"And in the time of greatest despair there shall come a savior and he shall be known as: THE SON OF THE SUN"
("Journal of the Whills," 3:12)
This is the final posting (07/24/00) at The Whill Journal: Special Edition. All further updates through Episodes 2 and 3 will be at www.whilljournal.com

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Any idea why Episode I states that there can only be two Sith at one time? To me this seems not only limiting, but in conflict with the past movies.  If there can only be two, then why would Vader and Palpatine speak about turning Luke freely?  One would think this would only bring conflict.

George Lucas obviously had a lot of time to think about this particular "rule", and I think it fits in nicely with the rest of the films. Palpatine and Vader were the two Sith Lords, and you are absolutely correct that Luke's introduction would bring conflict.

The Emperor is definitely a creature of opportunity; remember he initially ordered Vader to kill Luke outright. It was Vader who suggested that the boy be turned, and The Emperor immediately used this to his advantage. Vader and The Emperor didn't exactly have the most trusting relationship. In fact, if you read the novels the primary feeling Vader had for The Emperor was "terror". Vader had ambition, he wanted to be what The Emperor was. He knew the Emperor knew this, and The Emperor knew he knew this -it was all a veiled and deliberate dance.

Vader intended to rule the galaxy with Luke as father and son, Master and Apprentice, from the start, while The Emperor sought a possible new apprentice, even more powerful than the ageing Vader. Conflict? You bet. Luke felt it too: "I feel the conflict within you".  WJ


First of all this is an awesome sight.  I have a few questions for you:

1. Is Bail Antilles mentioned in Episode 1 the same person as Leia's adopted father Bail Organa, if so, why the name change?

2. Why is it that Maul's lightsaber could not penetrate the red "electron shield"?  Light sabers can penetrate metal made from protons, neutrons, and electrons.  Why not just electrons?

3. Have you found Aura Sing in Episode one anywhere?

I would like to mention a few ideas a friend and I had on your comments regarding episode 2 and Anakin's relationship to Owen.

Owen Lars is Obi Wan's brother, not Anakin's.  The links you have alleged between the two still hold merit despite the fact that Anakin and Owen were not related.  However recall Obi Wan's words to Luke in episode 1

"When you were old enough", Kenobi was saying, "your father wanted you to have this..."

SW: ANH novel

"Your father wanted you to have this when you were old enough."

SW: ANH movie

In both cases Kenobi is suggesting that Anakin wanted Luke to have his lightsaber.  At this point without the knowledge that Vader and Anakin are one and the same the reader would logically conclude that Anakin told Ben at some point to give his lightsaber to his son, should anything happen to him.

However, we know that when Anakin "left" he did not know his wife was pregnant.  We also know that Vader never saw Luke before episode 1.  It stands to reason that Anakin never said anything to Ben about giving Luke his lightsaber.  Ben was making that up just like he made up the whole Vader murdering Anakin thing. 

If this can be swallowed, I would venture to say that when Ben mentioned things like, "your uncle didn't hold with your father's ideals", Ben was really saying that Owen did not hold with Ben's ideals.  It is further unlikely that Anakin stayed on Tatooine to become a farmer.  First of all, Anakin craved a different life.  Also once trained as a Jedi I don't see Anakin shirking that responsibility.

I hope what I have said makes sense.  Please respond back if something is unclear.
Philip Jackson

First off, thanks for the compliment, I try my best to make this an interesting site. Concerning your questions:

1. Concerning Bail Antilles... I haven't found any evidence that Bail Organa and Bail Antilles are the same person. This doesn't mean it isn't possible though.

2. Concerning the lightsaber... you need to basically forget about science when dealing with Star Wars. One could make the argument that a lightsaber cannot penetrate another lightsaber, and that blaster bolts are deflected by a lightsaber, so "energy" in the SW universe works in strange and often inexplicable ways.

3. Aura Sing appears for approximately two seconds during the Pod Race sequence. She is on a bluff overlooking the race.

I am certainly aware that Owen Lars and Obi-Wan Kenobi are supposed to be brothers. Actually we can assume one of two things: your first theory which is that Anakin did in fact ask Obi-Wan to give his son his saber in case anything should happen. Or Obi-Wan (Ben) decided to take this upon himself as something he thought Anakin would have wanted.

We don't necessarily know if Vader was unaware that he had a son. He definitely was unaware he had a daughter, so Anakin may have possibly known his wife was pregnant before he became Vader, but might not have known she was carrying twins.

That being said, we have these possibilities:

- Anakin said at some point before he ever had kids that if he ever had a son and something happened to him, he wanted Obi-Wan to give his (yet to be conceived son) his saber

- Anakin knew he was going to have a child, and said the same as above, but never knew there were twins

- Ben made the whole damn thing up

I tend to agree with you that Anakin never actually said to Ben to give his son his saber if anything ever happened to him. I think that was just wishful thinking and a dutiful white lie. I still am not convinced that he made the whole thing up about Owen. It is very specific, especially in the novel. I understand what you are saying though, and you might very well turn out to be right.

We shall see!  WJ


Hi, Great site! Is it not possible that Anakin Skywalker and Owen Lars never met each other and what Obi-wan told Luke about their disagreements was part of the cover story (or "point of view") that Obi-wan created until he felt Luke was ready to know the truth about his family? thanks 
Jesse Garden

Hmm... It sounds like you and Philip have been comparing notes...

I never really thought that the whole Anakin/Owen thing was one of dirty old Ben's tricks until recently, since it's now been brought up several times. I think it would be a waste of some creative plot to simply throw this relationship out as one of Ben's famous "points of view", but the old bugger certainly does seem to have earned himself a reputation, now, hasn't he?  WJ


Hey, so I'm wondering where I can find reference to the Journal of the Whills.  In any of the screenplays?  Do you know what websites have these materials available? Thanks, 

The Journal of the Whills is a fictional book that exists only in the mind of George Lucas. It appeared in some of the earlier drafts of Star Wars: A New Hope and was essentially a history book that told the events from The Phantom Menace to Return Of The Jedi in the form of a flashback. The only place the name appears now is in the prologue of the novel A New HopeWJ


I know the relationship between Senator Palpatine and Darth Sidious. I have been
researching this for a very long time and I will present all my evidence on a website soon.

My first piece of evidence is:

1) Sidious is not Senator Palpatine.

Check pages 318-323 in Terry Brooks’ Novel “The Phantom Menace”

Chancellor Palpatine is at Qui-Gon’s Funeral on Naboo,
This cuts to Darth Sidious on Coruscant,
And then cuts to the Celebrations on Naboo the next day, with Palpatine present.

I doubt that Palpatine would fly all the way back to Coruscant for the night to be Darth

What do you think? Is this valid enough to say Darth Sidious is another person?
I have a lot more evidence if you think it isn’t. I’ll tell you who Sidious really is after I
tell you all the evidence that persists.
Darth Cansanii.

Well, you have a pretty decent piece of evidence for your theory, and I don't necessarily disagree... However, if you read those particular pages carefully, it never mentions Darth Sidious is over looking the city on Coruscant. That seems to be the implication, but he very well may have stood alone on a balcony overlooking the twinkling lights of the city of Theed...

Just some food for thought...  WJ


Hi! I've written a couple of times before. Just dropped back in to say this is still the best SW site I've found on the web! Its awesome! I especially enjoyed catching up with the fan fiction. Maul's story rocks, and as for AEONS, personally I think if it was published, it would be far and away the best 'extended universe' book around.- You're right not to have read any of the others, they absolutely SUCK!! 

Incidentally I'm writing a version of the Ep. II screenplay (minus things like Jar-Jar and cheesy 2-headed Simpsons-style race commentators). Its mainly based on your background. I'd be interested to see what you think of it when I get through.- Its DARK!! Here's another question, kind of out of the way, but hey.- It seems to me the 'Journal of the Whills' idea is just completely lifted from the introductory opening narratives of James Herbert's 'Dune' and Asimov's 'Foundation' series. In fact I think these two books seem to be the inspiration, in fact maybe the basis of much of Lucas's whole 'background universe'. (Asimov's 'Imperial Trantor' city-planet for example is obviously where Lucas got the idea for 'Imperial Coruscant'.) I wondered what you thought about this subject? 

Keep up the fantastic site,- I'll definitely be keeping up with it!!

Of course I remember you, thanks for staying with the site! And for the compliments, I truly appreciate them.

I am happy that you liked my Maul story, but if you would, please take the time to email the author, Dave Mueller about his great story Aeons, and let him know you linked to it from my site.

I think it's fantastic that you're working on an SW2 screenplay -so am I. I find it very flattering that you are basing it on a lot of my stuff, but believe it or not, I haven't really begun to put out a lot of my theories yet on SW2 -that will be coming in the next few months. If you ever saw my old site you would see how in depth I got with TPM.

I agree with you that Lucas "borrowed" a lot of stuff from Dune. In fact, Frank Herbert considered suing Lucas for a while. I think that the author Timothy Zahn actually came up with most of the conceptual stuff for Coruscant, but the link is there nonetheless.

Please keep me informed about your SW2 screenplay, perhaps we can compare notes. I will be publishing my outline, or treatment soon, followed by the complete screenplay. A lot of work but a lot of fun too!  WJ



Ok...I can buy the fact that the droids have their memories erased and that is why they don't remember Obi-Wan in SW-ANH...but...in the movie SW-ANH, Obi-Wan has NO recollection of R2D2 or C3PO at all.  How is that explained?  I believe the line is, "I don't seem to remember ever owning a droid." Any ideas or rumors?
Thanks, Mike (oh...by the way...great site!)

Well, he isn't lying, is he? He just said he didn't remember owning a droid. He didn't mention anything about them other than that. Obi-Wan (in his old age) definitely had a unique (or should I say oblique?) way with words.  WJ


Your wisdom is "Jedi Council" worthy. I'm sure you won't mind more fodder in the future. Nice talking with you. Are you familiar with SW CCG? I'll surely send you some new ideas in the future.
Thanks, savage

Well, thanks! That certainly is a compliment in the SW universe! Please feel free to email with any thoughts or ideas you might have!   WJ


I am sure your thoughts on Boba Fett are well documented within the archives of your site, but I'm lazy and would prefer you dig them out for me.
Who do you think Boba Fett is?  I'd like to toss out a theory, it's probably a bad one, but what the hell we have two years until Ep II and we need something to talk about here...
My theory is that BF is some relative of Maul, maybe his brother.  Obviously he is not given with the force like his bro, but still Boba has a nasty streak in him that bad guys like - bad guys like maybe Mr. Palpatine.  Fett could become enlisted to start the hunt for Jedi, along with maybe Aura Sing (sp?).  Fett's personal prize might be Kenobi, who he tracks down to Tatooine in later years only to lose that obsession to a one Han Solo... 
I know this is a stretch, but there are 2 reasons George did not put Fett in Ep I
1.)  Age - Putting Fett in Ep I would make him old by the time Ep V rolls around...but what the hell, these are aliens we are talking about and who knows how long they live...???
2.)  Backstory - Maul was not a deep character, but he becomes deeper if his death is avenged.  Clearly George could not introduce Boba until brother Maul was killed - this is an all too nice set up for George's planned extinction of the Jedi...
Thoughts? Tusken Boy P.S. Wouldn't it be funny if George pissed us all off and made JarJar into Fett???!!!

Thanks for the thoughts as usual T.B. I honestly think that Anakin's young friend Kitster will be Boba Fett. They are about the same age, which will make Fett about the same age as Vader in the classic trilogy. I really think Mauls' usefulness is over. He was a cool character, but Lucas I feel has no plans for him other than what he did in SW1.  WJ


I like the idea of a love triangle between Anakin/Amidala/and Obi-Wan. With Leia and Luke there was something for a while. They were split up in the Empire Strikes Back, and when they really get some time together next he already knew that she was his sister. But if he wasn't I'm sure there would have been some conflict. Now in Episode two we are going to have the same situation with three people who are about of the same age and you are going to have the same conflict again. Plus there is more reason for Anakin turning to the dark side. His mother is murdered, and then his wife (or just lover) is taken by his former master. He would be really upset and be angered deep underneath where the emperor can really get to him. And another reason. I'm not sure why Obi-Wan would leave the person she loved, or at least let him leave, but we might learn about that later. Anyway she trusted him to take her son away and go watch over him. You can't give your son to just anyone. But one thing we don't know is how much Amidala loved these children. If she wasn't married and they were an accident, and the father was evil, maybe she did not even want the children. But it is unlikely that she did not feel some love for them. My point was that I think there is going to be a love triangle, and I personally like the idea.

I think that there may be a bit of "innocent" flirtation between Obi-Wan and Amidala, but nothing serious. We don't know if Anakin's mother will be killed or Amidala abducted -that's all just speculation at this point. I personally think that Shmi will be taken captive at the end of SW2 or the beginning of SW3 where she will be eventually killed, helping drag Anakin to the Dark Side. Amidala will trust Kenobi totally -he will be the only one she really trusts after Anakin turns. She will have to make a great sacrifice in order to preserve the safety of her two children, because she knows it's for the greater good of the whole galaxy that the Emperor never find them.  WJ


This was excellent, I really enjoyed it. A prequel to a prequel  huh? I did not understand what the epilogue was trying to say though, about lust. Was Anakin that evil? I always thought he was just tempted. Perhaps they are the same thing ??
maybe, loved the story though  be cool! nikk

Thanks very much, I appreciate the compliment. (In case you're wondering nikk is referring to my Fan Fiction The Candle). What I was trying to say about lust is this: Maul never had it like Anakin did. Maul was driven by anger and vengeance, but never aspired to the kind of power that Vader and Sidious wanted. He was content to serve his master. Anakin will be swayed by greed and lust, pride and narcissism. Throw in his mother's death and <poof!> a recipe for Instant Vader!  WJ


Okay. First of all, I am far more skeptical on big surprises in ep 2,3. I don't think there won't be any. But, just not a predictable one. As for several questions you raised, I think they are just hopes of a "big surprise". "Other Emperors" You said, that Lucas wrote a plural form, meaning more than one. I think when he wrote ANH, he thought of the time period between the rise and fall of the empire to be longer. He changed his mind, and now it is about 30 years. On a similar note: PALPATINE AND SIDIOUS ARE IDENTICAL!! Ehem. Point two. The new apprentice. I have assumed that the new apprentice is Darth, Vader. There is no one between Maul and Vader. I know everone wants more enemies, but the point is Palpatine is looking for a new apprentice. He might come close, but Vader is his success.

Well, the very nature of a surprise dictates that it won't be predictable, right?

I agree that some of the original stuff Lucas wrote he never fleshed out entirely, but the original writing does give insight into his creative process.

Okay, now for the record in deed to say this: nobody KNOWS that Palpatine and Sidious are identical. People THINK they KNOW, but that is a lot different than KNOWING. I THINK Palpatine and Sidious are the same person also, but I don't KNOW it. Considering that something called THE CLONE WARS is coming up soon, the fact that they're identical may not mean too much...

The new apprentice may very well be Anakin, but a new Sith apprentice would make a good plot device and is something that the fans want.  WJ


RYAN PHILLIPE! RYAN PHILLIPE! Yes, I know that boy-crazed teeny-bopper part of me is speaking but I do think Ryan would be good for the role. He looks like the younger Anakin and he's a good actor. He's very intense (which I picture Anakin to be) and can definitely play an "evil" person. Do you also think he's a good choice? Also, do you know anything about the other actors up for the role? Athena

Well, I really don't know anything about the actors up for the role of Anakin other than to say that it will probably be Hayden Christensen. Ryan Phillipe may play Bail Organa, however.  WJ


Hi, I'm sorry, I did not find your name on the website, but I'm hoping you can help me.  I had a rather odd flashback today of reading something, a quote, which I remember as: "They were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Naturally they became heroes." I have no idea what triggered the memory, but it grabbed me and wouldn't let go, and I struggled to recall where I'd heard that.  I began to vaguely remember reading it in an intro to a SW book once in a bookstore, and it was ascribed to "The Journal of the Whills."  This was several years ago, so I had little hope of trying to find it again, even on the web.  I was happy to find a website actually named for it. I realize the Journal doesn't exist in a published form, but I was wondering if you knew of such a book (maybe a version of Lucas' "Star Wars") that has that line in one of the first, pre-text pages?  I want to say the quote actually belonged to Leia, and that it was in reading that quote that I learned her last name was Organa, but that's may just be me mushing too much together.
Much thanks in advance, Charli

Seems like you're in luck:

The novel of Star Wars has a prologue, which you can read in it's entirety in my SW: Episode 2 Evidence section. After the prologue is a quote:

"They were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Naturally they became heroes." 
-Leia Organa of Alderaan, Senator.

Seems like you have a pretty good memory.  WJ



Hey man, Tusken Boy here - it's been a while. Good to see the site is still around.

I have this fear, and maybe everyone does, that these prequels are going to end up being nothing more than a backstory, i.e. I am starting to doubt that there will be any major plot twisting that occurs.  Don't get me wrong, I don't want to find out that Han is Luke's brother or something corny like that, but wasn't it cool when you found out Vader was Luke's dad.  Will we get that feeling from these films?  My guess is probably not.  The only area that I can see George exploring a little more is Anakin's mom - maybe Obi Wan will somehow be at fault for her passing. 

Anyway, I am babbling - what are your thoughts on the lack of plot twists in these 3 films?

Later, Tusken Boy

Good to hear from you again, glad to see you're sticking with The Whill Journal. I plan on being around until Episode 3.

The genre of the "prequel" is an interesting one, and allows certain freedoms while also imposing unique limitations. With the last 3 episodes written and committed to memory, fans can scrutinize small details that may have been included by Lucas or others at the time on a whim. For example: The Clone Wars were mentioned ONCE, in a hologram of Princess Leia, in the original trilogy. They are expected to be a major part of SW2 and/or 3.

I understand your point about plot twists, and it's reasonably valid. However, here are some possibilities to consider:

-The exact nature of the relationship between Sidious and Palpatine
-The identity of Boba Fett
-The nature of the Clone Wars
-What caused Anakin's fall to the dark side
-Why Kenobi blamed himself for Anakin's fall
-Who the New Sith Apprentice is

I think there's plenty of room for interesting plot twists left. WJ


I heard that Lucas was not going to release SW I on DVD.  Do you know anything about that ?

Lucas reported will release all six Star Wars films on DVD after the release of SW3. WJ



I was looking for close-up pics of the Jedi Council when I came across your site.

You probably already heard this rumor but I will continue.

I heard that Darth Vader watches the emperor kill Luke's mother (Queen Amidala) and does not stop her death. This would be a painful reminder when it is replayed in Return of the Jedi. Darth Vader could not let it happen again.

As for Anakin succumbing to the dark side because of greed does not seem quite plausible. I imagine that in SW2 while Anakin frees his mother and other slaves, the next Sith apprentice kills his mother.

As Anakin is still only at the beginning of his training, he would feel that if the training went quicker he would have been able to prevent his mother's death. Also to avenge his mother's death, (the seed of hate is planted).

This gives Darth Sidious the opening to train Anakin as his Sith apprentice. To complete Anakin's fall to the dark side, he has to kill the Sith apprentice who killed his mother. This would tie in the Emperor's attempt to make Luke embrace the dark side by killing Darth Vader.
Gregory Perez


The scene where The Emperor is killing Luke in ROTJ is a very powerful one. It seems to me that there is a significance to Vader watching the action as it unfolds. Your guess is as good as any, but I disagree for one reason: when questioned by Luke concerning memories of their mother, Leia responded that she remembered her. Perhaps the Emperor killed her that late after Leia's birth, but I think this is unlikely.

"Greed can be a powerful ally," Qui-Gon states. A powerful ally for Darth Sidious as well, I would imagine. I'm sure that Anakin won't be too happy with his mother being killed, but I think that Anakin's hate would be directed toward the Sith in your approach. His hate has to be focused back onto the Jedi for the plot to work.

Palpatine/Sidious may in fact extend the promise of quicker training to Anakin, but there needs to be a reason for this, perhaps a threat to his mother. If she were already dead, he may not care for the accelerated darkside training.

I agree that Anakin will kill the New Sith Apprentice and take his place at the Emperor's side. WJ


Thank you for adding some more! Wonderful story, I wish we could have heard some adventures before Maul's first (and last I guess) mission but cool tie-in to the movie. I wonder if you could perhaps explain a bit more about when he and the other children encountered the ship. What happened when the skeleton grabbed Maul? 
Jason H. Tribble

Thanks for the compliment on my story, I appreciate it!

As far as the skeleton on the buried ship, it was the remains (?) of a Sith Lord. Sorry, that's all I can tell you... WJ


You have a very insightful site, especially your speculations on Episode II. Here are some thoughts and questions for you to mull around with.

1. The first passage from A NEW HOPE novel is quoted from the Journal of the Whills. I know it is a collection of the history of the Star Wars Galaxy - does Lucas have any plans to explore the journal further, and how come none of the post movie novels never mention the Journal (at least to my knowledge)? I would enjoy any insights.

2.It seems as though the lightsaber duels and techniques in Episode I are much more furious and use a more sophisticated and exotic form compared to Episodes IV-VI, making Darth Vader seem a bit slow and clumsy compared to a sleek Maul.

3. According to the back cover of the recently released VHS tape of Ep.I, Palpatine is Maul, ruining any speculation.

4. Why would the Queen's ship, heading from Naboo (a Republic Planet) have no other choice than to stop on Tatooine (an Outer Rim Planet) for repairs. Am I missing something or does this not make any sense?

5.Do you think Lucas thinks Ep. I is a bust? The recent news stating that Jonathan Hales (Young Indiana Jones scriptwriter) will help Lucas smooth out the rough spots on the Ep. II's screenplay seems to lean us in that direction.

6.Why doesn't Obi-Wan have any clue who R2-D2 is in Ep. IV?

7.How come no 1st person hyperspace lightspeed views in Ep 1?

8.Do you think the darkness in Eps II and III will compensate for the lightheartedness of Ep I?

9.To become "luminous beings", it seems a Jedi has 2 options. Meditation immediately before death is one, while being set ablaze in a Jedi ritual is the other. In either case, the Jedi is preparing to free his/her sole from their "crude flesh". It appears that Qui-Gon will prove this theory in Ep. II.

10. Any particular hopes or ideas about the post Ep I novel Rogue Planer? I hope for some interesting responses. 

Thanks for the kind words, I'll address your questions as you put them:

1. As far as I know there will be no development of the original "Journal of the Whills" concept.

2. The lightsaber duel in TPM is between two Temple-trained Jedi, one in his prime of physical prowess and one in the prime of his skill versus a Sith Lord in his physical prime, imbued with the dark side of the Force after years of relentless training to specifically beat Jedi at their own game. The duels in the classic trilogy were as follows: and old master past his prime ("your powers are weak, old man), a hulking cyborg with a restricting armored suit, and a boy who had to develop his swordsmanship on his own, using only his natural talent as a guide.

3. The back of the cover for TPM says that Palpatine becomes the Emperor. It does not mention Darth Sidious in any way.

4. The crew of the Queen's ship had several choices, but they chose a planet where there was no Federation presence.

5. I think the introduction of Jonathan Hales means, despite claims of critics and fanboys, that Lucas actually listens to his public and can correct mistakes after making the first new SW movie in many years.

6. All Obi-Wan says is that he never remembered owning a droid. As we have seen, there are many astromech droids in the universe that look like R2.

7. Good question. That's a criticism I have as well.

8. Yes, I do. Not as much in SW2 but definitely in SW3.

9. That is a really cool and spiritual theory you have presented that I've never heard considered before. It seems to make a bunch of sense though. I will ponder this further...

10. I don't read SW fiction, so I don't have much of an opinion. WJ



I think Anakin will have gay sex with Obi-Wan

Thank you for your wonderful insight. There has been a lot of speculation about a possible "love triangle" in Episode II, but yours is the first reference to a possible "love train".  WJ


I just wanted to get your opinion about my theory on why some Jedi vanish but others do not. I think a Jedi disappears when they are killed by some one who has connection with them through the force.

For example Obi wan vanished because he was struck down by Vader. His former Padawan.

Yoda died (I assume by old age) but vanished with Luke by his side. Again his Padawan.

Vader vanished after being struck by Luke. His son.

In the case of Qui-Gon he was killed by an enemy who had no connection to him what so ever. So therefore he did not vanish. 

Lucas has stated that a key to the disappearing  is when Obi wan says to Vader. "If YOU strike me down, I will become more powerful than you can possibly image".  Maybe Obi wan new that if he was killed by his former apprentice he would become one with the force. Matt

The theory you have presented is certainly the most original I have heard, and does make a good bit of sense. It is stated in the Star Wars: Behind The Magic CD ROM that becoming "one with the Force" is a special Jedi trick or skill that only high level Jedi mastered. It is mentioned that Yoda specifically taught Obi-Wan this trick, but who knows the real story.  WJ


Hey, I just found your site and book marked it. I can't wait to start looking around.

I've got an interesting suspicion and I'd like your expert opinion on it. Recall how powerful the emperor was in Return of the Jedi. Also, recall how high Anakin's "blood count" was  in The Phantom Menace..."even higher than Master Yoda's."

And also in Episode l, Shmi said something to the effect that Anakin's birth or perhaps conception was beyond belief, when Qui-Gon questioned her if she knew of Anakin's father.

Do you think it's probable that Senator Palpatine is Anakin's father? Tinman

Fantastic! I'm glad you like it! Make sure to look around a lot, especially since there will be much expanded sections coming in the future.
I think there is an outside chance that Palpatine is Anakin's father, but I don't personally believe it. I think Anakin was conceived by the midichlorians in a freak birth which serves to fulfill the ancient Jedi prophecy of one who will restore balance.  WJ


are you gonna get to continuing you story   *the candle*  it is great!!  get with it man!

Wow, I absolutely love compliments like yours. I promise, within the next few weeks you will have the dramatic conclusion to The CandleWJ


Any news on the next chapters??(6+) I am dying here!!! Great stuff Jason H. Tribble

Damn, more compliments on my story! I am truly flattered. I promise the exciting and surprising conclusion to The Candle within the next few weeks!  WJ


I was thinking that Luke says "There's something familiar with this place" (or something like that) when he's first at Dagobah. Perhaps he was there as a newborn - or perhaps in the swamps of Naboo (which makes the place look similar). Another solution is of course that Luke saw the place in a dream, only time will tell.

The line Luke speaks concerning his memory of Dagobah is an interesting one. I have a feeling that maybe the infant Luke will briefly be on the planet before he is spirited away to Tatooine.  WJ


I just have a few comments about the movie....I've seen it three times and overall it was entertaining but there were some very stupid things in it........great web-site, by the way!

1. Jar Jar Binks sucks!!!!!

2. Throughout the first trilogy, every alien creature spoke their own idiom, in this movie they all spoke English except Sebulba. Be consistent! i.e....Chewie, Ewoks, Greedo, Bouche, Jawas, Sandpeople, etc. I can't think of one in the first three movies who speaks English. It is just silly.

3. What's with the silly two-headed sportscaster at the podrace?? Ridiculous. He tried to make it too pop-culture. The race itself was cool.

4. Why doesn't Qui-Gon disappear like Obi-Wan did in SW when he dies????

5. After R2-D2 saves the Queen's ship, why would the Queen of an entire planet give audience to a droid. They could have introduced his name in another fashion. It wasn't like he was given a medal or anything and he really shouldn't have been given one, he's a robot!!! Stupid!!

6. Why doesn't Yoda sense that the Senator is Darth Sidious when they are at the Jedi funeral???

7. What's with the midi-chlorians and the blood test!? Kind of a glaring oversight to be left out of the first three movies, no? It could have been touched on in several scenes of those movies...in Ben's home when Luke is given Anakin's lightsaber, on Dagobah during training with Yoda....etc.....

8. What's with Anakin and the "Immaculate Conception?" This is like Jesus Christ and the Virgin Mary. He has no father. Foolish. He's trying to be too spiritual. The idea is cool that his father is not around but to make him be conceived without a father...please.....

9. Darth Maul and Boba Fett are the best characters in SW and they both get killed off, what gives??

10. Is the Queen a pedophile??

Respond, I'd like to know what you think of these points.............

I think they should have a girl as the new Dark apprentice who fights with a red lightsaber in each hand (Florentine, I think it's called).

Yoda needs to fight with a lightsaber...........so do the rest of the Jedi from the council.

They need to show the Sith Infiltrator in battle.

Is Mace Windu the original owner of the Millennium Falcon and the Lando gets it who loses it to Han in a game of sabaac?

I agree with your general assessment of The Phantom Menace. Thanks for the compliment about my site, too!

1. I tend to agree.
2. You are generally correct. There are a couple (the guy in the cantina that hits Luke, Admiral Ackbar, etc.) that do speak English, but it is usually not with some weird dialect. Well, then there's always Yoda, right?
3. I thought the two-headed announcer was kind of stupid.
4. Jinn's failure to disappear upon death is a good question, and one that Lucas says will be addressed. Lucas is cryptic on the matter, but does imply that Ben Kenobi's statement (to Darth Vader) that, "if you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine" is very important to this. An unofficial possibility is that both Yoda and Ben Kenobi had time to meditate and prepare for death, whereas Qui-Gon died suddenly in battle.
5. I can only agree with you. There could have been a better way than for the Queen to personally recognize a little droid, which seems a bit much.
6. Hard to see, the dark side is...
7. I believe the concept of the midi-chlorians were a recent construct of Lucas in order to explain certain phenomena during the upcoming Clone Wars.
8. What can I say, I agree with you...
9.You would have to ask George Lucas, I have no idea.
10. By the time the Queen and Anakin have their romance, she will be 24 and he will be 19. In TPM, she is 14 and Anakin 9. I don't think a 14 year old can be a pedophile.

Your idea of the New Sith Apprentice (NSA) being female is interesting, and having her fight with two lightsabers is more so, especially since in my own fan fic EP 2 script I have just that (don't know about Florentine, I am familiar with Japanese Ni-To...)
The rumor is that all of the council will be seen fighting with lightsabers, Yoda included. I do not think this is necessary, personally.
I would like to see the Infiltrator in battle also, but it is not really designed as a warship per se.
Just because Windu is black and Lando is black I don't think that makes them related.  WJ


So far there is... Darth Sidious Darth Maul Darth Vader (Vader is actually German for father as in Dark Father of Luke and Leia) but what do you know of Darth Bane, I heard that he was the first Dark Jedi/Sith Lord?????

This is what is known about Darth Bane:

"The Sith who had survived when all of his fellows had died had understood that. He had adopted patience as a virtue when the others had forsaken it. He had adopted cunning, stealth, and subterfuge as the foundation of his way -old Jedi virtues the others had distained. He stood aside while the Sith tore at each other like kriks and were destroyed. When the carnage was complete, he went into hiding, biding his time, waiting for his chance.
When it was believed all of the Sith were destroyed, he emerged from his concealment. At first he worked alone, but he was growing old and and he was the last of his kind. Eventually, he went out in search of an apprentice. Finding one, he trained him to be a master in turn, then to find his own apprentice, and so to carry on their work. But there would only be two at any one time. There would be no repetition of the mistakes of the old order, no struggle between Siths warring for power within the cult. Their common enemy was the Jedi, not each other. it was for their war with the Jedi they must save themselves.
The Sith who reinvented the order called himself Darth Bane."

-Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace by Terry Brooks  WJ


Do you think Lucas will give Obi-wan a love interest? I've heard of a love triangle between Obi-wan, Anakin and Amidala, but personally, I don't really like this idea. I thought giving Obi-wan his own love interest would be more entertaining. What do you think?

Obi-Wan might have a love interest, but this has not yet been hinted at. The focus of the story will be the romance between Anakin and Amidala. Obi-Wan's friendship with Amidala may be misconstrued by a jealous Anakin (perhaps goaded by Palpatine) as a love affair even though it is innocent.  WJ

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