trailer? Am I the only one who is not impressed? It appears to me that what they did 15 years ago was better. Also, what do you think about the use of CG characters in the Star Wars Movies?? I would like to ask George Lucas why do CG characters always have to be silly (cartoonish) by default?? The best are those that are just as serious as the human characters (Yoda, Jabba, etc) (Source: Doug)

There has been a lot of talk about Yoda's appearance in the trailer. Initially, most did not seem to be very impressed with the puppet. However, since then opinion has changed a little in light of the argument that the puppet is a younger version of Yoda whose face naturally looks a little different. There is a rumor that Lucas was not pleased himself, and is working on an alternate sequence. There are only a few small moments when Yoda will be CG. The Phantom Menace will be the first film to feature an all CG main character (JarJar). He will have over an hour of on-screen time. Yes, he will be comical, but I do not think he will be cartoonish. He will be dopey, for sure, but ILM is going out of their way to make a realistic looking character. Other all-CG characters will be Sebulba and Watto, both of whom were glimpsed in the trailer (Watto was the blue Gonzo-looking guy with wings, and Sebulba was the laughing camel-faced alien at the pod race). These two characters should be fairly 'serious' as far as that term goes. Computer generated imagery was one of the main reasons that Lucas decided to film the Prequels, in that he felt that the more fantastical creatures and environments could be done properly....WJ


11/29/98: Thanks for posting my last email. If it's okay I'd like to clarify my theory that Sidious might be Jinn. If I was George Lucas, I'd know that I'd have to beat the whole "Darth Vader is Luke's father" shocker. So the most shocking thing I can think of (that would make sense to the plot), would be that this"shades-of-grey-view-on-the-force" Jedi that everybody is made to be sympathetic towards (more than the council) and he KNOWS that Anakin will bring the downfall of the Jedi. This Jedi, (Jinn) has been Darth Sidious all along, and is using Palpatine as a secret that's guarding his secret. Palpatine appears to be Sidious, but really, Jinn would be Sidious. His purposes would be masked with appealing mediocrity. Lucas said that he wanted these movies to appeal to the 90's and George always has a lesson for the times. See, Luke wanted to be a big-shot. He tried to bite off more than he could chew, and only through learning temperance did he turn out okay. Luke had a very 80's kinda problem. So here comes the 90's, and apathy and middle-ground ideals rule. So how does all this new subjective Star Wars turn it all into the very easy to see bad vs. good in the original trilogy? The answer is that Lucas will use a character (maybe Palpatine)to bring this change about. I believe the story would be more effective if a politician was portrayed as a front for a greater evil. So Maul doesn't really have to strike down Jinn. Jinn might "accidentally" fall off a cliff or something! He might get knocked down that reactor shaft we saw in the trailer! Ol' Ben would get pissed when he saw Jinn fall and then he'd beat Maul. Sure Jinn's not slated to appear in 2 or 3, but Alec Guiness wasn't slated to appear in Empire or Jedi! Maybe it is a clone, I don't know! All I know is that it's way too predictable for the Emperor to be Sidious and for Jinn to die in the first movie like Obi-Wan did! I won't bet money on this, but it seems to be what a good screenwriter would do if he was faced with expectations and so many guesses. This guy's had 20 years to think about this plot. I'd like to think there's NO WAY that it could be so easy. Then again. I hope I'm not expecting so much that I won't be surprised by anything! Thanks Whill! (Source: Christopher Wimberley)


11/25/98: I think the reason that Darth Maul is around is not for the Queen, but to secretly begin the purge of the Jedi, under orders from Palpatine. So, he is chasing Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon, not Anakin. (Source: storm8)

One Dark Lord of the Sith vs. all the Jedi? Well, I know they have a bad-ass reputation, but I don't think they are that bad. Anyway, if you believe the rumors, Obi-Wan kills Maul at the end of the film, so that doesn't make him a very effective purge engine. However, the elimination of a Jedi as powerful (apparently) as Qui-Gon Jinn would definitely be beneficial to the Sith cause....WJ

Hi there, Nice site buddy! I was writing because I've been doing some speculation, and I think that Qui-Gon Jinn will return in Episode 2 or 3. Why?
Well, first of all, he might return in "Jedi ghost form" as an aide to Obi-Wan. After all, we had no idea that Ben Kenobi was going to re-appear on Hoth or on Dagobah. I was also writing to give my speculation on who Darth Sidious is.The first movie will make us believe that Palpatine is Darth Sidious, but I believe that Palpatine is really working for Darth Sidious. It becomes more and more apparent (especially from the trailer) that Obi-Wan and the Jedi council sense Anakin to be dangerous. I believe Qui-Gon Jinn wants Anakin to become a Jedi. I get this from the part of the trailer where Obi-Wan says to Qui-Gon, "The boy is dangerous, he can see things before they happen- They can see it, why can't you?" After something "happens" to Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan takes it upon himself to train Anakin out of respect for Qui-Gon Jinn's last wishes. Later, in Episode 2 or 3, we may see a mysterious return of Qui-Gon Jinn as, guess who? Darth Sidious.
Of course this would mean that the battles between Jinn and Maul would be kinda fake, but that would make some sense in the end. Well, it's just a guess! (Source: Christopher Wimberley)

Really excellent speculation, Christopher. Would we have heard about it yet if Liam Neeson was slated to appear in Ep 2 and 3? Better yet, could Lucas have already gotten his appearance for Ep 2 and/or 3 and stored it digitally? Hmmmm...
So let me get this straight... Qui-Gon Jinn goes out of his way to attempt to get Anakin trained as a Jedi. The irony in Kenobi's statement of, "they all can sense it, why can't you" when the council refuses to train Anakin is not lost on Jinn. Jinn senses it more than anyone, and he knows the council will refuse to train him. That is why he entrusts the training to his apprentice Obi-Wan. Jinn knows that Obi-Wan will carry out Jinn's last request if it kills him (almost will), but also knows Obi-Wan is not capable of handling the volatile Jedi. Later Jinn (as Darth Sidious) uses Palpatine to lure the powerful but unstable Jedi to the Dark Side. Maul was ordered to strike down Jinn's physical body so he could become one with the Force? He struck down a clone of Jinn? That part is harder to expalin. Also hard to expalin is who is being burned on the funeral pyre at the end of the film. If it is just Maul, then no problem, but if it is Jinn, that means he did not become one with the Force....WJ


Saw the trailer 3 times yesterday. The theater I saw it in had 2 screens each of MJB & TWB. My movie started at 5:00, and the WB started at 4:45. I sat in to watch the preview then went to MJB. There was virtually no one in sight, I kept hearing allot of shuffling..soon to learn that the mega geeks had been there since 12:00 noon moving from screen to screen. They saw a preview every 35 minutes or so...ridiculous! But I envy them nonetheless. Here are my thoughts. I thought the Jedi looked cool, especially Obi Wan. I liked the queen's garb. It looks weird, but that's Lucas. Guaranteed it will be the fashion statement next Halloween. As far as the CG go...I thought the scenery in Naboo looked great!!!! Jar Jar looked OK, and the battle droids looked like A Bug's Life. I'll be honest, I am very stressed out about the CG. Don't get me wrong, I was relatively impressed, but I expected the CG to be better. I would say that I am cautiously optimistic about the reception of this film. I am sure the 1st 2 weeks will be a smash, but it's those next few weeks that really count. On a scale of 1-10(10 being the highest) I rate what I saw as an 8.5. (Source: Tusken Boy)

The Jedi looked great. I agree. Ewan looks a lot like a young Alec Guiness, and his damn accent is perfect. I thought the Queen looked really wild, but it looked and felt right, believable within the exotic setting. Naboo was fantastic, ILM really has CG cities and cityscapes down beautifully. JarJar looks good, but I think they are still struggling with CG clothing. We only saw a flash of the Battle Droids, I am confident they will look better than current expectations. Bug's life? C'mon now... Compare the CG to every other bit of CG you have ever seen. I give it a 9.0 on your scale....WJ

We have seen only the beginning...Last night we downloaded the bootleg trailer and saw some on Entertainment Tonight tonight, but there are no words which could properly express what I felt upon seeing it. For lack of a better term, it is completely and utterly mind-blowing. If the movie is one iota as good as the trailer, May 21 will be the day that this planet has been waiting for for 15 years, if not longer...(Source: Sir Greedo [Matt and Brett])

It is clear now that not just the cyber-geeks of the online world, but the real live human world is totally infatuated with the Prequel as well. May 21, 1999 will be a day long remembered....WJ

There were 2-3 things that I noticed in the trailer that many have predicted but I did not see mention of... The first is the Millenium Falcon. I did not see it at all although many have predicted that it would show up in the next movies. I did not see it in the trailer. Maybe I just didn't look hard enough or it is going to be one of Lucas' surprises in the film. (or could it be that there are some wrong people out there?) I have noticed in many people's predictions of what is going to happen in the movie. They did not seem to mention the fact that the young queen, it seems, goes to Tatooine and picks up the young boy with the other Jedi. Another thing that seemed to slip by all of the experts.Although young girls do seem to mature more quickly than older boys, it also seems that the young queen is older than little Anakin. I would have given into this - willing suspense of disbelief and all - but it seems that she resembles Anakin's mother a lot. Now, this might be coincidence, or it could be a reflection of Oedipal conflict that we might see in the future. Or is the young queen actually related to Anakin in some way - that just might be too freaky for all of the world to take. (Just a little tip for you people trying to figure out what might be going on in the rest of the story).It seems to me that the new movie is going to follow the same plot as the first Star Wars - not that it is a bad thing, but that is the feeling that I am getting. I expected it to be a lot more "film noir" but I did not get that feeling at all from the trailer. In fact, I think that this movie is going to be a lot more Hollywood than people predicted. But with a big time budget and the power of Lucasfilm, I would expect nothing less.I liked the trailer and I know that you did also.
Saw the Waterboy also and how could you not help from laughing. To the idiots in front of the in the theater who paid $7.50 for a ticket to the thing and left after a minute long trailer - I think that you need to get in touch with reality. And while I am at it, how about some shameless promotion...come and visit my site at "https://members.tripod.com/EFaust/germannavy.htm"(Source: EFaust)

Many have been predicting the Millenium Falcon, but not I. Not yet, anyway, I feel it will show up in Ep2 or 3. Lately most fans have come to accept that the Queen (or Padme) will be seen on Tatooine, but originally that was overlooked. The Queen is reported to be about 14 and Anakin about 9 in the first film,. Episode 2 will take place 10 years in the future, so that puts the Queen at 24 and Anakin at 19...plausible enough for young love. Oedipal conflict? I think you are psycho-analyzing a little too far here...I am fairly sure there is nothing like that. It seems like everyone in the Star Wars universe is already related, anyway. the movie is intended to be in the same vein as ANH; it will be a heroic tale and will introduce the characters of the larger story. Expect EP 2 and especially EP 3 to be very dark. I agree that is is really a geek hallmark to pay big bucks for a feature film, then leave after the trailer, but to each geek his own. by the way, EFaust has one of the best and most interesting sites about World War Two I have ever see -not SW related, but hey, it's not the only thing in the world (is it?)....WJ

11/15/98: I must give congrats for the site mate.Your spectuation was interesting to say the least. It was some of the best I'd read especially the bit about the past of Palpatine and Obi-Wan. Will Naboo be a capital type planet. The first impressions were [that] it would [be] a hot, humid swampy world. What characters do you think will make cameos in the films? Keep up the good effort. (Source: W.L. Guri)

Thanks for the compliment. Naboo does not seem to have the wherewithal to be a capital-type planet (like Coruscant). As far as we know it is an ancient planetary body, so ancient that the imperial planetoligists cannot figure out it's odd internal honeycomb structure, as it is completely unique in the galaxy. The planet is sparsely populated, one race being the human Naboo, and the other being the Gungans. The two main cities 'on' the planet are Theed and Oota Gunga, the latter of the two being subsurface. The planet has a long tradition of Royal government, which is now viewed as a symbol of the glorious past of the Republic.
I feel confidant we will see Boba Fett in Episode 2, and perhaps Grand Moff Tarkin as well. I think we can expect to see Mon Mothma, Bail Organa, and possibly Chewbacca in Episode 2 and Han and baby Luke and Leia in Episode 3. I think that Grand Admiral Thrawn from the Zahn books may appear, as well as Mara Jade due to the popularity of the two characters. The Millenium Falcon? I would say it's gonna show up....WJ


What's up? I read your revised storyline and I like it. If my read is correct, it sounds like this new trilogy is going to have a much tighter and maybe even better storyline. I am not crazy about Darth Maul however. He sounds like one of Batman's enemies, constantly trying to kill the goodies, but no real soul to the character. I guess we'll see. And any religious overtone is surely to draw cries the Catholic Church, but that can actually be a good thing. Nov 20 looks like the big day. Afterwards, I am guessing the official site will begin to update to show new pics, characters, locations, etc, etc. This should be an interesting month. Nov 20 is 6 months from the release date, not that there is any significance, but I point it out anyway. Later (Source: Tusken Boy)

Thanks again TB, I am continually streamlining and updating the storyline as we move along, so check it often for any new bits. I kind of like the concept of Darth Maul, but I get what you are saying. If he is such a mean mofo he shouldn't be chasing around all over the galaxy. There are several 'religious overtone' issues having come up: rumor of a virgin birth, messianic themes, and well...Darth Maul does look rather Devil-like...
I really didn't think about the 6 month before release thing, but I feel that it is significant. Godzilla started a year before release and it was a big disappointment (have not yet seen it), so Lucas is starting to advertise the (arguably) biggest movie of all time a lot closer to the release date. Smart? I think so. Do you find it as interesting as I that certain characters have tons of info available about them, but others have barely any (i.e., Liam Neeson's character, Darth Maul, the 'Nimoudians'...) Once again, thanks for the feedback, and tell me how you like the trailer when you see it....WJ


10/30/98: Dear Sir, I am a fan of the Nerf-Herder site, having used it for several weeks as a starting point for my SW surfing. Upon my arrival this morning, I read his notice, and retraction of his behaviour having stolen your material. He has since given you credit and a new link to your site. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive Mr. Jennings. I will not attempt to apologize for him, nor will I attempt to ease your anger, or disgust; what he did was reprehensible. However, in the spirit of Star Wars Fandom, and the unity that we all find through the genre, it is my hope that the sites can exist in harmony. I must say that I did, in fact, enjoy your site. Your graphics are slick, very well formatted to the text, and not overdone (i.e., size, and content). I especially like the simplicity of your background... it somehow catches the essence of a certain desert planet, without overdoing it. :-) I enjoyed the information you provided in your "Logic" section, though it starts off slightly confusing. Perhaps a summary or a brief explanation of the purpose of that page would help. Please keep up the excellent work! :-) (Source: Gabe Luebben)

I have accepted Mr. Jennings apology. Thank you for your criticism. I am glad that you noticed the 'sandy' BG... I will work to make the Logic section a little more... logical....WJ

I read several prequel sites weekly: WJ, TFN, T-Bone Fender, Darkside Prequels, AICN and Prequel watch. Yours is by far the best one. You are the only one who seems to have a well grounded sense of reality. Rumors are rumors and nothing more...you seem to be the only one able to grasp that rather simple concept. I am not crazy about your opening scroll , but you get an A- nonetheless in my book. As far as that thief Jennings(sp?) goes, if you want I will personally kick his @ss for you. I won't be doing it because he is stealing from a quality site, but rather because he is so stupid. I have cheated once or twice during my academic career, but I changed the words, the presentation, the color of the ink. This idiot didn't even think to change the font. Doy?? I'll b!tch slap him all the way back to my hometown of Philadelphia!!! That b@st@rd!!!  (Source: Tusken Boy)

Thanks for the compliment as usual, TB. I have accepted his apology, no need for fisticuffs... I am revamping the storyline on my Fiction page and the scroll will be revamped along with it....WJ


10/25/98: I did it! I read the Dark Horizons page and I was blown away. I could hear the loud sounds of explosions, Obi-Wan's lightsaber brushed close to my cheek and the smell from Mos Espa gagged me. Then I sat back and thought...this is a fake. Here's why:
1.) The last paragraph said something about the credits bar being from the original Star Wars, i.e. had Harrison Ford's name, etc. The article then spells each TPM character's name. Where were the names given? Inconsistent!
2.) The trailer is usually a collage of scenes from the film. Why were some of the scenes not completed, i.e. CG were to be inserted? Who the hell puts together a trailer with missing fx? Scenes described could be those shown to Fox big wigs...
3.) Why not give us the name of the new movie? To preserve George's rights? Come on. Any fool can list the scenes you described (granted it was presented very well) and then cap it off with a new rumor. This is a joke.
4.) Read it 5 times. Except the dialogue, this sounds like a culmination of all of the rumors since 1995. The only new thing is the Star Wars scroll font. Wow,that's huge news!!!!!!!
I read this site only because it's author does not pretend to know what the flick will be like, rather he/she just gives us facts and from them has developed some possible ideas. I have had it with those other sites!!! Damn them all to hell!!! (Source: Sam Neil)

I am feeling the same reservations about the 'trailer' at Dark Horizons. I think it a fake also. I mean, is there anything in that description that we have not already heard? I am very confident in my abilities as a writer to create my own idea of a trailer which would be even better than the description at DH. It is not that hard. In fact I may do just that, but I will not pretend it is the real thing. I agree with every point you listed above. Why would this source not release the 'actual title' when they are obviously so willing to spill the beans on the top secret trailer? It can be frustrating to hear all this fake stuff over and over, but just keep faith a little longer. Of course, then all the fake rumors will start for Episode Two....WJ


10/20/98: I hate to do this on your site, but I have nowhere else to go. I hate AICN!! Harry Knowles is a big loser and is full of it. About a month ago I thought that 25% of the rumors floating out there had some element of truth. Now I believe nothing. No one with any credentials has read "the script" and no one will. Disappointed, UO (Source: Uncle Owen)

Many people have been screaming about Mr. Knowles for a while now. I do not know what to say. He has many connections inside and outside of the film industry. A lot of prequel rumors on his site in the beginning of the year were basically garbage, but more recently, he did scoop everyone on the news of a new Dolby/THX sound system. Do I think he saw 'the script'? No. Do I think he saw 'a script'? Yes.
What you can believe unequivocally is everything on my Fact page. This information is without dispute what we really know aboutThe Phantom Menace so far....WJ


10/18/98: Did you see those pictures on Sir Steve's site? Pretty cool stuff!! Although I am psyched beyond belief for this film I have a list of rumors that stress me out: 1.) Gungans: They seem to serve the same role Ewoks. Dumb, dumb, dumb 2.) Virgin Birth: Too much of a religious tone. 3.) Jabba the Hutt: There are so many more interesting characters Lucas could develop, why go back to this slob??!! I may be over-reacting, but if any of these rumors are true I may not be able to get through the rest of the story. kind of like in "...Private Ryan" when I saw Ted Danson. I said "Ted Danson?" What the hell has he done lately...Gulliver's Travels...? Then the next thing I knew I began to think about who I would have cast in that role. 25 minutes went by before I became involved with the actual story again. I like your story line, though I think only Kenobi will be sent to Naboo at the outset...to be joined by his pal played by Neeson. (Source: Prince of Egypt)

Yes, most definitely I have seen those pictures, you cannot swing a dead cat without some site yelling about Sir Steve's guide as if they scored some information coup or something. The pictures are very cool, and very significant in that they are the first actual production shots of the characters. The Gungans are playing a similar role to the Ewoks, but are more in line with the role the Wookies were going to play in the original version of the screenplays. Lucas wanted to have a huge Wookie battle-force crush the Death Star, but he compromised and the Ewoks are the result. Don't expect the Gungans to be too cute -they will actually be a little frightening to little kids but will also add some comic relief. The jury is still out on the virgin birth rumor, and I really cannot address that issue, but I do tend to agree that it is unnecessary. Jabba is obviously a very important character in Lucas's vision, since he was mentioned in all 3 original movies, was digitally inserted into ANH, and will be in TPM. Jabba is an interesting character, and you can expect him to be skinnier and a little less disgusting (but not much) in Phantom Menace. There will be some things which fans won't like of course, but rest assured -you will know you are watching Star Wars. There will be so much going on visually that you will probably need to see the film a couple times anyway, just to take the whole experience in. Thanks for the compliment on my story treatment, it will be updated again soon with some more refinements....WJ

Q: will there be any t&a in the new movie and what's the latest on the potty humor possibilities or it that below Lucas standards? (Source: Marco)

There was some crazy rumor that Natalie Portman was going to do a nude scene in one of the Prequels, but that is absurd as Star Wars is well-known for its puerile treatment of sex. The most we ever got was a couple good kisses out of Han and Leia in ESB. Potty humor potential is there, especially when one considers a few scenes in ROTJ where several creatures burp and belch. I personally would be rather interested in a scene where Natalie Portman is sitting on her throne in a thong bikini eating gorditas and...nevermind....WJ


10/13/98: I may be discussing old news, but I was watching ESB last night and a scene caught my attention. After coming out of that giant water tank, Luke is consoled by Han Solo. Han says something to the effect :"...you look strong enough to pull the ears off a Gungar..." Is this how the Gungan thing got started? (Source: Prince of Egypt)

The scene you are referring to is in the medical center recovery room in Echo Base on Hoth. Han says, "How you feeling, kid? You don't look so bad to me. In fact, you look strong enough to pull the ears off a gundark."
According to the Behind The Magic CD, the gundark is: "A wild four-armed anthropoid. Gundarks grow to about 1.5 meters high and are known for their fearlessness and strength. The species has given the galaxy the phrase, "You look like you could pull the ears off a gundark," which means that an individual appears healthy and strong."
So it would appear that gundarks and gungans are two separate species....WJ


10/04/98: Thanks for responding to my question on the midi-chlorian(sp?) levels. I understand what you are saying, but I still think it is a rather dumb idea for GL to put this into the story. SW is the 4th film in a series of 6(or 9 depending on how long GL lives. And in SW we only hear about the Force, and it is this mystical thing that we are not meant to understand. To have the 1st film divulge things that were obviously vague in the 4th film seems like a terrible idea, even more it disrupts the nature of the story. If blood is taken I hope it is to see if Anakin is the off-spring of some central character. Next let me say that I enjoy your storyline very much. I have a few suggestions/comments/rumors that you may be interested in....
1.) Since the Jedi are likely to be involved with a scheme to free slaves on Tatooine, then it might be good spot for GL to insert a young Boba Fett, i.e. a friend of Anakin. Maybe the slave-ring bust will result in many unfortunate deaths, Shmi Skywalker and Boba Fett's parents, just to name a few. This decision made by Qui-Gon will have many repercussions as we will see. Fett will see the Clone Wars as his time to seek revenge on the cursed Jedi, who killed his family. Since the Mandalorian were defeated by the Jedi in ancient times it makes sense that Mandalorian's will not be involved in the Clone Wars, i.e. they're all dead! Except for some who escaped their purge. The Clone Wars will be viewed by Fett as his chance to get revenge on the Jedi, who have twice ruined his life. This would also help to explain his rather close alliance with Jabba the Hutt.
2.) C3PO shows up nowhere in your story. Not that this is a big deal, but GL has said that the SW saga is about the droids, i.e. it's their story. I theorize that C3PO is created by the Gungan. In fact, we will see him just "out of the oven" so to speak . His form of communication will solely be Gunganese. This may also explain the rather conspicuous absence of Anthony Daniel's name from the cast members. He will be presented to Qui-Gon Jinn as a gift and will be left at the palace until the end of the film. In addition, his form will be quite different from the golden one we know of, rather he will be very light in construction and almost transparent (one of GL's biggest tasks in this film will to make 3PO look like he is with the rest of the cast o screen). He will sustain some damage through the course of the Battle of Theed and will be partially brought to his SW form, except for the color.
3.) Obi-Wan: Will be the star/hero of this story. Just some food for thought...(Source: Tusken Boy)

Well, as you may or may not know, the mainstream view of Boba Fett is that he was Jaster Mareel, Journeyman Protector of a planet named Concord Dawn. It is said that he was not Mandalorian but wears their armor. George Lucas , of course, reserves the right to do whatever he wants with this character, but he demonstrated his willingness to use outside influences in his movies (i.e. Dash Rendar's Outrider in ANH: SE, and the name Coruscant). We do know, however, that Fett will not make an appearance until Episode Two; he will be an important character. I am not sure it is clear if Fett has a particular hatred for Jedi, I think that has just been assumed. The Star Wars Saga is about the rise, fall, and redemption of Anakin Skywalker, but it is supposedly told from the droid's point of view. I have not included C3PO in my script treatment yet because I have not decided on a fitting introduction. I have a feeling we will see him programming binary load-lifters somewhere... It would probably be pretty logical for Bail Organa to have need of an interpreter and a protocol droid, but the young queen would need one also. Are you sure Obi-Wan will be the hero? This film is not as clear-cut as ANH; there are many potential heroes. Frankly I agree with you, and you are probably hinting about my having Maul take his own life in my story treatment. Yes, it would be more satisfying for Kenobi to have killed him, but I think my version works better on a couple levels. It would be a mistake to de-mystify The Force, but let's put our faith in George. After all, he hasn't disappointed us yet (except for those damn Ewoks)....WJ  


09/27/98: What is the deal with the blood samples. I have seen this rumor several times and several different sites. It scares me!! I fear that the whole story, the Force, will be ruined with Lucas' tying the Jedi's powers to midi-chlorian (sp?) counts. What are your thoughts...??? (Source: Tusken Boy)

I think the whole midi-chlorian thing, should it prove true, will be handled in such a fashion as to maintain the mystical element of the Force. Midi-chlorian levels in the blood may be a measure of Force potential. There is obviously a genetic link for individuals who can master the power ("the Force is strong in my family", etc.), so that means some people can wield the Force more effectively than others. If that is the case, being able to measure this difference in the bloodstream somehow is not all that far-fetched....WJ


09/20/98: Maybe Anakin's father is Palpatine. Political figures throughout history have often fathered illegitimate children, and then tried to stash them away in some remote location (Tatooine?). If that was the case with Anakin, it would mean that Vader trying to recruit Luke to "rule the galaxy as father and son" would be a continuation of some sick, twisted family tradition.. (Source: storm8)

That is a good thought. I thought maybe Palpatine was Obi-Wan's father due to the "connection" listed on the official site. It is necessary to come up with a reason for Anakin having a 'famous father' while living in seeming poverty. There are several ways it can be explained:

  • His father is 'good' (i.e. Qui-Gon Jinn/ Kane Skywalker) and is not aware of his existence
  • His father is 'bad' (Darth Maul/ Darth Sidious/ Palpatine) and stuck him there
  • He is the result of some mysterious 'virgin birth'
  • His father is of no damn importance whatsoever


09/18/98: Hey Slick Whilly, I like your site! Pretty cool! I was wondering if you were up to adding a link to your links, or sites like mine section. This is my prequel page...http://www.execpc.com/~zerob/Dagobah.html Thanks! May the force be with you! (Source: JediMaster Yoda)

Slick Whilly? Never thought I'd hear that one. I am more than happy if anyone would like to link me to their page, and all you have to do is ask me and I'll be glad to link you on mine....WJ


09/13/98: I have read your website and I find it very interesting. I do have one speculation that goes beyond Episode 1. I was wondering if there have been any similar rumors running around:The biggest problem I see the creators of the trilogy having to face is how to turn the hero into the bad guy. Anakin will obviously be the star of the first two movies, but we all know that he will have to turn to the darkside. So how are Lucas and his compatriots going to do this without pissing everyone off? This would be like having Luke agree to join the Emperor in Return of the Jedi. Since the Clone Wars are supposedly the theme of Episode II (we know that Obi Wan was a general in them and that Anakin was a superb pilot who fought in them), clones will be involved. What if there was a clone of Anakin that was corrupted by Palpatine or another Dark Jedi (like the rumored Darth Maul). The real Anakin and clone could fight it out, with the clone winning but with the hero of the first two movies being allowed to die honorably rather than becoming evil. This would also help Ben Kenobi's original statement of Darth Vader killing Luke's father. It's a little far fetched, I know, but I was just wondering whether there were any rumors on how to turn the hero into the villain. (Source: Ben Oakes)

I think the most logical way for Lucas and company to show Anakin's turn to the Darkside is to show events in his life that may have left him susceptible. Anakin is meant as a tragic figure, a man starting out good but due to circumstance being bent into a twisted and evil shadow of his true self. His separation from his mother is a potential source of anger, as well as the possible identity of his true father. Another plot point which has been speculated about quite frequently is a possible love affair between Obi-Wan and Anakin's wife Amidala. But most assuredly, The Emperor has the most to do with his fateful turn. A clone of Anakin by the name of Vader killing the original Anakin is a very very interesting bit of speculation. It has been mentioned before, but usually dismissed. No one truly knows what the Clone Wars are about, but as far as I know it goes something like this:

Palpatine gets his hands on the DNA of an ancient (now extinct) race of super-warriors known as the Mandalorians. Using cloning technology developed by his home planet Naboo (in an attempt to correct a genetic flaw) he clones an army of super-commandos and lets them loose against Republic targets to draw the Jedi out into battle. This serves the Senator in several ways. In one fell swoop Palpatine:

  • starts a war which makes the current leaders of the Republic look weak and ineffectual
  • kills many Jedi
  • promises to lead Republic forces to victory if given the chance
  • since he is in control of the Mandalorian forces and many Sith forces, he orchestrates a victory thereby getting himself elected Chancellor of the Galactic Senate
  • declares martial law throughout the galaxy and takes direct control of the military
  • sparks the idea of cloning Jedi (which he knows the Jedi will refuse) turning public opinion against the order

The rest, as they say, is history. The real question is how he gets his claws into Anakin. Most likely through lies and subterfuge he confuses Anakin into becoming his servant....WJ


08/31/98: Not bad... Been a SW fan since Ep. IV opened way back in May of 77 (yeah, I'm a ancient jedi, so what...) Anyway, been "surfin" just as long and been to some pretty cheezie SW sites. You guys (and/or gals), have done a fantastic job on this site. I will visit more often and hope to contribute to the very informative information and discussions. See ya soon, and May The Force Be With You...(Source: Vladimirr Palpatine)

Thank you very much for the compliment and I look forward to your commentary in the future. To set the record straight, it is just one person, me, that runs this site and I have no help. Hell, this is my first website!....WJ


08/25/98: I liked your site! Here are some rumors I have heard recently about the new SW movies:- Boba Fett will be in episode 2 and 3 (fighting in the clone wars)- Anakin's Mother will not be "KILLED", rather, she "martyrs" herself so that Anakin can make an escape (from who or what - He wouldn't say)- Anakin's mother will be a virgin! (COOL)- The title of the 3 films has NOT been decided on - originally, the first movie was thought to be called "The Journal of the Whills"- The Clone Wars has nothing to do with cloning - They were two wars - very similar in politics and tactics, thus called the "clone wars"- The rumor about Boba Fett being Female is incorrect. I can't reveal my source of these rumors, but he INSISTS that these rumors are accurate. I will say that he's been spending a lot of time in England lately..
(Source: rbullock@cgocable.com).

Thanks for the compliment. You have some pretty interesting theories. I am most intrigued by the one about Shmi 'martyring' herself. That seems to just sound right to me. I think GL may have a tough time selling the concept of a virgin birth to mainstream America. I feel that he could just as easily tell the story without risking Christian action groups screaming about blasphemy....WJ


07/29/98: I think you make pretty good sense. I haven't really delved into this subject that much. I wouldn't know why anyone would be pissed at you for piecing things together. Oh well, it's a strange world. Sorry, no hypothesis from me. George changes his mind a lot about some things (ex. wookies = ewoks?) but that doesn't mean we can't have fun piecing things together with what's already out there. (Source: porthaswell@msn.com)

Thanks. I like to think I make sense too, but what the hell do I know? It is hard to tell why anybody would get pissed at me, but the fact is that some of the people out there who run some of these sites are jerks. I have no idea why a couple of them are so catty, but it seems like they want everyone to believe that they are somehow more creative than GL. Also, there are all these so -called "insiders". Hmmmmm... something about that is just too much for me to swallow....WJ


07/19/98: It would be pretty spectacular if Solo shows up in someway or another. What about Jabba the Hutt? a forgotten Character in the new movies? Or are we going to find out how he got to where he is - his rise to power would not have been so quick - and maybe he has a tie to the Empire's rise to power and domination of Tatooine - but as Luke said "If there's a bright centre of the universe, you are the farthest point from it" -ANH (Luketo C-3PO) or something to that effect. We do not see a strong Imperial presence on the planet in any movie - during the search for the Droids there is, but that seems to be a deployment from Vader's Battlegroup and the Stormtroopers seem ill equipped for Desert Warfare. Now whether this was something that Lucas overlooked just because he wanted the moviegoer to see the Stormtrooper and get used to the ominous look or it was meant to be that way with Stormtroopers out of place on a planet that the Empire knows little about. We see a different stormtrooper in Jedi - one that is more suited for the forest warfare of Endor with a lighter uniform and makes him more agile to ride the speeder bikes and chase little furry creatures that might threaten the Deflector shield. With all of the resources of the Empire, you would think that they had a little better equipment for desert Warfare - Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker is from the planet and would know the conditions here. If it is true that Lucas was just trying to get the audience adapted to the menacing Stormtrooper and was on a short budget, then my theory is wrong. If I am right and the Stormtroopers are meant to look out of place on the hostile Dessert planet, then it is most likely that the planet is run by a Mafia-type gangster (i.e. Jabba the Hutt) and that the Empire does not care to have control of the planet - can you imagine an Empire that does not want to crack down on Smuggling and lets a place like Mos Eisly exist? That is far from the order of the Empire - something that Palpatine does seem to want. I think that we are going to see a Character that rules Tatooine and maybe a story of the rise of Jabba the Hutt as a subplot in the new Trilogy. Also, I do not see it being that far from possibility that we see Han Solo and Lando in roles too. The site is cool keep it coming  Later, EFaust   PS -  it is also thought provoking I think to see the little subplots that are going to be in the movies - along with the main story of the fall from good of Anakin Skywalker. (Source: EFaust1)

Thanks for the input EFaust. I like when people like you think about some of the more political aspects of what may occur in the prequels. After all, GL said that they were going to be more epic dramas then action movies, and politics is a worthy topic for a drama. I am fairly confident we will see Jabba in at least one of the movies (probably Ep. 1) but who knows how many he willl be in. Just how powerful is/was Jabba? Well...pretty powerful. He was an extremely wealthy fat slug who had his hands in smuggling, slavery, and all sorts of bad things that the Empire should be interested in. The stormtroopers do have different armor for different environments, I think that it was some thing that GL never really considered until the go ahead for the rest of the films was given. If the Emipre returned to Tatooine I think we would have seen a "Sandtrooper" they could have made into a really cool action figure. I hope we do find out why a crime lord like Jabba is allowed to thrive under the "order-frenzied" Empire. Maybe he was secretly an ally of Palpatine....WJ


07/15/98: I saw the address for this site on Dark Side prequel Rumours. This is pretty cool. A lot of your ideas seem VERY intruiging. I look forward to coming back to this site in the future. I am also looking forward to seeing those rumours from the magazine about Empire and Jedi. The ones you mentioned seemed kinda interesting. It would be cool if some of your speculations ended up in the movie. Then again, it would ruin the movie for anyone who comes here. But that wouldn't make it a bad movie! I like the countdown too. Good job with the page. Keep it coming! You should post theories that you get from visitors and comment on them. That would be kewl. I think Boba Fett will be appearing unmasked as Jaster Mareel at some point. He just has to. And I think, since Leia and Luke are born at the end of Ep 3 (supposedly), and since Han is 11 years older in ANH, that could mean that a young Han could have som e sort of guest appearance in Ep 3. Maybe they'll show him staring in amazement at the Stormtroopers. I hope the whole prequel trilogy doesn't just focus on the Skywalkers. Han Solo and Lando Calrissian sholud have some part, although they would be young. They should clear up some of the questions that are brought up, such as how does Han Solo first start working for Jabba in the first place. George Lucas should read the han Solo Trilogy by AC Crispin for help with stuff like that. Although George himself didn't create the story, it is an excellent story. But then they would have to make an ep 3 and a half. Or maybe, Han Solo, the Lost Tales from the Journal Of the Whills. That would ROCK!!! Later on (Source: XXX)

Thanks for the compliment and your comments. I agree with you that the 'unmasked' Fett will most likely appear, but I am curious as to what role he really plays. I am not one of those 'I love Boba Fett' people, though I do think he/she is cool. It is my gut feeling that George Lucas wrote Fett into the Prequel storyline after the overwhelming fan response. Seemed to me Lucas just wanted a real hard-core bounty hunter; then again he did add him into scenes in the special editions.... As for the idea of other characters appearing as youngsters in Ep. 3, I guess it is theoretically possible (agewise), but would kinda make for a 'small universe', don't you think?....WJ

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