"And in the time of greatest despair there shall come a savior and he shall be known as: THE SON OF THE SUN"
("Journal of the Whills," 3:12)
This is the final posting (07/24/00) at The Whill Journal: Special Edition. All further updates through Episodes 2 and 3 will be at www.whilljournal.com

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Perhaps he/they [Palpatine/Sidious] would, perhaps not [know the location of the Gungan Sacred place if it was the ruins of a Sith Temple].  How was/were he/they to know that the Gungans consider it sacred?  It looked awfully abandoned (perhaps for a millennium?).  I just thought maybe that would be a cool back story on Palpy, but I doubt we'll get much in the way of that in the next two films. Keep up the good work!
Jeremy Schmidt

The Gungan Sacred Place could be interesting as a Sith Temple, considering that Palpatine's homeworld is in fact Naboo. The faces certainly did look humanoid, but then again, who says there cant be a Gungan Sith Lord? Darth Jar Jar?  WJ


I read that some people cannot believe that Palpatine and Sidious are not the same person, reasoning that the Jedi Council cannot sense them even when Palpatine is at Qui-Gon's funeral.
The following comes from the Phantom Menace script and was used in the movie:

QUI-GON stands in a tall stately room. Twelve JEDI sit in a semi-circle. OBI-WAN stands behind QUI-GON in the center of the room. The Senior Jedi is MACE WINDU. To his left is an alien Jedi named KI-ADI-MUNDI, and to his right, the Jedi Master, YODA.

QUI-GON : ...my only conclusion can be that it was a Sith Lord. 
MACE WINDU : A Sith Lord?!? 
KI-ADI : Impossible! The Sith have been extinct for a millennium. YODA : The very Republic is threatened, if involved the Sith are. MACE WINDU : I do not believe they could have returned without us knowing. 
YODA : Hard to see, the dark side is. Discover who this assassin is, we must. 
KI-ADI : I sense he will reveal himself again. 
MACE WINDU : This attack was with purpose, that is clear, and I agree the Queen is the target. 
YODA : With this Naboo queen you must stay, Qui-Gon. Protect her. MACE WINDU : We will use all our resources here to unravel this mystery and discover the identity of your attacker... May the Force be with you. 
YODA : May the Force be with you. 

Notice how Yoda says "Hard to see, the dark side is." I believe this was George's way out. Be interested to see what the reaction is to that.

I think your evidence is pretty strong with that scene you chose. The whole reason why Palpatine can stand in the Jedi Council's midst is because the Dark Side is so 'hard to see'. I'm sure it's no coincidence that Yoda chose those particular words (or George Lucas for that matter!) After all, just look up the definition of "insidious"...  WJ


Does the color of a Jedi's light saber represent anything?  Such a red saber for the Sith, or is the color of the saber a Jedi's choice of personal preference or is it a status symbol of some sort.

There is no official word on what the color of a lightsaber represents, but we can make a few deductions:

The Sith employ red lightsabers
Junior Jedi employ blue lightsabers
Senior Jedi employ green lightsabers

It will be very interesting to see whether different color lightsabers appear in episodes 2 or 3. In the 'expanded universe', it has been made abundantly clear that there are many different colors.  WJ



Have just recently started surfing the web looking for SW sites and ran across yours---looks nice!  Especially fond of the idea that you'll collect fan fiction---I've just composing  one now (calling it Episode 1.5, for lack of a better title at this point) and I'm sure it won't go anywhere, but if you're interested I'll send through a few bits for an opinion. (Problem is, they're not in much coherent order as yet and it's hard to tell where the plot is going based just on what's done.) (Second problem is a lack of time in my life to get it written, let alone distributed for second opinions....)
Glad to see so much interest in your forum as to whether or not Palpatine and Sidious are the same person.  I think it's forgone that they are, but there's a few interesting theories out there.  Palpatine is a Major Character in my version (I think he will be in the next two movies as well) so he deserves a fair bit of attention.
I Like the rumors about Obi-Wan in a romantic situation (that's also a Major Theme for me!) so it's nice to think I'm on a proper track! The rest, of course, I'm more or less making up, and so far (though I'm trying to catch up)  I haven't read and/or adopted things that have turned up in the SW follow-up novels that have come out (Zahn et al, that is...) (I didn't like the Zahn novels much, by the way.)
But, a question for which I have been unable to find an answer:  Does anyone know what Palpatine's first name is????  (I've given him one, but if there's an official 'correct' name, I'd just as soon use it, but I haven't seen one anywhere, so for now I'm just sticking with what I've got.)
Will leave it at that for now, and try to poke my nose into the fan-fics you have posted.  I Like the idea of a young Darth Maul series---I think he was somewhat under-used as a villain in Episode 1, and had more potential than the film realized.
Hope to hear back from you soon!  Keep up the good work on the site!

Thanks so much for the nice words! I am always looking for quality fan fiction and gladly accept submissions. I have never read the Zahn novels myself, but I have heard good things about them. I am not into the "expanded universe" at all -all I know about it is from the SW Behind the Magic and Ep 1 CD ROMS.
As far as a name for Palpatine? One has surfaced on the net recently. "Cos" pronounced "cause". Cos Palpatine? It could happen...  WJ


Hi! Loved your site for ages, unfortunately when I try to get to it now the screen goes blank and nothing happens. This is at https://members.tripod.com/WhillJournalist/   Have you moved? If not do you have any idea what's going on or advice? Cheers, keep up the awesome site!!!!!!!!

Now that is a compliment I truly like to hear!
As far as the blank screen thing, that is rather disturbing but I can assure you there is nothing wrong with the server or the home page. Thanks for your support, and you better believe I'll be around through Episode 2WJ


Talk about Star Warsing it up!  Great site!  I was looking for info on the film series and ran a search and yours was one of the first-- and best-- that I saw!
Anyway, I'm looking for information on a couple of things and was wondering if you could help me out.

First, the whole Jar-Jar Binks thing.  I didn't like him, but I didn't think of him as a racist character until I heard others saying things about it.  And then when I thought about it I was like:  hmm, maybe they've got a point.  So, I'm trying to get info from others on what they think, to use for a class and was wondering what someone who's definitely in-the-know (you) have to say.

Secondly, what's the word on Liam Neeson appearing/not appearing in Star Wars 5 (as I call it)?

Also, my friend is involved in this thing called www.clip2.com where you can organize bookmarks and stuff and share it with people, and it is apparently helping to drive a lot of traffic to his site and other people's sites.  And when I saw your site, I thought you might be able to get something out of it.  You might want to check it out.

I try to make my site enjoyable and a little different, and certainly love to hear compliments like yours. Thanks!
As far as the Jar Jar character being racist, I think it is just silly. We live in such a liberal-media driven P.C. message fed society at the end of the century that nothing can escape the ACLU microscope. Not even a computer generated amphibian.
Is Jar Jar supposed to be black? Hmmm... he was played by a black man. Nobody seemed to be angry that all the bad guys have English accents. That's racist against the English, don't you think?
There is only speculation at this point Neeson will appear in a ghostly form in Episode 2. I'll wager an even 50/50 on it.  WJ



I was watching an interview between an Australian reporter and Liam Neeson a week prior to TPM being released in Australia. Neeson suggested that he would be in episode 2.The reporter said to Neeson "It looks unlikely that you'll be in episode 2".Neeson replied "Well, I wouldn't count that out.... after all it is Star Wars" The reported then said "So we might keep an eye out for you in Sydney". Neeson answered "Most certainly. I'll be the big, tall one with a green saber" This interview backs up the rumors about Qui Gon appearing in episode 2. Much like Ben Kenobi in the original trilogy he is likely to return as a spirit.
Also, I know you have difficulties believing that Sidious and Palpatine are the same person. You stated that you believe they may be different people because the Emperor is never called Palpatine in the films. Well in TPM, Sam L Jackson's character was never called Mace Windu by any other characters in the movie. Aurra Sing was only seen for 2 seconds but fans know who she is and about her past as a failed Jedi.

That particular interview along with several others insinuate that Qui-Gon may in fact appear again, though that is not too surprising and frankly is still total conjecture at this point in the game.
I admit to initially not believing that Palpatine and Sidious are the same person because it seemed way too obvious, but I have accepted this as the most likely possibility. The reason I mention the Palpatine name thing is simply as some more justification for a possible alternate explanation. The Emperor is very elusive -he has at least three separate identities... WJ

I have a few questions about the Star wars universe. I'm hoping you can help me. I know that you are not Lucas and may not know the answers but as a Star wars fan I just want ask someone who may have the answers.
- In TPM what are those statues that are located in the Gungan swamps ?.
- I was looking at an opinion poll asking for the best villain in star wars. It mentions a evil character called "GAT". I was hoping you could tell me something about him/her or it.
- Is there any information on Anakin and Obi-Wan's relationship with Owen Lars. We know that Owen wanted Anakin to stay on Tatooine to farm, but how could Anakin have worked on a farm being a Jedi.

Finally I just want to point something out. As I was watching ESB something surprised me. I noticed that when Luke is recovering in the Rebel base on Hoth after the wampa attack Han says to Luke "You look strong enough to tear  the ears off a Gungan". I thought it was remarkable that Lucas had already had the vision of a Gungan back in 1980.
Matt (again)

There is no current explanation of the statues in the Gungan sacred place other than that they are "ruins of an ancient temple".
I have never heard of this "GAT", perhaps it is an "expanded universe" thing.
Anakin's relationship to Owen Lars is a very good question. It is known that Owen and Obi-Wan are brothers, and Kenobi does specifically say to Luke that Owen wanted Anakin to stay on Tatooine and "not get involved in a damned fool idealistic crusade". This question must be addressed in the next two films.
It would have been cool if that is what Han had really said, but the word he used is "Gundark" which is defined as some type of large mean creature in the Star Wars: Behind The Magic CD ROM  WJ

Hello Whill Journalist.  I feel I must begin this message with a familiar ring....nice site!  It's one of the best ones I've seen. I've been trying to think of a reason why Darth Sidious (and/or Palpatine) chose to invade Naboo.  What about the possibility that the Gungan "sacred place" is actually a long-since destroyed Sith temple?  The weed overgrown statues and fallen pillars don't exactly make it appear to be a well-maintained synagogue.  Maybe Palpatine (being from Naboo) stumbled across the temple in his youth, discovering power?  Just a thought....
Jeremy Schmidt

Thank you very much for the compliment -I've been getting a lot of that lately!
That is kind of a cool theory, but Palpatine/Sidious would have known exactly where it was then, wouldn't they?  WJ

You are killing me. I must be driving your hit counter to the moon accessing your page. I've got to know WHAT HAPPENS NEXT in the Maul story!! When will we see the next installment? Looking forward to it, keep up the good work!

I apologize!! I have been negligent in my writing duties, but have faith...
The next installment of The Candle Which Burns Twice As Bright is mostly written, I will finish polishing it and it should be online very soon.
There are still quite a few surprises and much more action left -promise!  WJ


I must say, that your site, is by far the best site I have seen online for a long time. The info on Episode II and III is wonderful. It is now in my favorites folder. Keep up the good work :)
Per Steinar Glaso

Thanks very much for the compliment on my site. I hope to keep making it better in the future. WJ

hello! I'm kinda new to this whole star wars universe thing. (don't get me wrong, my dad used to make me watch the trilogy when I was little kid. i'm used to the stories, but not in-depth) Anyway, I have this question that has been nagging at me. How could Queen Amidala be elected??? First of all, Queens are not elected, they are born into the status of ruler. Second, even if "queens" were elected in Naboo society, why the crap would they elect a 14 year old? Thanks for your help!

Your question is a valid one, and it has a reasonably valid explanation:
The Naboo government is a democratic monarchy with an elected monarch.

"Amidala rules as Queen of the Naboo people at the age of only 14. She was raised by humble parents in a small mountain village, where her exceptional abilities were recognized early in life. Given the best training and pushed to develop her capabilities, she became Princess of Theed, the Naboo capital city, at the age of 12. Amidala was elected Queen upon the abdication of the previous sovereign, Veruna, who had become embroiled in outward politics after a rule of 13 years."
-Star Wars: Episode I The Visual Dictionary WJ

Is there any way to get George Lucas into reconsidering the role of the older Anakin...Leonardo is such a girl,,,,,,i don't want it to be tainted by some woman's heartthrob.....im having a heart attack.

Don't have a coronary just yet - the role of Anakin Skywalker remains uncast. There is absolutely no evidence yet that Leo will be selected for the part, or is even being considered. WJ

"And in the time of greatest despair there shall come a savior and he shall be known as: THE SON OF THE SUN" ("Journal of the Whills," 3:12)

Isn't it "The son of the SUNS"
Referring to the twin suns of Tatooine ?
Pascal St-Louis

You made me double-check my source...
The quote that I have containing the singular "SUN" is correct. That is not to say that you don't bring up a good point, however... WJ

First and foremost; your page is SUPERB. Very well organized and pleasant to view without being excessively fancy. The fan fiction is also surprisingly well written (better than the crap found in many of the novels; excluding Zahn's). I have a question (actually two) regarding The Phantom Menace:
1) When is it supposed to be released on video for purchase?
2) Do you have any idea if it will include some of the allegedly      missing scenes (Darth Maul getting knocked off the boarding ramp   of the Naboo cruiser on Tatooine, etc. etc.)? Thanks, and once again your page is excellent.

Superb, eh? That sounds even better than not bad! Thanks a lot for the compliment.
TPM is supposed to be released in March of 2000 on video. I am almost positive that it will not contain any additional footage, but, naturally, that can change.
Hope I answered your questions and once again thank you. WJ

Darth Sidious is Palpatine! Rick McCallum said it on an interview a few months ago. WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN??? And Darth- is only the title of the Sith Lords, not their real name. Palpatine (Darth Sidious) Khameir Sarin (Darth Maul) Anakin Skywalker (Darth Vader) GET IT?
Palpatine lives on Coruscant right? As does the mysterious Sith Lord Darth Sidious who he is. To strike fear through hs victims he uses his Sith title....the title emphisizes what his character is like.
You have got whey out of hand with this clone thing. The same with Maul. He is only actaully known as Darth Maul to his enemies but you take my word that Palpatine would normally call him Khameir Sarin in private. With Vader he only ever wanted to be known as Darth Vader to everyone including Palpatine because he was ashamed of his real name Anakin Skywalker.
Go to http://method.org/sith/ for all the details....you will finally know the truth. It all fits together,trust me.
Adam Ghani

Woah, easy big fella....let's address your points in a civil manner shall we?
Ok, I have heard that Rick McCallum said Ian McDiarmid was in Darth Sidious's robes, but he worded it very specifically to say that Ian was Darth Sidious. He never actually said Palpatine was Sidious. It would have been just as easy to say that, don't you think?
I am quite aware that Darth is a Sith title, actually it is a contraction of Dark Lord Of The Sith, or Dar'th. Thanks for explaining that but I already knew.
Considering that something called "The Clone Wars" takes place pretty soon, I don't think it is "way out of hand" to suggest a clone connection. However, I think the theory that Palpatine and Sidious may be twins is even better. After all, there is a very strong family connection throughout the Star Wars universe.
You are probably correct and Sidious and Palpatine are probably the same person. I just decided to offer up a plausible alternative to that theory, especially since there is NO OFFICIAL CONFIRMATION FROM LUCASFILM on the matter.
I suppose http://method.org/sith/ is your own site, eh? I'll check it out, no problem. I'm always interested in finding out the "truth" from a close personal friend of George Lucas such as yourself. WJ



I must know the answer...Boba Fett has 2 symbols. The Imperial Navy has one and the rebels have a shield as a symbol. Even Black Sun has a symbol......BUT! Do the Jedi have a symbol or badge?????????
Help me WhillJournalist. You're my only hope.
May the force be with you...
Corporal Roq Daambe.
Death Star Sewage Outlet Team

The only thing that even comes close to being a Jedi symbol is the image to the right. Actually, what it's really the Jedi holo-projector that Qui-Gon uses to show Watto the Queen's ship. This strangely shaped device does appear as a drawing on the 'Jedi' page of the Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace Scrapbook, however...WJ

The Arabic word for "Demon" is 'Jinn'. Remember the evil "Blue Jinn" from the old TV show "I Dream of Jeannie?" Who exactly is Qui-Gon Jinn? Hmmm....
Edward F. Windslow, Jr.

I take it from your insinuation that there is more to Qui-Gon Jinn than meets the eye. Darth Jinn? WJ

I want to say that I love the site as it provides reasonable information about the remaining prequels. However there a few parts that seems incorrect. In your alleged plotline for Episode3 you state that after Anakin becomes Vader he finds Kenobi and defeats him but cannot he destroy Kenobi. I find this illogical as in ANH when they meet again Vader says to Kenobi

" When I left you I was the learner, but now I am the master "

This suggest that the last time they met was when they had their battle on the volcano as Kenobi was the master and Anakin/Vader was the leaner and was defeated by Kenobi. There it seems irrational that Vader finds Kenobi and defeated him and let him go.

Also Palpatine and Sidious are the same person because

- Played by same actor

- Since Sidious face is hidden it must be a surprise. Palpatine presents himself as loyal to the queen

- Palpatine says to Anakin " We will follow your career with great interest" we all know what happens

- When Windu says to Yoda " Which was destroyed the master or the apprentice" the scene cuts to Palpatine

- If there are if fact to different people it would a great coincidence that Palpatine is elected chancellor than that would allow Sidious to gain power. Instead because they are the same person Palpatine was using the Force to influence the senate to vote for him.

- Sidious seems to know a lot about the Queens personality. Sidious says to the federation just before she returns to Naboo

" This is an unexpected move for her, its too aggressive ". It seems like that Sidious knows her personally. Palpatine would know her personally.

 This is not anything against the WhillJournalist but as a mad Star Wars fan I thought that I might point a few things out

Consider this line instead:

VADER: You should not have come back.

It seems logical to me that at one point Vader may have warned Kenobi to never come back.
I am finally coming around toward the Palpatine/Sidious being the same person theory. Out of all your examples, I think the one about Sidious knowing the Queen's personality is the most compelling.
Thanks for your questions, and no offense taken! WJ



Response to Bad Nightwatchman" you asked why, if baby Darth is the chosen one, did he not kill the emperor. Well, your question is flawed. Anakin is not exactly "the chosen one" he is, however "the one who will restore balance to the force". One of the points of the whole saga, I believe, is that good and evil, the force and the dark side, whatever you wanna call them, are not two antagonistic forces, but two that work together. One cannot create until one first destroys, and there can be no good without evil. That is why anikin is the one who will bring balance. Not because he's a great jedi, but because, only through the destruction he brings, can a better world be created.
J.D. Long

George Lucas himself said that Anakin Skywalker, not Luke, is in fact "the Chosen One". However, much to Qui-Gon's postmortem chagrin, this restoration of balance to the Force will not occur until this chosen one first causes the galaxy to reach it's time of greatest despair. WJ

hi, its mark again i am writing in to tell you an other theory that palpatine is sidiuoses clone sidiuos cloned him to get an apprentice but the force didn't rub of on him he got the ability to clone from a young Jedi ( this was in the book darksaber ) the Jedi was que gon he gave him the knowledge of cloning as he feared for his life this would also explain why he didn't disappear

That is an interesting theory about Darth Sidious and Qui-Gon Jinn, but it looks like yours and my own may have both been shot down recently in an interview with Lucas and McCallum where they say that Sidious and Palpatine are the same person. WJ


 I've always wanted to believe that Sidious and Senator Palpatine are the same guy, but here's one point everyone here seems to have missed.  If Senator Palpatine was Darth Sidious, how come Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, Yoda, and the other members of the Jedi Council did not "sense a disturbance in the Force?"  Darth Vader and Luke could always sense each other, and Yoda could read much about Anakin.  All those Force senses should have had their disturbance detectors going off like a Geiger counter at Palpatine's presence.  But they sensed nothing.  Maybe you could say "Difficult to see the dark side is," but I have a hard time seeing how they couldn't see at least that he was hiding something.  I like the clone idea.  Maybe Sidious (as the Senator) had to clone himself because his dabbling in the Dark side was eroding his physical features.  Consider also the possibility that midichlorians (sp?) can't be cloned, therefore Palpatine (the clone) wouldn't give off a force signature.  I don't know, it's just some ideas. Feel free to tell me why I'm wrong. I'm not an expert on Star Wars.  Anyway, great site!  I really enjoyed it!!

Thanks for the compliment on my site, I truly appreciate it. Many people have wondered why a Sith Lord standing 3 feet from the whole Jedi Council would not be detected. However, the Force is very elusive. Darth Vader could sense his son Luke on the Sanctuary Moon, but the "all-powerful" Emperor Palpatine could not. 
I agree with your thought that the Midi-Chlorian cannot be cloned -I think this will be a major plot point in Episode 2. WJ

(excuse me, maybe my English is very bad, that's because I'm French) Here is my theory: in episode 2, the new apprentice of Sidious is Boba Fett, and he quits before his training is complete. In EMPIRE, Boba find Han &the millennium falcon when they escape with the garbage, as if he "know" they were there ("he can see things before they happen"). And when Luke arrives on Bespin and sense the trouble, that's Boba Fett that surprises him and attack, way before any storm trooper. In JEDI, in the Sarlac scene, just before Luke jumps and take his lightsaber, Boba smells something and follows R2-D2 outside the bar (watch this scene, that really impressive how he sense that something happens).  Maybe it's just his bounty hunter instincts, but it could be some Jedi stuff to. We know that Boba is a human (it's written on the toys), Georges Lucas said that Boba Fett will be on Episode 2, that makes him an old man on EMPIRE and JEDI, but he still can fight, exactly like Obi-wan and Vader (jedi power). He doesn't use any lightsaber, but neither than Yoda and Palpatine. OK, that's because they are the "masters", but Boba is more like Mara Jade (sorry to refer to the sequel books), after leaving his training he keeps using some jedi tricks (or sith tricks), but is not totally a Sith, and maybe he doesn't want anyone to know that he was once a Sith that's why he doesn't use a lightsaber. Boba is a Mandalorian, he leaves his planet to follow Sidious in the training, but he leaves him (maybe because war is destroying his planet) and he go back home (cause he can't stop the training like that, he must run away from Sidious). Then he get into a "nationalist trip", proud of his planet in love with his origins and his people, that's why he always wears a mandalorian armor. He meet Vader during the clone wars ,they fight together (we know that they both fight against jedi during the war), and they stay "friends" (can Sith have friends?), but Boba stay away from the Empire 'cause he don't want to face Palpatine again. that's why he "works" with Vader several times, but never as an "empire member", and is never seen with the emperor. With Boba Fett being the new Sith apprentice, Rick Mc Callum's promise (people who are sad that Darth Maul dies will have a great new surprise) really make sense. I know this could seem strange or even stupid, but theres got to be something special, something really cool about the new apprentice. Some people say that it will be a female, but that's not enough "special". The "Boba Fett thing", THAT is something cool!  , or maybe there are a lot of Sith, not just two (as yoda think), and that's why the jedi fail...  That would make great battles but I think I prefer the Boba Fett theorie. Thanx for reading!
Zyli MoChi

What an interesting and original concept! I think you may be onto something with this theory. The latest figure to become popular with the Star Wars marketing folks is the bounty hunter Aurra Sing, seen for approx. 1.5 seconds in The Phantom Menace. This highly successful bounty hunter was once a Jedi Apprentice. So your theory is not without some type of precedent.
Fett certainly did seem to have some uncanny instincts. And there must be some reason as to his almost casual relationship with Darth Vader.
Here are two flaws I found with your theory: first, it is unknown whether Fett is Mandalorian, all that is known is that he wears their armor. Second, Anakin and Fett do not both fight against Jedi during the Clone Wars, Anakin will turn on the Jedi during the Purge in Episode 3.
Some have rumored that Fett is Anakin's childhood friend, Kitster. Perhaps Palpatine seduces and trains Kitster to be the new apprentice, and this is how he ultimately lures Anakin. Kitster then later becomes the bounty hunter Fett. Fanciful I know, but some very good speculation nonetheless. BTW, your English is fine! WJ

Hi: According to your facts and rumors page, you strongly believe Palpatine & Sidious are not the same person. I just wanted to present some facts to you that indicate they ARE in fact the same person: 
1.  They are both played by the same actor. 
2.  Sidious says he has the senate bogged down with procedures.  Something a Senator with a great deal of power over the members of the senate (Palpatine, who was elected the new Supreme Chancellor because of this kind of sway) could easily do. 
3.  George Lucas made an obvious attempt (and a good one) at irony when Senator Palpatine said to a young Anakyn:  We will watch your career with great interest.  Something that people who know who the Senator really is to become (the Emperor) would get and go...ohhh....how ironic.  =) 
4.  When Mace Windu asks...."which was destroyed...the master, or the apprentice?"....Lucas has a cut immediately to Senator Palpatine.  Obviously done for a reason.  To say....the apprentice was killed...not the master, because he's right in front of you and you don't even know it.  How this is possible, I'm not sure.  But I believe the Senator is somehow able to cloak his force ability. 
Also keep in mind: Your predictions about "many Sith" is inaccurate.  There are only 2 Sith at any given time.  This due to the fact that they cannot get along.  They kill each other for power. Lastly, bear in mind that Lucas has never and will not ever follow the many books that have been written based on his movies.  Though good, many of these books are bound to become inaccurate once the entire prequel trilogy is released. Just a few logical deductions of my own.  =) Matthew Doyle

It would seem that I may have been proven wrong recently in a recent interview with George Lucas and Rick McCallum, in which it was reported that they confirmed Palpatine and Sidious are the same person. All of the things that you said only Palpatine could do politically are correct. But if a twin brother or clone who is a Sith Lord had influence over him, couldn't the same results be achieved?
Now I must counter-correct you. There may only be two Sith Lords at any given time. Well, who do these Sith Lords lord over? The Sith, of course...
You are correct in that Lucas does not follow the books of the "expanded universe", but the novelizations of the movies are different. They are considered "canon", just beneath the films and he does stay true to them. WJ



If Palpatine is not darth Sidious why were the characters played by the same actor & Palpatine has been referred to the emperor in many books & all the authors must have some idea about what they are saying also why would Sidious lie about his name surely he would have more respect to the sith than to lie about who he was after he came in power.

Officially the relationship between Palpatine and Sidious is still unknown. Unofficially however, all evidence points toward the two characters being one in the same. Actor Ian McDiarmid, who played The Emperor in Return Of The Jedi, also played Senator Palpatine and Darth Sidious. A question still remains, however, since no one at Lucasfilm will come right out and confirm it. Another doubt comes from the novelization of TPM. In it, the connection between the two characters is much more ambiguous. WJ

Okay, I know we've been over this a hundred times, but I still need clarification.   I know you're not Lucas, but try to answer this one for me:
If Anakin really is the chosen one, why doesn't he overthrow the Emperor when he's Vader?   I always thought it was because the Emp. was more powerful.  But now they're saying Anakin's midis were off the chart--even more than Yoda's.  Does this mean the Emp. is more powerful than Vader and Yoda?  How???  Vader, for all practical purposes, runs the galaxy--would his power be gone without the Emp.?  I don't think so!  Why, in ROTJ, doens't Vader just let Luke kill the Emp. (instead, he deflects Luke's saber with his own)?  Luke would be Dark Sided and the Emp. would be out of the way!  While I'm sure it will be revealed if the the Emp. is Sidious or Palpatine or both, I have this nagging feeling Lucas WON'T reveal the history of the Emp., i.e. how he got his power, how he's so evil etc.  What's the deal???
I know, a lot of questions.  Keep up the good work.
The Bad Nightwatchman

Vader knows he is not as strong as the Emperor. He knows that only together with his son Luke can the Emperor be overthrown. The Emperor may very well be more powerful than even Yoda, as evidenced by his warning to Luke: "Do not underestimate the power of the Emperor, or suffer your father's fate you will." More likely, the Emperor and Yoda are equally strong in the Force, it is just their different idealogies that make the Sith Emperor seem more powerful. The Sith use the Force for attack, control, and manipulation. All these offensive uses of the Force have made the dark side seem more powerful to observers (remember Luke's question to Yoda: "Is the dark side more powerful?")
The explanation for why Vader doesn't simply let Luke kill the Emperor in ROTJ is found in the novelization:
"It was a pity, almost, he couldn't let the boy kill the Emperor yet. Luke wasn't ready for that, emotionally. There was still a chance Luke would return to his friends if he destroyed the Emperor now. He needed more extensive tutelage, first -training by both Vader and Palpatine -before he'd be ready to assume his place at Vader's right hand, ruling the galaxy."

Stop everything and finish this story but do not post it!!! This is great stuff, you should be paid for this well! Send it to a publishing house or something, I know I will buy it!!! Thanks for the story, I love it!

Thanks! That's the kind of compliment I love to hear! One of these days I hope to be published, but frankly, this is the first story I have ever really written. It was kind of a testbed for my writing style, to see if I could pull it off. If you liked it as much as you say, let some friends know! WJ

Hi, I am writing to tell you what I think about who the emperor really is. First of all in star wars A New Hope Obi Wan mentions that darth vader assisted the emperors in destroying the Jedi so I think that both Palpatine & Sidious become emperor. I think Sidious is Palpatines clone which would explain why he is so insane ( read the books by Timothy Zahn if you haven't already ). Palpatine gets elected & Sidious forces him somehow into starting the great Jedi purge Palpatine resists when it has just started & Sidious kills him & takes power with the name Palpatine which isn't really a liehe then finishes the Jedi Purge. I think this would really explain alot about the whole story because the battle was called the clone wars & if there was a clone of Palpatine why not make millions of the Mandalore. I don't think Sidious would make clones of him or Vader as they could easily rebel & take control themseves. Thanks for sparing the time to read this & I hope I have put avalid point through, bye.
Mark Hammond 

I think you have a valid point. I have not read the books by Zahn though I've heard much about them. Since Lucas is not bound to use anything from the "expanded universe" I usually ignore anything but the film novelizations and screenplays. However, I think the name "Coruscant" came from a Zahn book, so it is evident Lucas is not 100% opposed to the idea.
I think it makes sense as well that Sidious as a clone or possibly a twin brother of Palapatine eventually betrays and murders Palpatine, assuming the role of Chancellor then declaring himself Emperor. WJ

I started committing my Episode 2 speculation to paper and after having read yours, it seems that there are several points that we can agree on. My belief is that Palpatine does declare martial law as a result of the Clone War crisis. It seems to make the most logical sense. It would be a way fo rLucas to illustrate how people will give up their freedom for the perceived illusion of safety. Just look to the aftermath of Columbine or even all the curfews and dress codes some cities and school districts are enacting because of the "gang problem."
From what I gathered in Phantom Menace, the Republic has no central military, at least one that is effective enough to deal with even a small threat like the Trade Federation much less a full scale galactic war. In the beginning of my version, thus far, the Clone Wars is already in progress. Palpatine has persuaded the Senate to build a grand fleet to deal with the conflict. The military would also be answerable directly to him. At this point however, the Republic fleet isn't large enough to adequately deal with the problem. Queen Amidala who had managed to organize her meager military resources to defeat the Trade Federation plans to make similar results on a larger scale. She meets with the leaders of several other planets (Alderaan?) to forge a military alliance that would be able to fill in the gaps of the Republic's military operations. This alliance will become significant later in Episode 3 when they become the only pocket of resistance to Palpatine's Empire.
Now to throw my lot into the Palpatine/Sidious debate. Besides the fact that they're the same actor and the application of logic (Palpatine=TheEmperor=A black cloaked Sith Lord=Darth Sidious) and that it's simpler than the convoluted explanation of their being brothers/clones who betray one another, the simple fact is it fits in more nicely with the duality theme that has played such a major part of the trilogy. Is this villain the murderer of the hero's father or is he the hero's father? Is this simple handmaiden really the ruler of a planet? Is the desert hermit just a crazy old man or a respected warrior? Is the annoying muppet truly a wise teacher?
As far as the means by which Anakin falls to the dark side, I was intrigued by Lucas' comments that greed plays a part. My assumption has been that revenge is the true culprit. I speculate that at the end of Episode 2, Anakin in a rage will kill Sidious' new Sith apprentice who has murdered his mother and plans to finish Amidala if he doesn't embrace the dark side. In ROTJ, we see roughly the same scenario as Luke is instructed to kill his father to complete his journey to the dark side. Anakin however is unable to resist. Although Anakin completes his journey he doesn't believe that he has made the conversion and refuses to take his place at Sidious' side. Sidious unexpectedly lets him go knowing that he will be back. Sidious also by this time has pulled back the hood to reveal that he is Palpatine.   In Episode 3, despite Anakin's resistance, the dark side continues to call, consuming him. Amidala continues to slip into her trademarked depression at the onset of galactic events she has helped set in motion, namely helping a Sith Lord to attain such great political power. Anakin decides that he may be able to remedy the situation by becoming Sidious' apprentice so that he can get close enough to learn his secrets and kill him. It's just too bad that it takes 20 years to do it. Leia reveals that her mother died when Leia was very young. I think that Queen Amidala is going to get killed at the end of Episode 3 most likely in the heat of battle. Maybe she'll die alongside the Gungans who also fall victim to the Empire's genocidal ways.Thanks

In my version of the Episode II formula, the Clone Wars are just beginning. The manipulative Palpatine has been lobbying for years (remember that Episode II is 10-12 years in the future) that the Republic needs a unified grand fleet to defend it from external forces. Of course, there is no external threat to the Republic, so this idea is always passed over. However, when Darth Sidious creates an external threat to all Republic worlds, i.e. the cloned armies of Mandalorian warriors, this is just the event needed to bring the Republic worlds into agreement over a massive single fleet. With defeats at first, the new Republic grand fleet coincidentally wins it's first major victories when Palpatine takes personal control for the duration. This apparently brilliant display of military leadership will persuade the people of the Galactic Republic that the fleet needs to be under the direct control of Chancellor Palpatine who also deems it necessary to declare martial law for the duration of the emergency. This all seems perfectly logical to the frightened millions of Republic citizens. I think that Amidala will actually be a supporter of Palpatine and his idea of a grand fleet. This will be one of the mistakes of her young rule, due to her manipulation by the Supreme Chancellor.
I am not sure if Anakin will kill the new Sith Apprentice in Ep. II. My gut tells me that Anakin will use the dark side in a rage over the death of his mother, but this may be at the hands of Mandalorians. I feel that Obi-Wan will fight the new Sith Apprentice in Ep. II, with both of them escaping to fight another day. In Ep. III I feel this same Sith Apprentice will fight and be killed by Anakin. WJ

I suspect that Lucas has something big up his sleeve as well. Remember the incredulous disbelief when we found out that Darth was Luke's father and that Vader and Anakin are one and the same guy? Nobody saw that one coming, because Vader killed Anakin, right? Well, from a certan point of view, anyway. I believe a similar revelation will occur concerning the Palpatane/Sidious fiasco. Lets put together what we know. Palpatine and Sidious are played by the same actor. Palpatine and Sidious look exactly the same. The clone wars are rapidly approaching. Clones? Two characters that look exactly the same? Thats it kids! One is a clone of the other. Did Sidious clone himself to make Palpatine? Did Palpatine clone himself to make Sidious? Did someone else clone one of them? Those are the real questions.
J.D. Long

You couldn't have stated my own opinion any better. The only different take I have on it is that Palpatine and Sidious might be twin brothers, but I am still hip to the clone idea. It seems to make much more sense than the non-deception of 'who could that possibly be in the cloak?' Nothing in the first three movies was so blatantly obvious as what seems to be the main villian in TPM, therefore I am not buying the one-in-the-same explanation either. WJ



First, I have to say this, I enjoy the Star Wars mythos greatly, but it's only movies. That said, this whole speculation on Palpatine being Anakin's father or whoever, it will not hold true. Part of the reason I say this is on several occasions Lucas and crew have made several comments of the Star Wars stories being based on myths throughout our history. They have pointed out that there are may stories in other cultures that have occasions of a "virgin birth" so to speak.This is brought out in the first film in which Anakin's midi-chlorians are off the scale. Qui-Gon maintains he was conceived totally by the midi-chlorians andis a by-product of the force. But being born outside the Republic, his fate is sealed. Lucas has said that Anakin, not Luke, is the chosen one of the so-called Prophecy. I believe that Anakin has no father and therefore this is how Luke (and Leia) will become so strong with the force.
Palpatine is Sidious. I think too much speculation is being wasted on this. Why overcomplicate matters? Sidious is too willing to let the entire planet of Naboo be decimated to further his plans. Being this is Palpatine's home world, he is allowing the willful destruction of his home. Why? To gain control of the senate and later, the universe. We all know that Palpatine is to do this. So why is it so hard to grasp that they are one and the same?  My guess is right now it is too vague and we are all looking back from ROTJ to see the beginning and yet this is the beginning.
One last comment. A lot of people seem to be also be distressed that Obi-Wan is not being trained by Yoda, therefore messing up the ESB storyline. But, Obi-Wan, in one of his first lines says, "Master Yoda says I should be mindful..." leading one to believe, that yes, he was instructed at one time by Yoda.  Maybe before he sat on the council, who knows. It's just a movie. Enjoy.
Daniel McDermond

I agree, Star Wars are only movies. However, they are an established modern-day mythology and a cultural phenomenon nearly unrivalled in the 20th century. Star Wars is the first technological fairy-tale.
I must say that I concur with you totally. Lucas sticks close to historical models of mythology, and a very common theme through them is that the hero is conceived through a virgin birth or some other 'supernatural' means. Anyway, I think Palpatine being Anakin's father would just be way too much repetition in an already small Star Wars universe.
I wish I could believe that Palpatine and Sidious are the same. Using Occam's Razor, it is the simplest explanation. However, I think it is a bit too simple. It was obvious that Vader murdered Anakin Skywalker, right? I just think Lucas has something up his sleeve. With such a strong sense of family ties in Star Wars (Luke and Leia and Anakin) my personal feeling is that it would be terrific if Palpatine and Sidious were twin brothers. Some have suggested clones, and that could work but I think having them as siblings would make for a great story and even greater betrayal when Sidious murders Palpatine and assumes the Chancellorship for himself.
I also agree with you that too many people are worrying about Obi-Wan being trained by Jinn or by Yoda. it seems obvious: Obi-Wan was Jinn's Padawan, but all Jedi are subject to instruction by the Council.Yes, it's just a movie. But a really good one. WJ



"Wipe them out! All of them."  Is that the voice of Darth Sidious or the Emperor?  They are the same.  You think Qui-Gon would have challenged Shmi when she lied about her son's origins?  Not if he knew all along who the father was.   "You're thoughts betray you."  Is not reading Luke's thoughts part of the Force? One last question:  Do you think there was any other shop on Tatooine where they could have obtained the needed parts for their ship? Was it just a coincidence that Qui-Gon went straight to the place where Anakin was a slave?

I know that Ian McDiarmid played both Sidious and The Emperor, so therefore it is the same voice. However, the other angle is whether Sidious is a clone or a brother of Palpatine. The clone is a bit of a stretch I admit, but what about a twin brother? With all the twins and father/son relationships I think this could be plausible. This might make your theory that Sidious as Anakin's father work, possibly making The Emperor Darth Vader's uncle. Still family, but not quite as close as father/son.
Ah ha, now we get to the real question. Your implication is that Qui-Gon knew Shmi was lying about her conception. Do you think there is more to Qui-Gon than meets the eye? Some have suggested that it is he who is ultimately responsible for the fall of the Republic.
Reading Luke's thoughts is in fact a part of the Force, but it was not the Force that betrayed him. His thoughts betrayed him and were read by the Force is all I meant.
Was there any other shop on Tatooine that had the parts? Probably not. Anyway, I suppose you could call it the "will of the Force" that led Qui-Gon to Anakin...Thanks for your questions WJ



Dear Webmaster,
I found your ideas about the 2nd film disturbing. I read in the STAR WARS INSIDER   that the 2nd film would feature Anakin's marriage. I also wonder about the Mandalorian Clone Wars. I somehow feel that the perpetrators would not clone Mandalorians, because of the comments of Han Solo in DARK FORCE RISING. Solo, after witnessing several human clones in a corridor, says that the Empire could be launching a new round of Clone Wars with this action. These were not Mandalorians. I know, it's not a George Lucas novel. But I still think that we will see unmasked humans with the same faces. I also want to offer an idea on Anakin's downfall. I don't believe that his impatience will be his only weakness. I also think that the early separation from his mother will play an important role. First, he's vulnerable. He hasn't reached the age where it is customary for a youth to move away from his mother. When a child is ripped away too soon, disasters can follow. Yoda already sensed the fear in him. Even modern day psychologists can tell you the dangers of a child ripped away too soon. I have been consulting THE HERO WITH A THOUSAND FACES by Joseph Campbell, and that led me to the 2nd conclusion. It was also the novel that George Lucas read before writing SW. As for the Love Triangle in the 2nd film, here's a random idea. What if Kenobi, jealous of Amidala's love for Anakin and wanting to protect her from Anakin's evil "accidentally" knocks Anakin into the pit? He's going to do it eventually. Will it be protection, jealousy,or both? Not that I think Obi-Wan would be jealous. Perhaps he's just fedup with the misfortunes in his life: the death of Qui Gon, loss of Anakin to the Dark Side, shunning of Amidala. So, after saving Luke and Leia, he goes and hangs out on Tatooine for 25 years and mellows. Then he meets Luke in ANH, and the fun begins. It's a random thought, although probably not gonna happen. Thanx for reading!
Beth DiLeo :)

Which issue of the Star Wars Insider mentioned that Anakin gets married in Episode II? I don't remember seeing that...
Well, I feel we are going to see unmasked human clones with the same faces but these will in fact be Mandalorians. George Lucas came up with the basic original premise of the Mandalorians (he called them "super-troopers"). The whole thing about the Mandalorians is, they are suppose to be dead, long wiped out by the Jedi. They were allies of the Sith ostensibly. What would be the only way a dead race could be brought back....? Through cloning of course.
I think three things are going to lead to Anakin's downfall:
1.) Lucas has expressed that greed plays a major part of the dark side. Anakin was raised as a slave, whereas his love Amidala is wealthy. The lack of power and utter subjugation he felt as a slave will manifest itself as a lust for power in his adulthood.
2.) The death of his mother. I believe that Anakin will ultimately resent the Jedi Order for keeping him on Coruscant in training. He may also use the dark side of the Force for the first time as a result of his mother's death.
3.) Jealousy over Obi-Wan and Amidala. Obi-Wan will have affection for Amidala, but these feelings will be innocent. An outside party, most likely Darth Sidious, will speak into Anakin's ear. Ultimatley Anakin will bury feelings of hate and jealousy for Obi-Wan deep down until they erupt one day into violence (the lightsaber duel).
I think Obi-Wan will do everything he can do defend himself from Anakin's attack. He will have no choice but to drive Anakin into the pit, and I am sure he will attempt to save him, to no avail. WJ

How is darh maul doing?

Darth Maul is half the man he used to be. WJ

Cheers for the reply. I've got a few more questions.
Is it true that Lucas himself is going to direct both Ep2 and Ep3? This sounds like a pretty bad idea to me. (You don't even want to know what Ithought of TPM). What happened to the story that David Fincher (Seven, theGame) was doing 2? That would be ACE!.- He's a brilliant director and his 'darker' style would have been perfect for this trilogy's equivalent of ESB. And for the third? Personally I think there is only one man for the job.-STEVEN SPIELBERG!!! He's been criticised for being too childish in the past but this subject matter could have been made for him, (epic, good vs. evil, magical family fantasy adventure, etc,- think ET meets Empire of the Sun,) and there's no question he's one of the best and most consistent directors ever, who you can almost be sure would make a truly FAN-FU**IN-TASTIC film!!! I for one would seriously like to see that.
Secondly, you must've heard the rumours about Leonardo Dicaprio. What do you think of the idea? If not, who? I hated it at first, but I've changed mymind for the following reasons.-
1. Titanic proved he's a star, who can carrya film in a romantic lead role.
2. Although that film was pretty cheezy matinee fare, others like What's eating Gilbert Grape and the Basketball Diaries have shown hes actually a really great and powerful actor, capable ofconveying a level of emotional commitment, depth and gravitas rare for someone his age, and
3. He couldn't look much more like an older Jake Lloyd! (speaks like him too), as well as perfectly fitting the physical description of the character.- Tall, blonde and thin. More importantly, he's also got that cocky glint of intelligence arrogance in his eye, of knowing he's smarter than most people around him.- He could play a genius. Don't get me wrong, I'm no great Dicaprio fan, but I think it would be pretty hard to find many other people so well qualified for the part, and it would be some risk using an unknown. What do you reckon? I also heard a rumour that he was offered it already, but turned it down because the script was so bad! Do you know anything about this?
While I'm here, have you any information on Tbone Fender's SW universe? I can only get 'the server is overloaded' now. Has he moved anywhere d'you know?
And one last thing,- an extreme long shot- Mace Windu is Boba Fett? hmmm.

George Lucas is in fact going to direct Episodes II and III. I think that if David Fincher were to direct an episode it should be III, as that is supposed to be the absolute darkest out of the six. Lord knows Seven was pretty dark. Did he direct Alien 3? That was a dark one too. I have heard at one time or another that Shawshank Redemption's Frank Darabont would direct Episode III and that Spielberg would direct Episode II. I think both would be good choices, however I think that Lucas can pull it off as long as he has some good script doctors. Editing and the basic storyline have always been his strong points, not screenplays.
I personally think Leo would be perfect for the role of Anakin. I don't particularly care for him one way or the other, but he seems custom made. Right age, right looks, right disposition, fine actor. However, he may demand more money than Lucas is willing to part with. But to be in a Star Wars film...I think that stuff about him reading the script and turning it down is crap. The script was not even written yet, and may still not be complete as we speak.
I have no idea what happened to T'Bone Fender's site, but I do know that it is offline.
I think that the Mace Windu/Boba Fett thing is way off, no offense. WJ


Hello Jason,Thanks for the reply.
As for your questions, I think you really know the answers already.  First, go to the Starwars.com Website, click pt. 1 and then go into characters. Access Emperor Palpatine and the image of Darth Sidious will be staring back at you.  The concurrent holograms?  One right after the other, all he does is throw his hood over his head.   Remember, you never see Sidious in the eyes only a side view of the chin and mouth.
As far as Shmi Lying; Of course!  Just as Luke and Leia were hidden from Vader, Palpatine doesn't know that a slave girl he partied with once got knocked up.  The Jedi may well have set the whole thing up to get hold of the Sith lineage.  Anyway, she would have been told to never reveal the boys father. It could also explain her willingness to give him up for whatever higher calling he may have had.  Remember also that Obi-Wan lied to Luke about who his father was, it's a Jedi-Sith thing. Breeding programs: Frank Herbert, DUNE. Best part of all!  Remember at the end of TPM where Palpatine meets Anakin? He says, "We're certainly going to be keeping a close eye on you!"  The We in we're is Palpatine and his alter-ego Darth Sidious.  They are like two people within him (did you read Lucas's comment about a two headed character in the next movie? He didn't mean a literal two heads.)
Next: The shock Palpatine visibly displays upon seeing Anakin for the first time is his reaction to a sudden, unexpected disturbance in the force.  He did not know that he had a son until just that moment!  Recall the first time that Vader got physically close to Luke: "Your thoughts betray you... You have.... a sister!"  The force gives these things away.
Finally, about the formalities:  Vader never referred to Luke as his son to the Emperor, just as young Skywalker.  Of course the Emperor would never call Vader son, he's not that kind of a touchy-feely Emperor! Although he did refer to Luke as the son of Skywalker.  In the IV-VI movies, the Emperor is very wary of the power of Luke.   His desire is to destroy him.  Vader prevails upon the Emperor to change his mind (something he seldom does) because Vader points out that the paternal relationship is what made him ultimately turn to the Dark Side.  The father-son bond is the only reason that the Emperor allowed Luke to live.  It worked for him with his son, Why couldn't his son (Vader) work it with his grandson.
The final explanation for Why Anakin was turned to the Dark Side while Luke wasn't, will be a matter of parentage.  The mothers will determine the difference.  Anakins mother, Shmi, was a very compliant woman and her son, Anakin did not have very much strength of character.  On the other hand, Amadala, Lukes mother, displays a very strong character which gives Luke the determination to resist the Dark Side where his father couldn't.
As you see from all this, Palpatine being Anakins father is the only explaination that works. So that's how the Emperor turn Anakin to the DarkSide. May the force (or da Schwartz) be with you,

Well, I went to the Official site and dutifully checked the link liked you said. I was wondering to myself how I could have missed such a significant posting on the site when I simply saw a picture of The Emperor. I thought from your description that I was going to see an actual picture of Darth Sidious. The Emperor and Darth Sidious both wear robes, but it is not at all clear they are exactly the same person. You can see The Emperor's face, you cannot see Sidious'. I know they are played by the same actor and I know that odds are they will be the same person, but anyone who says that this is a fact now is wrong because Lucas has not come out and said it. Period.
As far as just throwing his hood over his head, he would have to put an entire robe on everytime he wanted to talk, as his clothing as Palpatine is quite different than Sidious. He would also have to change his speech patterns.
Jedi Masters can sense when someone is lying. "See through you we can" Yoda says to Anakin. Therefore I feel that if Shmi would have lied to Qui-Gon about the "virgin-birth", he would have sensed it.
I did not notice Palpatine displaying shock upon meeting Anakin. Anyway, he met Anakin on the landing platform when they first arrived on Coruscant.
When Vader said, "Your thoughts betray you" it was not the first time he got physically close to Luke. Also, Vader answers your own question, Luke's thoughts gave him away, the Force did not give him away.
Vader did in fact refer to luke as his "son" to the Emperor ("A small band of Rebels has landed on the forest moon. My son is with them") I think Shmi is meant to be a character just as strong as Amidala and Leia, it is simply her circumstances which are different. The circumstances may have something to do with Anakin turning, but I don't think the actual woman herself. WJ

Absolutely f**king WICKED site by the way!! I'm blown away by your coverage of prequel rumours and plotline!! Its fantastic! Just a couple of things I can't work out though.
-1) How long do you think it would take for a clone to grow? Surely they grow just like normal people. If this is so, then it won't be very possible to show Sidious/Palpatine finding the Mandalore DNA,- he'd have had to be planning it for a whole generation already. More importantly, it would render discussion on Coruscant about whether to clone republic forces pretty redundant, as any cloning programme wouldn't yield new recruits until probably years after the wars had been finished.   But if they have speeding up technology, and can make the clones grow quickly, how can they train newly-born people to do all the complicated stuff they would have to do to to fight a full-on interplanetary war, and to operate as effective soldiers, in such a short time? They'd have the minds of two-year-olds! This goes doubly so for the Jedi. Everybody knows that Jedi must undergo years and years of painstaking and patient training before they become the 'best fighters of the republic', so simply creating loads of untrained Jedi wouldn't be much good. How do you see this matter being resolved?
2) (clones again) Which way do you think the republic decides? Do they choose to respect the Jedi's veto and just wage the war with what forces they have? or do they, (led by Sideous) ignore them and go ahead with the cloning anyway? What do you reckon?
Also, do you have any ideas on the part Boba Fett plays in Ep2? His role is supposedly 'pivotal'. I heard that he is somehow very involved in the defeat of the Mandalorians,- betraying them somehow by selling secrets or something. (to his friend Anakin perhaps?).
Finally, I really like your idea about Anakin being frustrated and impatientby Obi-Wan's (a less 'naturally' powerful Jedi than him) pedestrian training.- He has big ideas and is arrogantly sure he can do everything better than everyone else, (and so he can). After all, the Sith law is 'power denied is power wasted'. Perhaps Anakin is forced to stay behind on Coruscant because he's too young and inexperienced to go, perhaps his frustration and annoyance at this is relieved by Palpatine who introduces him to this maxim, and other Sith teachings, and the pleasure they can bring, by giving him the opportunity to go to the war late and win the glory he so desires!! Keep up the absolutely brilliant work!!! I've only just discovered this site but I'll definately be watching it regularily from now on. Thanks!!

In my head I have a very clear view of "clones" in the Star Wars universe. I feel that clones can be "mass-produced", that is they grow at a tremendously accelerated rate. As far as their education and mental state and such, clones are purpose-grown for one thing or another, in this case Mandalorian clones bred for fighting. The only thing they would have to know, besides how to eat and walk and pee is how to fight. This could be done by a series of computer programs that run the course of their incubation period. When they emerge from their "vats", they are ready to begin fighting, but don't try to take them to the opera...
As you can see, this treatment of clones creates a credible storyline. Sidious can clone warriors at a rate faster than the Republic can replenish their own. This terrifies the Republic and they demand that their best warriors -the Jedi- be cloned to combat this threat. The Jedi refuse on moral grounds that cloning kills or mutates the midi-chlorians. This causes suspicion among the people of the Republic and sets up the Jedi for thier ultimate fall.
I think that the Republic backs off the Jedi concerning cloning themselves, but they become much more wary of the Jedi. I believe that the Jedi promise that the Mandalorians will be defeated somehow, but not through cloning themselves. Ultimately, when the Clone Wars are over, the Jedi will have been decimated due to this effort.
Fett's role is to be "prominent", not "pivotal". I feel that the two possibilities for Fett are that he is either an as-yet unintroduced rouge character (kind of like a gruffer Han Solo), or that he is Anakin's young friend Kitster from Tatooine.
While Obi-Wan certainly proved that he is ready to become a Jedi Knight, that doesn't mean he is ready to take a Padawan. Kenobi himself is still headstrong and impatient when he takes Anakin, and this may lead to Anakin's frustration during his own training.
Thanks again for the enthusiastic response, I appreciate it. WJ


Awesome story!! I need more!! When? Thanks,

Thanks for the compliment! Don't worry, more to come within the next two weeks! WJ

Dear Whill,
I read your Star Wars web site this evening and found it really interesting. I became a serious SW fan in 1977 with the original movie ANH.  I recently took my kids to see Phantom and we all enjoyed it very much!  It rekindled in me the Lucas force that makes you sense you know something that you couldn't know.  (Does he use subliminal?)   After I saw ANH the first time, something bothered me for a long time and a year or two later, I finally figured it out; Darth Vader was Luke Skywalkers father!  Anyone I told thought I was crazy at the time but you know the rest.  And the clues were all there.  After I saw TPM, I had a similar unsettling feeling.  I finally realized that
1) Senator Palpatine was the Emperor (now confirmed on starwars.com) and
2) that Palpatine is also Anakins father!  Today I read that speculation on another website! 
Remember, Lucas uses the same things over again.  This last secret is the real Phantom Menace that will ultimately turn Anakin to the dark side.  Of course, Palpatine is a real menace anyway; He is aligned with both sides in all conflicts so he wins no matter what the outcome.  In the clone wars, he will be secretly leading the clones and at the same time, the Jedi Council will be fighting for him and the republic which he will head (with both sides decimating each other). Anakin will be fighting for what he thinks is the good guys and align himself with Palpatine as he becomes more and more involved with evil, not ever knowing it.  The ultimate seduction of Luke to the dark side was after his escape in the Falcon when Vader called to him and he answered but his friends took him away.  Next time, Anakin will be mortally wounded when Palpatine comes along and saves him mentioning that he is his father. Anakin will have just been told that the Jedi abandoned him to die (not really true) and he will be eternally devoted to his father. That is, until the day he see's himself pulling the same stunt on his own son, Luke. What do you think about it?

I am very happy that you found my site interesting.
So George sends you subliminal messages, eh? Just kidding. So you are certain that Palpatine is the Emperor. Ok, but is Palpatine Darth Sidious? Is Darth Sidious The Emperor? Does that mean Darth Sidious is Anakin's father? Anakin Skywalker's father is a Sith Lord? I think you may have something. I have mulled over various combinations of relationships between the characters and I think that there is a distinct possibility that you are correct. However, I can't seem to come to believe that there isn't something more to Sidious and Palpatine. Did you find it odd that Palpatine was talking to Amidala via hologram almost simultaneously as Darth Sidious was talking to the Federation? Is he a quick-change artist?
So as far as I can tell, you feel that Palpatine (who is also Sidious) impregnated Shmi. Did she lie to Qui-Gon out of embarassment, or did he somehow secretly impregnate her? I personally thought that Anakin's father may have been a Sith Lord, since Obi-Wan says "no Jedi have a midi-chorian count that high". Perhaps only Sith have greatly increased midi-chlorian counts.
It will be really tough for Lucas to incorporate Palpatine as Darth Vader's father. Remember he calls Vader "my friend" and "my servant" several times. Doesn't sound too paternal. WJ

I'm hoping you can help me with this. In the book Star Wars: Episode 1: The Visual Dictionary there is the quote (page 11): "Of the teeming trillions of speciesthat populate the galaxy, very few individuals becomefull-fledged Jedi Knights; the ranks based on Coruscant number only about 10,000." Does this mean there are 10,000 Jedi Knights on Coruscant, or does it mean there are 10,000 total throughout the galaxy, and they're based on Coruscant? Thank you if you have an idea.
Preston Hunter

I am fairly sure that there are about 10,000 Jedi total spread throughout the galaxy and that their home base is the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. WJ

Your site is the best prequel site I've seen so far - full of imaginative but common sense speculation as well as hard facts. Unlike the crap that one usually has to sift through on other rumour-based sites. Best wishes,
K. Kishor

Thank you very much for your compliment, it is the best reward I can get. I hope that in the future I can continue to deliver the goods. WJ

Hey, it's me again.  BTW, I've had a chance to check out some other SW sites, and yours is the best.  I want to get your opinion on these two things:
1) In ESB, when the Emperor wants Vader to destroy Luke, but then Vader convinces him "if he could be turned, he would be a powerful ally," do Vader and the Emperor both realize what this means--that one of them is going to get knocked off?  If they are both Sith Lords, and there can only be two, Vader must think he can take on the Emperor and become the master with Luke as his apprentice.  But surely Vader KNOWS that the Emperor KNOWS this too!  Likewise, if the Emperor wanted Luke as the new apprentice, he had to know that Vader knew what he was up to.  So, they both thought they would be bumping the other one off, and they both had some idea of the other's plans!   So why the charade for the rest of ESB & ROTJ?  Or could Luke have been turned WITHOUT becoming a Sith?  What's the deal?
2) Maybe some credibility to your theory that Palpatine and Sidious not necessarily the same.  In the novelization of ROTJ (not in the movie), there is a part near the end when the Emperor is reading Luke's thoughts.  He says, "Who trained you" and Luke thinks of Yoda.  Then the Emperor says, "And does this Yoda still live?" and Luke thinks of Yoda's death, and the Emperor says "Excellent!   Now there's no one in the way..."  Wouldn't the REAL Palpatine know of Yoda, who he is, etc., being a Senator who dealt with the council and All?  Also, I thought I heard somewhere that Palpatine had been turned down for Jedi training by Yoda, so surely he would know who he was.
Just some ramblings for you to muse over.  Keep up the good work,
The Bad Nightwatchman

Nice to hear from you again. Thanks for the compliment, I have been getting a lot of that lately :-]
I think the deal with Luke is that Vader and The Emperor both had plans that included Luke and the elimination of each other. In the novelizations, it is clear that Vader has hostile feelings toward the Emperor, but still fears his power. He knows that he can only usurp the Emperor with Luke's help. Understand that this is definately Vader's plan. The Emperor on the other hand, was angry with Vader for having offspring, but also impressed with Luke's power and youth. I believe The Emperor knew that Vader had plans to turn on him but foresaw him being defeated by Luke. The Emperor could not see Luke's final response and Vader's self-sacrifice however.
I am a little shaky on the Yoda thing. If Palpatine became openly hostile toward the Jedi, then Yoda would certainly hide from him. If it was Darth Sidious and Sidious is a different being than Palpatine he still would not know of Yoda's whereabouts. I don't see that solid of a link there. WJ



Thank you for responding quickly. I am a bit confused, because in your article about Padme, you said that she was a real person, and acting as Queen Amidala's decoy. You also said that the real Padme, disguised as the Queen,was handed over to Nute Gunray. In the Lucasfilm book about the making of TPM, that Amidala traded places with one of her handmaidens, Padme, as a decoy. Please write back! Thank you,
Holly : )

I can understand your confusion, as it is a confusing premise. Accordingly, I will update my FAQ's page to reflect a more comprehensive explanation. WJ

yo, some thoughts.

1) Anakin says that he and his mom were owned by a hutt, and passed on to watto. He says he has been  around ( on tatooine, since he was three, now, remember the Qui gon sais that if he was in a republic colony he would have been picked out by the jedi earlier. I do not think that this is a mistake, I think Anakin was placed there in ORDER to avoid the jedi! This could also explain his mothers lie ( i think it is a lie) about Anakins father.
2) Qui-gon jinn is Darth Sidious? If so, then why would Darth Sidious have sent Darth maul to find the queen?? He would have known already! This does not make sense.
3) Remeber when Yoda and Sam Jackson are talking, they ask who was killed, the master or the apprentice, then they show palpatine, but two places below palpatine is a hooded jedi whos profile looks a lot like darth sidious! check it out!
4) the biggest thing that I have realised, Darth sidious calls Darth maul his "young apprentice", we all know that the emperor called luke skywalker that while trying to turn him to the dark side, QUI-GON CALL OBIWAN THIS TOO! he says to obiwan, YOU HAVE MUCH TO LEARN MY YOUNG APPRENTICE! am I overeacting here? Or is this a little game played by lucas?? I noticed that jedi DO use the force for attack, like when they repel the robots, or how qui-gonn repelled lord maul! please respond

You've got some interesting points.
From the way you have descibed it, accurately I might add, it seems that Shmi could be a tragic pawn in a massive plan. She became pregnant *somehow*, and was kept away from the main Republic worlds by her various owners. However, since slavery is outlawed in the Republic, this does make sense.
I agree, Darth Sidious=Qui-Gon Jinn does not make sense. But it has been going around the 'net (along with every other possibility).
I need to see the film again to check out this 'hooded Jedi'. However, I am a bit skeptical of this since I have heard at least a half-dozen other places where fans have 'seen' Sidious. Mainly there are a lot of people with hooded robes wandering around the Republic.
Probably just a little game played by Lucas, but both the Sith and the Jedi have a tradition of Master+Apprentice.
Using the Force against droids is a bit different than using it against life-forms. Anyway, once engaged in battle, "attack" and "defense" become a little blurred. They certainly do not initiate Force-attacks for no reason. Initiating combat is attack. There also is some mention that Kenobi and Jinn unleash their full abilities against the droids because they are just machines. I am not sure exactly when Qui-Gon repelled Darth Maul with the Force, but since Maul attacked him unprovoked I am sure it was well within Jinn's right to defend himself any way he could.
"For knowledge and defense, never attack." WJ

What is the pupose of the Jedi knights in general in the star wars saga and who are the sith? Thanks

The Jedi Knights are guardians of peace and justice in the Galactic Republic. Here is the Jedi Code (from the Star Wars Episode I The Phantom Menace Scrapbook):

-Jedi are the guardians of peace in the galaxy.
-Jedi use their powers to defend and protect, never to attack others.
-Jedi respect all life, in any form.
-Jedi serve others rather than ruling over them, for the good of the galaxy.
-Jedi seek to improve themselves through knowledge and training.

The Sith serve as the main enemy of the Jedi. Thousands of years before A New Hope, several Jedi broke off from the order. Under the idea of "power denied is power wasted", the Sith cultivated their connection with the dark side of the force and waged war against the Jedi. Thousands of years later, this ancient threat has returned as The Phantom Menace. WJ

big fan here watch the movies over and over I consider myself a big expert but one question... Why the hell doesnt kenobi run fast using his jedi speed power that him and qui-gon used in the beginning of the film??? thanks...

That is a really good question that I hadn't thought of. I would call that an oversight on Lucas' part. It would have been a better scene if he was really far from Qui-Gon and Maul initially, and used the super-speed but still came up short.
Another possibility is that in the beginning when they were running from the Droidekas, the Jedi were using their powers of illusion to disorient the Droids but were running at normal speed. In the novelization, the Droidekas made it a point to switch to non-optical tracking after they ran. WJ



First off I would like to congratulate you on a wonderful and informative site. For some time now I have been debating with a friend of mine regarding the Star Wars story as a whole.  His argument is that the prequels were written after the 4, 5 , and 6 episodes and that 7, 8, 9 episodes do not exist.  My argument is that George Lucas had the concept for the whole storyline and then divided it into 9 episodes, that we now know as Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back and so on.  I'm not talking about the screenplays for the movies, I'm talking about the basic storyline.  Please help us settle this debate as we are nearly ending our friendship over the debate. thank you
alex d.

Thank you very much for your compliment. I would hope that you did not end a friendship over something as trivial as when Lucas wrote the story. However, if you are the "I told you so" type, this should lend fuel to your fire: your explanation is the correct one. However, the sequel trilogy will not be made. WJ

the jedi council seem so naive and almost scared of the sith. They are almost lazy in there actions. who do you think is the traitor in the jedi?? there has been a lot of talk a bout a traitor.

The Jedi have become complacent in their 'old age'. It was thought that their last true enemy, the Sith, had been wiped out nearly a millennia before. In that time, the Jedi have had no adversary which truly challenged them. Lightsabers were used mainly for ceremony and for deflecting blaster fire. Fencing was still taught as part of the classical curriculum, and this was lucky for Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon. Jedi were not used to fighting opponents armed with lightsabers, much less ones who were experts in their employment such as Darth Maul. The Jedi began to believe in their own smug invincibility, and this caused them to be quite incredulous when Qui-Gon Jinn insisted that he had encountered a Sith Lord.There is much speculation that Mace Windu may turn out to be a traitor among the Jedi ranks, but this is completely unsubstantiated. The reason this rumor popped up mainly is because mace Windu has a lightsaber that is very much like one half of Darth Maul's. I personally think that Windu will be shown to be a great hero. The Jedi do not need anymore traitors besides Anakin. WJ

I'd imagine it'd be best for public enlightenment if you'd put somewhere, as fact, for it is, the quote of what the novelization says about the Sith (inthe vicinity of page 137).  In summary, there can be only two or everything will break down.  Darth Bane has been dead for a thousand years.  He was the one who said there could only be two to begin with.  There are only two Sith at a time, I say!  I don't believe for a second that Palpatine is Sidious (although it isn't undeniable fact yet), but if he isn't, then in E2 it'll be Sidious and Palpatine (see the last few pages of the novelization for Sidious' last thoughts in TPM).  In E3, after Sidious dies, Palpatine and Vader.  Everyone is obviously hyped up about Maul and such and immature enough to generate whatever regards them, but it would be mighty helpful to put up what the novelization says, to debase and enlighten.  Thanks. And the writer points out in one place or another that Lucas indeed told him the whole Sith backstory.  Straight from Lucas, then, it would be. Undeniable fact.
~Darth Parallax

Well, it is undeniable fact that there can only be two Sith at a time, a Master and an Apprentice. The question is, how literal are you willing to be? What if one dies (just as Maul did!) ? Are the Sith invalid? There is only one! Must the remaining Sith Lord grab the nearest person and say, "tag, you're it!"? Is there a grace period that allows the other Sith to search for a suitable apprentice? Although I also believe that Palpatine and Sidious are not exactly the same, I find it difficult to accept that Palpatine will be the new Sith Apprentice. It is pretty clear that the Apprentice Sith is fighting muscle, while the Master Sith Lord manipulates through subterfuge and mastery over the dark side. Look at the three candidates for Sith Apprentice: Darth Maul, Darth Vader, and Luke Skywalker. Old man Palpatine doesn't seem quite right. I see Palpatine as a partner to Sidious, not an Apprentice. My thinking is that we will see a new Sith Lord in Episode II. There are only a few gimmicks left, so don't be surprised if you see a female Sith Lady wielding two lightsabers at the same time. I think this Sith Apprentice character will survive to Episode III, where Anakin will fight him/her and win.
Just a thought, since a simpler explanation would be the next Sith is Anakin. WJ

A couple of questions: what do you think about anakin not having a father?? I think his mother is hiding something. A traitor in the jedi?? who can it be?? there are not enough characters yet for it to be hard to find out who. I hope there is not one. If yoda thought that anakin was soooooooo DANGEROUS WHY ALLOW OBIWAN TOTRAIN HIM? was this a case of at least we can keep a watch on him? how come cp30 does not realise the connection between luke and anakin? was his memory flushed? thank

Something certainly is up with Anakin's virgin birth besides Shmi getting drunk at a frat party. Here are the possibilities in my mind:
-Shmi actually did have a "virgin conception" which was spontaneously induced by the midi-chlorians
-Shmi thought she had a virgin birth but the midi-chlorians were manipulated somehow by Darth Sidious
-Darth Sidious impregnated Shmi
I think maybe Darth Sidious impregnated Shmi the old fashioned way, and she was too embarrassed to tell Qui-Gon the truth.Yoda did not allow the training, in fact he was against it. The rest of the council overruled him. I like your idea that they want to at least train Anakin to keep an eye on him, lest he become too dangerous.The only possible traitor could be Mace Windu, but there is no evidence for that. Most likely C-3P0's memory was wiped. WJ


Dear Whill Journalist,
After visiting your site I was very impressed. I especially liked the Episode II plotline. Even if Lucas puts something else on film, I got a real kick out of your plot line. It was so good i may even do some writing on it and send it to you. Also in regards to one of your FAQ's, namely why doesnt Qui Gon disappear after he is killed?, I think I have an answer based in concrete fact, that is if you go along with everything written about the SW expanded Universe. I got the answer from Chris McElroy's Time Tales which can be found at www.force.net. This particular site does a great job of putting all the SW expanded Universe tales in chronological order. In section 1.5 of the tales, it refers to the death of Jedi Ulic Qel Droma which comes from Tales of the Jedi: Dark Lords of the Sith comic book. Anyway, as Ulic dies, he disappears as he does Nomi Sunrider ( I beleive ?) comments that only Jedi Masters disappear when they die, obviously due to their extremely close relationship and true undestanding of the Force. Thus deriving that Qui-Gon ( or Darth Vader/ Anakin Skywalker) were true Jedi Masters but merely very close to it. I hope this tid-bit of info can be found useful. Please respond, if you can and let me know if I helped out any.
May the Force be with you.
Chris Schneider

Thanks a lot for your kind words, I really do appreciate them. I am working on a much more detailed Episode II plotline. Actually what I am doing is going to be different compared to what I did for Episode I. For Episode I I basically compiled my own plotline for the film then changed it accoring to web rumors and facts. It gradually matured in to a very polished and accurate treatment of the final film. For Episode II, I am going to establish the current popular thinking on the next film under the Episode II Alleged Plotline section. However, I am working on a full screenplay for what I think will happen and what I would like to see happen in Episode II. It won't be done for some time, but it will certainly be complete before may 2002...This screenplay will be under my Fan Fiction section, which currently only has the first 4 chapters of my backstory on Darth Maul, called The Candle Which Burns Twice As Bright, but will soon include more. Your evidence for why Qui-Gon doesn't die is interesting, but I just don't buy it. First of all, I really don't folow the "expanded universe", and, frankly, I don't think Lucas does much either. I do have my own explanation for why Qui-Gon does not disappear in my FAQ's section, but it is more of an acknowledgement than concrete fact. It is a fact, however, that Qui-Gon Jinn was a Jedi Master and nothing can dispute that. WJ

Hi. My name is Charles Earhart. I would like to express my point of view of what I discovered in the Star Wars series and I would like to know your opinion,after all, you are an expert in the area. I found out that the series is based upon the history which develops around Nazi Germany since 1931 and the rise to power of Adolf Hitler, from a simple politician in a corrupt republic as was the Weimar Republic to the Chancellor and in a future the Emperor of a devastating army and Empire. Star Wars characters represent the role played by whole countries and alliances in which I found the following similarities:
1.) The Republic: As was the republic of Weimar, a union of several other countries/regions which was full of corrupted politicians. Or the League of Nations, which was also not as usefull as it was supposed to be and all of the original members in time abandoned.
2.) Queen Amidala's Kingdom and the Rebellion: It can be seen as the role played by England, as a weaker power and with less resources and men, played a very important part in the downfall of the Nazi Empire.
3.) Senator Palpatine: This character followed the same path to power as Adolf Hitler did. Firstly, as a part of a corrupted system which could only be corrected by a strong central government and rising to being the chancellor of the decaying excesively bureaucratic Republic by means of force and influences.
4.) Jedi Knights: Masons. An order of knights which are close to the crown of England known to defend it until death. Also feared by other countries for their worldwide known loyalty for the order and church. The principles of the mason order are the ones of universal unity, humanity and peace.
5.) Sith Knights: The Templars. Who were supposely finished by Philip IV, King of France,   and Pope Inocencio, during the XIV Century, more than 600 years ago.They were accused of heresy and satanism (maybe the physical appearance of DarthMaul is represented by this).
6.) Lando Carisian: France betrayed the British by signing an armistice with Germany in 1940 and leaving France out of the war. But then, france organizes a resistance movement lead by Charles de Gaulle continuing the fight against the Germans and helping the British again.
7.) Ewoks: The Russians helped the Allies to win the war in conditions in which they had the advantage given by terrain, even when their weapons were less advanced and efficient as the germans were.
8.) Darth Vader: He represents the German military class. These generals where highly trained in the military arts and attempted to kill Hitler during the war.
These were almost all the facts which I could find which resemble the WWII history in the Star Wars tale. I would like to know what you think about the subject and if you know why then George Lucas takes credit by a story he didn't come up with?
Charles Earhart

That certainly is quite a bit of deep food for thought; here is my take on it Charles:
That the rise of Senator Palpatine to Chancellor of the Republic and then declaring himself dictator unquestionably can be said to parallel Adolph Hitler's rise to chancellor and subsequent dictatorship. I generally agree with your view on who the Republic may represent. I look at France as being the closer parallel to Naboo. Naboo stood in the face of the almighty armies of The Trade Federation completely secure that the Republic would protect and defend them. France stood in the face of the almighty armies of Nazi Germany completely secure that the Maginot Line would protect and defend them.Your policy of bringing the Knights Templar and Freemasonry into this subject are interesting to say the least. My understanding was that Freemasons are Templars, albeit in a bastardized form. Allow me to explain:

The Knights Templar were an extremely powerful and influential order of the Roman Catholic Church in the Middle Ages. They established the first international banking system and were headquartered in several key places, but their largest base of operations was France. In the 1300's, the papacy was not in Rome, Italy but in Avingon, France for a period of about seventy or so years. It was during the reign of King Philip the Fair of France that the Knights Templar came to an abrupt and bloody end. King Philip was a ruthless monarch and was deeply envious of the massive wealth the Templars possessed right under his nose. King Philip used his influence with the current Pope to devise a plan to disband the Knights Templar and nationalize their funds. Many heretical charges were levied agains the knights, ranging from homosexuality to worshipping a severed head called Baphomet. Under the auspices of these shady charges and with the Pope's (reluctant) authority, the whole of French Templardom was arrested en massé. Many Templars were tortured and executed, including their Grandmaster, Jacques DeMolay. However, the powerful Templar battlefleet slipped out of French harbors never to be seen again. Much has been speculated where this fleet sought refuge, and the most logical conclusion is the following:
In the Early 1300's, shortly after the disbanding of the Knights Templar, Scotland was fighting for independence for England. At the famous Battle of Bannockburn, Scottish soldiers led by Robert the Bruce were losing to English forces, until a devastating suprise cavalry charge issued forth from the Scottish ranks and turned the tide of battle. These mysterious elite shock troops? Knights Templar...
Under the protection of Scotland, the Templars went deep underground and took their secrets with them. They eventually became the first Freemasons, with strange oral and ceremonial traditions handed down through time to remind the members of their knightly origins. It is certainly no coincidence that the young Freemasons are called "DeMolays", is it?

Now returning to the Star Wars issue, I feel that the Jedi are the Knights Templar, and that King Philip and the Pope are Darth Sidious and Senator Palpatine. The Knights Templar were protectors of European Christendom, the Jedi protectors of the Republic. The Templars were fierce fighters who had an air of the mysterious and the mystical about them, much like the Jedi. Like the Jedi, events were orchestrated by outside forces to discredit them, allowing the disbandonment of the order to go unopposed by the people. As far as Lucas taking credit for a story that isn't his, all stories are retelling an older story in one form or another. WJ

There is only one thing I dont get...what do they mean by this, as you have on your website..."And in time of greatest despair,there shall come a savior, and he shall be known as: "The Son ofSun", are they talking about Obi-Wan? And if so,why do they call him that? Iguess that Obi-wan is the last of the remaning Jedi (Besides Yoda) who is willing to train Luke which is the last resort for the Republic? Idunno?!?!?!?!?!?!? Sincerly
Rouge 8-Diana

The quotation, "And in time of greatest despair, there shall come a savior, and he shall be known as:'The Son of Sun'" comes from the fictional Journal of the Whills. What is the Journal of the Whills you ask? The Journal of the Whills is a fictional book that exists only in the mind of George Lucas. It appeared in some of the earlier drafts of Star Wars: A New Hope and was essentially a history book that told the events from The Phantom Menace to Return Of The Jedi in the form of a flashback. WJ


Hey, again, great job on the site.  One question though:  where do you get these rumors you update?  Some of them are compelling, but others are downright nonsense.  Qui-Gon Jinn is actually Darth Sidious?  Come on, did I miss something?  What I'm wondering is are these rumors coming from reliable sources, or just people trying to start their own rumors on the web?  If I put on a web site that I banged Princess Leia, would you add that to your new rumor section?  Just wondering what's up,
The Bad Nightwatchman

Thanks again for the compliment. The far-fetched rumors you are referring to do not come from any one site in particular, but are large topics or threads in message boards. I made it a point to post them under the rumors section with a header simply of "internet rumors" but I suppose if I post stuff like that again maybe I will call them "random" or "unsubstantiated" internet rumors. They just happen to be what people online are talking about, not what I personally feel.You banged Princess Leia! Wow that's awesome! WJ

Once in the bookstore I saw a tiny book called "Who's who in the Phantom Menace". It gave back stories for every minor character, such as every alien in the pod race. The book is no longer in my store. Is this info on the net somewhere?
Jeffery Winkler

All the info that was in that particular little book can be gotten from the Episode I Insider's Guide CD ROM. Much of it can also be found in the Episode I Visual Dictionary and the Episode I Scrapbook. Pieces of that info are scattered on various location throughout the Internet. WJ

parallels of the dune by frank Herbert of Seattle washington we had a few talks about the stars wars idea in 1971. there are many other trilogy sets C.s Lewis series.   in the menace ep.1 shmi had anakin without father and he failed to be the new hope but his twin kids became the rulers of the Republic. that is the same as in prequel of Dune and in the No. 3 star child of c.s. lewis.  The force is yin yang and yet in cs. lewis Aslon is God with no dark side it seem odd but all realms are about 1,000 years up to 4,000 years in each time of the 6,000 yr. the 7th is the rule of total power with no dark side So yin and yang separated as light is from darkness. and the light rules in a balanced state. Even in the bible it says after the thousand years then comes a 1000 years of battle at the end before there is a new heaven and earth by fire. just a few thoughts.
Chuan Xihu ( Mr. Blake)

There certainly do seem to be strong shared themes between Star Wars and Frank Herbert's Dune. In fact, when Star Wars was first released Frank Herbert contemplated suing George Lucas for plagarism. However, the themes of a "chosen one", of ancient enemies, of rise fall and redemption are found throughout various cultures and times. WJ

I read your story on the web page and would like to congratulate you on an admirable job.  Your portrayl of Darth Maul (before becoming a Sith I takeit) is very satisfying.  I enjoy the fog of mystery around the character,as well as the more descriptive characteristics being described through character action, rather than dialogue.  I am curious, is there more tobe added in the near future?  I understand works in progress are, well, inprogress.  It is difficult to produce a well rounded villain, as most portrayls are unsatisfying.  The characters lack complete motivation.  It is usually simple motives or incomplete character surrounding the antihero.  I hope you put effort into building something very substantialin Maul's character.  Do you take other's fiction on your site?  I'm sure there are many writers who have flirted with Lucas' genre.  I too have a story in progress (slow on progress) and would find some criticism useful.  Thanks and good luck,

I am thoroughly pleased that you enjoyed my story to date, and thank you for your compliment. There will be much more added to The Candle Which Burns Twice As Bright shortly, as I have been working on several projects simultaneously in my spare time. No one has submitted any fiction to me yet, but I would be happy to take a look at anything you have written to date. Naturally, if I think it is good and thematically appropriate I would definately consider posting it on my site. Besides the backstory of Darth Maul, I am also writing an Episode II screenplay and am working on what I call The Phantom Menace: Renegade Version. WJ


My friend and I went to see TPM for the second time today, and I noticed two things. First, in the scene with the Senate, they briefly show the aliens from E.T. when Amidala calls for the vote of no confidence. Secondly, when Senator Palpatine came back after he was nominated for Grand Chancellor, Amidala's Captain mentioned that two other people were nominated, one of them being Bail Antilles from Alderran? Was it my imagination or did I here that right. Shouldn't it have been Bail Organa? Confused,
Bruce Reade

You did in fact see the E.T.'s, however I still have not seen them...You and a lot of other people were confused over the nomination of Bail Antilles instead of Bail Organa. There was in fact an actor (Adrian Dunbar) cast as Bail Organa, so it is not as if Lucas and McCallum forgot about him. It would seem that either 'Bail' is a common name or perhaps in fact a title on Alderaan. WJ

The following is from the official Star Wars website.  Under cast of characters, this is said about the Palpatine character:    

"Ian McDiarmid returns to his role as the mysterious Senator Palpatine, who will one day become the dreaded Emperor Palpatine."

As for Darth Sidious, the are the one in the same and is hinted at twice in the film and once in the novelization. In the book, Palpatine comes to the Queen's chambers to her the good news of himself and 2 others being nominated for the supreme Chancellor.   She informs him of her decision to return to Naboo, gathers everyone and leaves. As Jar Jar is leaving, he notices a sly smile come to the Senator's face.  In the film, this sort of happens, but Jar Jar has already left and his smile starts to appear as the edit to the next scene is rolling across the screen. At the end of the film, there is the Yoda/Mace Windu dialogue of there is always 2, no more no less...a master and an apprentice. Mace leaves the open question of which one died, the master or the apprentice and the camera sweeps across the faces watching the funeral pyre to stop on...Senator Palpatine. Not to mention that line of Palpatine to Anakin that they would be watching his future, was shot at the last minute back in April as a reference to the future relationship of the Master/apprentice of emperor and darth vader.  this was said by producer Rick McCullem

I certainly did not miss any of the astute observations you listed to support your theory. Yet I am still compelled to believe there is something more sinister and, well, insidious (for lack of a better word) about the relationship between Palpatine and The Dark Lord. In almost every reference where any officially sanctioned Lucasfilm merchandise gets a chance to shed some light on this apparently infallable theory, it always remains intentionally vague. Even in the recently released Insider's Guide CD ROM, there is a picture that says, "Actor Ian McDiarmid wearing the Darth Sidious costume". Why would that be phrased in such an intentionally odd manner? WJ

Dear Knowledge Guru: Being the simple minded idiot that I am, I can not accept that Chancellor Palpatine and Darth Sidious are the same person. My very smart and cool friend has been trying to explain this blatently obvious fact to me for quite sometime but I just can't see the truth. Please explain to me once and for all this problem that I face.Yours in Star Wars
Ben "I've seen Phantom Menace twice and I'm still ignorantof subtle hints" Milne

Well, your 'smart and cool friend' seems to be in the majority of fans. However, I am not! I, like you, am also a simple-minded idiot. There are many hints in TPM that allude to Sidious being Palpatine, but...they are not subtle at all! They come right out and smash you over the head! I won't just yet subscribe to the overly-simplified view that they are the same person. WJ


I still need to see TPM once more to be sure, but it seems that when Darth Maul sends those objects out to scan Tatooine the one that returns says "it's the boy". This leads me to believe that Annakin's existence is of some consequence to the Sith. If Palpatine and Sidious are truly one in the same, as is rumored, could that person be Annikan's father? Because his mother acts oddly when Qui-Gon gets the readings from Annikan.
Todd Okren

From my understanding, the Sith probe droid in question just muttered some type of gobblety-gook at Darth Maul. Maul was not hunting Anakin and did not know about Anakin. He sent the droid specificially to find either of the two Jedi, because his mission was to eliminate them first. The theory that Darth Sidious somehow has a hand in Anakin's conception has been brought up elsewhere, but I see no connection between that possibility and the events on Tatooine. WJ

I was just reading the spread you had on Episode II and I just gotta say I'm SO glad someone agrees with me that Sidious and Palpatine aren't the same person OR clones of each other.  I get tired of hearing "Look at their chins, look at the balcony railing, listen to the voices, look at the credits!" that it makes me wanna scream.  Anyhoo, I think the Alleged Plotline sounds about as good as any I've heard so far, and my own personal theories ran pretty parallel to them.  Keep up the good work.

Me again. Read Episode III Alleged Plotline. I thought: What if that "event" that would further discredit the Jedi would be the destruction of Caamas? A peaceful planet with no armament and a pacifistic view of life; sounds a lot like Alderaan. Thanks for your time. May the Force be with you,
Yoda's Ghost

I am glad that someone out there agrees with me, but I just cannot stomach the 'easy' explanation of Palpatine being Sidious. If that was so obvious why would Lucas make it such a sticking point to separate the two characters all the time when he refers to them? Your theory about discrediting the Jedi is a good one, but I have already covered my own idea in the Logic section of Episode III. It explains how Palpatine/Sidious uses the Jedi refusal to allow themselves to be cloned during the Clone Wars to stir suspicion among the Republic. Couple that with Palpatine's promise of a huge strong conventional military to defend the people and you no longer need the Jedi. WJ

The special edition looks excellent. This is the creator of Jack's LittlePage. I appreciate the guest book entry. I have updated my links so they goto your SE site. Sorry I don't post your banner but if I did I would have to post all of them and there is about 15 sites there and it would be chaotic. I think your site is one of the best on the net. I like your ideas for the prequels.  It seemed that you were pretty accurate in your guesses about TPM. I am looking forward to see how close you have predicted episodes 2 and 3. Later
Qui-Gon Jack

Thanks for the compliment, I am happy that you like it. I wanted to make sure to sign your guestbook thanking you to the link to my site. It turned out that I was pretty accurate for my TPM predictions...let's see how I do for Episode II. Stay Tuned! WJ

With all of the hype that is started about what is going to happen in episode II, I was wondering if you have heard this little theory.  Since we pretty much know for sure that the clone wars are going to be a major part of it, why is it called the clone wars?  Around here I have heard that the return of Darth Maul by cloning him may be a possibility. I have read all about the questions about Maul and Kenobi, and basically I want to know if this sounds too stupid or a possibility.

It seems pretty certain that we will see the Clone Wars during Episode II. Theories are many on this particular subject, and I have naturally heard the one that Lord Maul makes his clone return. I really think this is a bit far-fetched, and believe that the true clones will be armies of Mandalorian supercommandos cloned by Darth Sidious to thin out the Jedi. Palpatine will also use this an excuse for a massive military build-up. Will Maul return? I doubt it, but anything is possible... WJ

Hello, I was just perusing your excellent "Logic" section and was struck something bothersome:  In Episode I, one of the candidates for Chancellor with Palpatine is "Bail Antilles of Alderaan"  (as stated by Capt. Panaka). Why not Bail ORGANA of Alderaan?!?  I do not understand this apparent inconsistency. Thank you for your thoughts,

Thank you for the compliment regarding my Logic section.It would seem there is a Bail Antillies and Bail Organa. Bail may in fact be a title on Alderaan, or it may just be a common first name. WJ



I currently lean toward Darth Sidious being Senator Palpatine. However, here is another theory (and I apologize if this has already been speculated, although this might be such a stretch that no one else would dare think of it ;-) ): In the Dark Horse graphic novels (Dark Empire I and II), the idea is introduced that Emperor Palpatine was so powerful in the Dark Force that hecould transport his essence into another body if his current body died or was killed. In fact, this is the explanation given for how the Emporer achieved "immortality". In RotJ, when Vader throws the Emporer into the shaft, the Emporer does not die; rather, the Dark Force energy seen escaping was his essence. This energy then traveled to the planet of Biss in the Core where the Emporer had cloning facilities and another body waiting to receive his essence. Maybe at some point the current Senator Palpatine is taken over by Darth Sidious. This is probably unlikely as there is no "evidence" to support theidea of a Dark Lord being able to take over a sentient body. However, if Senator Palpatine dies, or is killed by Darth Sidious, then Sidious might beable to take over the Senator's body! This could be the penultimate result of Sidious' manueverings behind the political scenes; after all, what better time to take over Palpatine's role than when he is elected Supreme Chancellor. As Chancellor, Sidious would then have the power to destroy the Senate and grow the Empire like we see in Episodes 4-6.
Fred Latham

I do not read the "expanded universe" novels, I only read the novelizations of the films. However, running this site does allow me to see snippets of stuff from the novels now and again. Lucas may or may not choose to use an idea from one of the novels. I think that the idea that Darth Sidious kills/posseses Palpatine is not a bad one and fits in with my own personal theory. Even though there is much evidence that Palpatine and Sidious are the same, I am sticking to my guns that somehow there is more to it. WJ

I really liked TPM, and I'd have to say it rekindled a fire in my imagination.   I want to read the post-ROTJ books you casually mentioned on the forum page.   There seems to be quite afew.  Could you recommend a proper chronological or thematic order for the books?  In short: in what order do I read them? Thanks for your site.  I really like it.

I am glad you liked the film, and very glad that you like my site. I am not a fan of the SW novels of the "expanded universe", I only read the film novelizations. However, I know some people who might be able to help you. Try some one at AllExperts.com Phantom Menace directory. I know someone there can answer your question (just don't pick me when you're there!) WJ

Hello,Would you happen to have an address for directing correspondence to George Lucas?  I am compelled to communicate my opinion of Episode I and thoughts on Episode II to him.  How would I do so?  Write to Lucasfilm?  Obviously I do not expect that he will it read it himself or even some staff members, but I would like to at least try. Thank you very much for your time, and for your great website. Regards,

I am sorry, but I honestly have no way of getting in touch with George Lucas. Everyone and their mother wants to talk to him right now. Perhaps writing to someone over at the Official Star Wars website can get you a little further. WJ

Hi Will, I was looking through your site and overall it is very well done but I had 2 comments.  I think you are completely wrong with your interpretation of Palpatine/Darth Sidious.  I am almost convinced that they are the same person.   I have seen the movie three times now and atthe very least I think you agree that Sidious and Palpatine are working together, since the whole invasion of Naboo was just a ploy to get Palpatine elected Supreme Chancelor.  There is one foreshadowing that is very subtle that I think you have missed.  In Quin-Gon's funeral we see Yoda and Samuel Jackson talking of whether Darth Maul was the Master or the aprentence.  They make some comment that there is at least another and the camera shot changes to a pan of Obi and Amadala in soft focus.. to Palpatine in focus.  It is a very subtle indication that Palpatine is Sidious (or I guess the Master).  Especially if Palpatine is related to Obi then there is the likelyhood that Palpatine would be strong with the force.  BTW what is your source on Palpatine and Obi being related? The second is that I do think the Midichlorians will play a bigger role in the later movies.   One must realize that Episode 1 is sorta the age of enlightenment for the force.   things are more scientific, after the clone wars a lot of knowledge is lost with the killing of most of theJedi Consul.  The universe in Episode 1 is kinda in this prosperous individual enlightenment.  The ships are more custom made, there is less uniformity of technology.  The Build up of the Imperial army is kinda like the dark ages. Knowledge is lost things are dark and there is this huge mass produced army flying around with little uniqueness.  Back to the Midichlorians, there is some reason why the Midichlorians and the force prevent cloning.  In one of the Zahn novels Luke is at The Emporer's Vault on this planet with these animals that live by repelling the force from around them.  This is where the cloning took place. Realizing this is after the loss of knowledge about the force there is never really given a reason exactly why or maybe I just can't remember why this is but episode 2 or 3 should explain that since there will be cloning for the clone wars. Thanks
Chris Cozzoli

I certainly did not miss the scene where the camera focused on Palpatine when Yoda and Windu were speaking of "only two", however, did you ever stop to think that perhaps there is significance that Palpatine may be the Apprentice? Just a thought. The Palpatine/Obi-Wan being related thing is something I put together from the "connections" section on the Official Star Wars website, it is just my own idea, and I can't really base it on anything other that my own intuition. I have not read any of the novels besides the novelizations of the films so I cannot comment on those. I can say that it is well-known that Lucas will pick and choose whatever he wants from this "expanded universe" and will not hesitate to ignore an idea that almost seems "canon" to fans of these books. I do not think the midi-chlorians will prevent cloning, I think that maybe cloning kills the midi-chlorians or damages them, leading to a corrupt connection with the force. (since the midi-chlorians can no longer tell the user the "will of the force") WJ

It seems that although Ray Park is listed as being Darth Maul, there is a peculiar resemblence between Darth Maul and Obi Won.  I have seen their faces matched up together, and it was a perfect fit.  I think that Darth Maul is Obi Won's clone and that Ray Park was just a stunt man to throw us all off the track.  This would make sense because the upcoming movies should deal with the clone wars.  What do you think?

That is an interesting theory but I think I know what you are talking about. There is a promotional picture of Darth Maul that some toy companies have been using on their packaging. This face looks exactly like Ewan McGregor with Darth Maul's face makeup on, right down to the mole. That is because it is in fact Ewan's face done up on Photoshop. Why this was used instead of ray Park's face I am uncertain, but there is no doubt that Mr. Park and only Mr. Park was in fact Darth Maul. WJ

Hi, I just wanted to ask on everyones opinion on this midi chlorian business. If midi chlorians are meant to be the source of Jedi Powers what happened to Ulic qel Droma in TOTJ. Because if I'm not mistaken he's meant to be blocked from the Force. So how did they do taht to him and what happened to the midi chlorians inside him. Did they die, disappear or go dormant or something else altogether. And if you're a Dark Jedi, does taht mean the midi chlorians are telling you to do bad things? Cause Qui Gon said that the midi chlorians tell you the will of the force. And one other thing, did anyone notice the guards behind Palpitine as he got off the ship near the ending of the movie? They were wearing blue robes and you could see their faces but besides that, they look very similar to some other characters in episode 7..hmm.... U guys know what I mean right? Fear is my Ally.
NatHan PosUmah

I am sorry but I have not read any of the novels besides the film novelizations. I do not think any of the authors of the "expanded universe" novels had any idea of midi-chlorians; I am pretty sure this is a Lucas creation only. It is interesting: if midi-chlorians tell one the will of the force, would Sith Lords be told that the dark side was the correct path? Are their midi-chlorians corrupt? Those little buggers are going to require quite a bit of explaining... I am not sure about Episode 7, but in Episode 6 (maybe that's what you meant) they do look an awful lot like The Emperor's royal guard! WJ

I was emailing you to tell that your site is great it help me with alot of questions, but I still have one... i do not understand the Queen part... she switches so many charater so many time. Especially at the end where they made that plan.. i don't know but itz confusing and i was wondering if you can help... I seen the movie 2 time still dont know. Thanx alot if you cant help, and keep up the good work on your page :)                            -KrayzieVanh

Thank you very much for the compliment, I appreciate it. Queen Amidala, played by actress Natalie Portman, always appears publicly in ornate dress and surrounded by many handmaidens. The reason for this is twofold: first it enshrouds her in an air of mystery. Second, it allows the Queen to use one of her handmaidens (named Sabé) to act as a decoy Queen. When Sabé is dressed as the Queen, the true Queen takes on the handmaiden name of Padmé Naberrie. In the film, Amidala was dressed as the Queen up until first captured by the Trade Federation Battle Droids. The decoy remained in place up to when Amidala pleaded her case before the Senate. After this the disguise was resumed until Amidala revealed her true self to Boss Nass on Naboo. WJ

Well, I have to agree about the introduction of Darth Maul.  I thought that was not done well.  He should have been dealt with in a mysterious way.  I think that it would have added to the legend of the Sith even more.
Which leads me to my next point.  I think that the way that the film deals
with the Sith is not good.  I think that Lucas should have introduced the
Sith a much better way.  I guess that we will seer a lot more of them in the
upcoming films and he didn't want to ruin this surprise (being that each film is supposed to be an independant film which is part of the story).  I
believe, as do many, that the Sith will be a major force in the next films.
It would have been better if Lucas could have introduced them in a better way.
I also believe that we are going to learn that Mace Windu has some kind of connection with the Sith.  I don't know that it will be a good one or a bad one, I just have the feeling that he is involved with them some way.  Maybe he had some part in eliminating some of the last Sith elements or his family had been wiped out by the Sith... some connection is there.  He seems the most intersted in the Sith and the most disturbed by them.  We will have to see what Lucas has in store for us.
I did like the film.  These are my only sticking points that I would have
changed. Sincerely

Thanks for the email, EFaust. I think it is rather insightful that you see a connection between Mace Windu and the Sith. I have started to see rumors popping up now that he has the same kind of lightsaber as Darth maul (he does, just half of it), that he betrays the Jedi in Episode II or III, etc. It certainly did seem like his particular character was more agitated then any other of the council, and it is known that Lucas does have a larger role for Mace Windu planned in the next film. WJ

I just wanted to say "Congrats!" you have definatly captured the Star Wars FEEL in the ongoing story of Darth Maul's past. Keep up the good work, maybe you should contact a publisher, you certianly have a lot of talent.

Thank you very much for your compliment. You don't know how good it makes me feel to know that someone enjoyed my efforts so far. It has been a while since I have updated with chapter five of The Candle Which Burns Twice as Bright, but I assure you that I have been writing furiously and there is a lot more of that particular story yet to come. Thanks again! WJ

i read on your site that you dont think that sidious is really palpatine.. i dont see how this could not be true when there is much evidence in the movie and novelization that proves this to be true, first of all the title Phantom Menace suggests that alone, Palpatine being the menace that no one knows about..  the idea that Sidious takes the form of Palpatine later on is ridiculous, Palpatine in this movie is not basically a good guy, he is coniving and deceiving, causing chancellor valorum to be taken from office so that he could be elected and take his place, it says so in the novelization of starwars: ANH that Palpatine caused himself to be elected to higher and higher offices until finally calling himself Emperor, and by the way, how does Sidious make the invasion legal? he is palpatine and hes on coruscant so he boggs down the senate in procedures.. oh and also, just thought id add this: Palpatine and Sidious are played by the same guy
Benj A'Min

I am certainly aware that Senator Palpatine and Darth Sidious are both portrayed by actor Ian McDiarmid. However, if it is so 100% guaranteed that Palpatine and Sidious are one in the same, how come Lucasfilm doesn't just come right out and say it? Why will no one like Lucas, Rick McAllum or anyone else who worked on the movie say, "oh yes, and I guess it is obvious to everyone that Palpatine and Sidious are the same person."? When I say that Palpatine was basically a good guy in Episode One, I was quoting George Lucas! He said that in the Vanity Fair interview. He said, "the phantom menace is Darth Sidious, the last of the Sith", and that "Palpatine was basically a good guy". I am not saying that you are wrong or that they are not the same person, I just find it very curious that everyone is so certain when Lucasfilm keeps dancing around the issue. WJ

Wow. I am writing a script combining West Side Story and Episode 1 (don't ask) and your summary was so incredibly helpful! Um, did you make any of that up? I saw the movie a couple weeks ago but somehow I missed some key points (Amidala having a decoy, Senator Palpatine=the Emperor). Anyway, I guess I needed the summary for more than the names of the characters. Thanks!

I am glad my summary could give you a hand (in whatever your particular endeavour may be). I was forced to make some things up in order to connect all the internet rumors together (I compiled that summary over a course of months and finished it about 3 weeks before the movie opened) but about 95% of it is accurate. WJ

yo dosent darth maul rock he should this is my first e-mail so please writeback
Rachel Anderson

Yo, I agree: Darth Maul rocks! WJ

I read the post regarding the color of lightsabers. Your response about that the color could be dictated by the owner (blue for Jedi Knights, green forJedi Masters, red for Dark Jedi) intrigued me. However, I thought I read insome of the novels that continue the story after RotJ that the color oflightsabers is determined by the crystal used to focus energy into the beam. Of course, both ideas are acceptable because it takes deep concentration inthe Force to forge these crystals: Jedi Knights would not have the same concentration abilities as Jedi Masters, thus Jedi Masters are better atforging these crystals, hence the different color; and as for Dark Jedi theybend the Force to do their own will, hence red may be a natural color result. Thanks for your time!
Fred Latham

I have heard that many technical aspects of lightsabers are addressed in the "expanded universe" novels, but alas -I do not read them. Like I have said before, Lucas is under no obligation whatsoever to follow any of the stuff in those novels, and he has already proven this changing the history of the Sith (I may not read the novels, but I do have the Behind The Magic: CD ROM). One would think that if a lightsaber's color didn't have any significance then we would have seen something other than blue green or red in TPM. WJ

06/06/99: My chance viewing of TPM on the first day was a surprise to me. I frankly was not prepared because I came upon the tickets by luck. As I stood in the long line just to get into the theater, I could barely remember the line I stood in in 1976 to see Star Wars with my father. Being 5 at the time and the fact that it was the first film that I had ever seen, I did not think it so odd that people waited in line to see a film. This time, I could not help but notice that people were actually going to see the film and then getting in line to see it again.

As the movie started up, after the few costume garbed people came in, and after the previews for movies that I was not interested in were shown, The 20th Century Fox logo and theme played followed by the "Lucasfilm" logo. You could feel it in your stomach as you saw it; the next era of Star Wars was about to begin.

I found the movie to be quite entertaining. The special effects were second to none. The acting was as good as the original Star Wars. The plot was strong enough to keep you interested. The martial arts scenes were amazing.
There were even some surprises in the film that many spoilers sites had not delved into (I am not a major Spoiler site fan, but I have glanced at them because I was always interested in what is going to happen).

My disappointments were few. I did not like the diminished role of Darth
Maul. I think that he was a character that could have been developed some more and could have been see as even more haenous than Darth Vader. I also think that the space battle scene did not have the drama of the first Star Wars but how many times can you do "the Dam Busters" before it gets old. I realize that Lucas was trying to do something else with this so I don't fault him for this.

Over all, this Star Wars, like the others is a must see. For children, it
should be compulsory. It is a good film that is part of the whole saga. As
for the people who waited out for weeks and then now are saying "hey, it
wasn't the epic battle between good and evil that encompassed...", Get a
life!!! The sun is out and it is time to appreciate what is out there. You
have 2 years for the next film so get your space marked in line and you
might have better tickets.

Thanks for the review, EFaust. My disappointments were few as well, which you can read more about in my Updates section. WJ

Hi. Well, though Antilles IS common, as in Wedge and Captain Antilles, doesn't it seem like a mistake to have Bail Antilles of Alderaan? We already know of the prominent Bail Organa of Alderaan who fought with Kenobi in the clone wars and was a member of the senate. He's supposed to figure into Episodes 2 and 3, so I think that may have been a blooper. Although it seems strange no one caught it if it was a blooper. Between Lucas, McCallum and all of the other SW fans on the crew, you'd think someone would snap. So maybe it WAS Antilles?
HMMMMM.Ken VanLyssel

A scene with Bail Organa had actually been filmed for TPM during the senate scenes, but was subsequently dropped for reasons unknown. Bail Organa was portrayed by actor Adrian Dunbar. So with that in mind, I am fairly confident Lucas used Bail Antilles intentionally. WJ

Hello, my husband and I went to see the The Phantom Menace and we both loved it!  We are both fans of the star wars movies and can't wait for the next movies.  I have one question that I hope you can answer for me.  Who wrote the original star wars books.  I would love to be able to read them!  In my opinion the books are almost always better than the movies, but in this case if they are they would be awesome 'cause I loved the movies so much! Thank you

I am happy that you enjoyed the film, I did also. The original novelization for Star Wars is attributed to George Lucas, but it was in fact 'ghost written' by Alan Dean Foster. The Empire Strikes Back was penned by Donald F. Glut, and Return of the Jedi was written by James Kahn. WJ

Thanx Jason; I was ignorant to notice the connection in TPM (movie), and am currently reading the novel. It was my friend who noticed a connection, given the following (some of the following I ascertained after he pointedout the connection):
1) Emperor Palpatine was always referred to as Emperor, or Emperor Palpatine (in Episodes 4,5, and 6, as well as in the books), yet he was a Dark Lord of the Sith. The dark Anakin Skywalker was referred to as Darth Vader, and Darth Maul, well, as Darth Maul. So, shouldn't the Emperor bear a more proper name, say, Darth Sidious?
2) As my friend recalled, near the end of Episode I, as Mace Windu and oda speak of the Dark Lords of the Sith, Mace Windu states something along the lines, "But who was killed, the master, or the apprentice;" following this statement, the camera focuses on Senator Palpatines face, perhaps a hint?
3) Darth Sidious was never shown "in person," always through holocomm; compare the voices of both Senator Palpatine and Darth Sidious, as well as their lower faces (given that Darth Sidious eyes and upper face were never shown).
4) Finally, near the end of Episode I, but before the previously mentioned scene, as Senator Palpatine approaches Queen Amidala and others (on Naboo), he stops near Anakin and tells him something along the lines, "We shall watch your career very closely;" perhaps the Senator already knew of Anakin's potential future, and such could be explained if he were Darth Sidious, bearer of Dark Side powers. For number 1, I believe on your site, was defined (DARTH --> DARk lord ofthe siTH). For number 3 I remembered the short scene on Coruscant, where Sidious and Maul speak of their revenge, as well as the fact that both characters were played by Ian. And, number 4 I was most curious about; did Palpatine know of Anakin's potential future? Did Sidious inform Palpatine of this future, or, given that Palpatine WAS Sidious, did Palpatine know ofthis future of his own accord? Thanx for your time, JediBrand (ever heard ofEmpatojayos Brand? =).

All the evidence points toward Palpatine and Darth Sidious being the same person. It does not seem too odd to me that he is not referred to as "Emperor Sidious" or something, since just "The Emperor" would suffice. George Lucas and actor Ian McDiarmid both have referred to Senator Palpatine as being the younger incarnation of the Emperor, however... WJ

Mr. Cunningham,Thanks for the response.  I will definitely be checking your site periodically to get further scoops, rumors, gossip, etc. for Episode II. Just a few more thoughts:
1) you mentioned in your response to me TPM novel. I have not yet read it; do you recommend it?  I only ask because I thought the SW and ROTJ novels added a lot of insight to the movies, while ESB was merely a replication of the script/screenplay.   I was disappointed because ESB was my favorite of the movies, and I was hoping there would be more detail in thebook.
2) I forgot to mention this before.  In regard to TPM, can you touch on the fact that it appeared Obi-Wan defeated Darth Maul in an act of anger/aggression?  It seemed that way to me, which, of course, goes against Jedi conduct and leads to the Dark Side. Again, thanks for your insights!

I recommend the novel because it provides insight into the relationship of Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan. Also, it tells the story more from Anakin's perspective in addition to the ambiguous treatment of Sidious, which leaves some question as to if he is really Palpatine or not. A lot of people seem to confuse Yoda's speech about Jedi not using the Force for attack as "the Jedi cannot attack".
No way! The thing that separates Jedi from Sith Lords (and makes Sith Lords seemingly so powerful) is that the Sith attack with the Force. The Jedi use it for knowledge and defense. Obi-Wan summoned the saber to his hand, but cut down Maul with it as the weapon. Now if he would have shot purple lightning out of his fingertips at him, it would have been a whole different story... WJ

In response to someone's question about Bail Antilles.   I think there is a Bail ANTILLES as well as a Bail ORGANA, both from Alderaan.   C3PO told Luke in Episode IV that their former owner was Captain Antilles.   Leia and the droids' ship was headed back to Alderaan, via Tatooine, when they were attacked by Vader.  It is reasonable to think that this is the same Antilles (or a relative) mentioned by Palpatine in Episode I, especially if C3PO (Anakin's droid) accompanied Amidala/Leia there sometime in Episode II or III.  Both the Antilles and Organas were involved in politics and probably ran in the same circles.  Thus the connection between C3PO, Leia/the Organas, and the Antilles.
On another point, Vader would not necessarily recognize C3PO--there were many protocal droids throughout the movies that looked almost identical.  Also, if you notice, the only scene in which Vader and C3PO ever appear together is when Han is frozen in Episode V, and Vader probably had other things on his mind at the time.
Finally, I think the Official Web site is misleading when it describes Obi-Wan as a native of Tatooine.  He had lived there so many years, it was probably presumed he was a native.  Either that, or the identity of "Ben" Kenobi was a native.   Who knows?  I don't think it was his homeworld, however, because if it was, surely Qui-Gon would have wanted Obi-Wan to come along and act as a guide, etc., in Episode I.  Plus, when they were picking planets to land on, Obi-Wan simply said, "The Tatooine system is closeby."  Don't you think he would have mentioned he had friends there, that knew the territory, etc., if that was his homeworld?   Finally, I do believe that Owen Lars is indeed the brother of Obi-Wan (though they do have different last names).  I think that the Lars's deeply cared for Luke, and Owen's hostility toward Obi-Wan is because he believed Obi-Wan's meddling would cause Luke harm.
Yadda yadda yadda.  Sorry for talking your ear off.  Your site is great, and it gives people like me who are way too into this stuff a reason to slack off during work now and then.  Thanks.
The Bad Nightwatchman.

I agree with you on your thinking concerning the Antilles/Organas.
I agree again with the Anakin/Vader/Threepio thing (not to mention Threepio was missing legs and riding on Chewie's back).
The Official Star Wars site I have come to find out never intentionally misleads any of the fans no matter what conspiracy theories they cook up. If you read the novel, you will discover (it may have been mentioned in the film as well) that Obi-Wan most likey was taken from Tatooine shortly after birth and raised on Coruscant in the Jedi Temple. So while he was 'from' Tatooine, he did not consider it his home. I think that Owen's impatience and curt attitute toward Luke sometimes was a reflection of his fear that Luke might end up like Anakin if Ben got involoved again.
Happy to give you a place to slack WJ

Hey, it's been a while since I posted any comments, though I have kept up to date on your site!!! I have one issue and 1 question.
The issue is more my poking fun at an aspect of the film. Qui-Gon takes Annie from his home and assures Shmi that her son will be looked after, however, within a day or 2 the 9 year old kid is taken to the most unstable environment in the galaxy. Does it matter to me? No. But I did find it funny, sort of like I found it funny that in ROTJ the droids were taken to Endor. On Endor the rebels wanted to launch a surprise attack, thus they were wearing camaflouge outfits, yet for some bizarre reason they decided to bring along a golden protocol droid.
My question is...not about Sidious/Palpatine. its about Shmi. It seemed obvious that her life will have some affect on Anakin's rage being unleashed. What's your take on her being freed as it relates to Anakin's fall? Also, any rumors on who will play Anakin in Ep II and III? Later
Tusken Boy

Well, SW is full of little inconsistencies like that, isn't it. Why didn't the Emperor put 50 legions of his best warriors on the Forest Moon?! I feel that Shmi will meet a tragic end in Episode II while Anakin tries to free slaves on Tatooine. I think that this will be the biggest contributing factor in Anakin's fall. WJ


05/27/99: Hey sorrry to bother you, but I think your site is amazing...it answers a lot of Phantom Menace questions and etc that other websites don't...Anyways, I have a question for ya and hoped maybe you would know how to answer it....Alright, well I know about how these episodes are 1 to 3, and 4,5,6 are the ones we've already seen... well I'm wondering if George Lucas is planning on making any movies after the 3rd one, like maybe 7?? Because I would hate to see this amazing series die out... and I know Darth Vader gets killed at the end, but I imagine George Lucas could do something...uh like clone him or something... it's always a possibility... haha... well I was wondering if you did know anything about what I'm asking you... once again, kick-ass website, ya make me proud to be a Star Wars fan!! Hahaha cya laterz-
Greta Link

Thanks a lot for the compliment. George Lucas has stated that there will be no sequel trilogy. The timeframe after ROTJ (known as the New Republic) has been covered extensively in novelizations by various authors. WJ


Dear Sir or Madam-
A friend and I had a question regarding the colors of the light sabres.  I am pretty sure that I read that the color means something.  Red, for the Sith, for example.   I said that there is a heirarchy of color with the Jedi (explaining why Obi Won and Qui Gon have different colored sabres).  (I also said that this made it symbolic when Obi Won used Qui Gon's sabre to slay Darth Maul, as if he became a full Jedi even before Yoda declares him such at the end of Episode I)  Can you please confirm or deny my understanding of the significance of color with the Jedi sabres.  Did I imagine this, or did I actually read that there is signivicance?  Finally, does this explanation make sense with respect to the sabres used in the Trilogy?
Thanks for your time,
Jamie Duckman

There has been no official word on the respective color of lightsabers, however it has been a hot topic of discussion. It is clear that the Sith employ red weapons, red being the color of blood, and associated with war and violence. Luke, Ben Kenobi (young and old) and Anakin used blue sabers, while Qui-Gon and older Luke used green. It seems to make sense that Sith use red, Jedi Knights use blue, and Jedi Masters use green. This is not official of course, and it is noteworty that the Mace Windu action figure is packaged with a dark blue, almost purple lightsaber. WJ

I know you get tons of emails a day, but I'm currently having a big disagreement with my roomates over the new movie: Is Darth Sidious the same person as Senator Palpatine? My roomates say that it was clear in the movie that Senator P was also Darth Sidious, meaning that the Senator would go and put on a dark robe and makeup and send a hologram message. I can't see how this can be. I know that Senator P will go on to be the emperor later on, but they claim that he's already the main bad guy. At the end of the movie where yoda and Sam Jackson are talking about Siths come in pairs and there's an apprentice and a master, and then they focus on Senator P. My roomates say that's becuase it's clear that he's Darth Sidious. I think they do that because he's going to be the new apprentice to Darth Sidious. So now that you have the background and the argument, please tell me this:  Is Darth Sidious the same person as Senator P in this movie.. and if so where is it so obvious? Thanks for your time,

Well, here is the only way I can answer that: The same actor, Ian McDiarmid, played Senator Plapatine, Darth Sidious, and The Emperor. It seems obvious from the film that Sidious and Palpatine are the same person, however the novel is much more ambiguous. WJ

Nifty site.  One question that's been bugging me lately about the story is what exactly is the connection between Sidious and Palpatine?   All I can figure out is that Palpatine eventually gains power and declares himself emperor and somehow develops the ability to shoot electricity from his fingertips. How does he have these powers?  How does he become a Master of the Dark Side?   Doesn't one have to be born with those powers, like the Jedi?  Is Sidious really the one in control and Palpatine just his puppet?  Too many questions....

That seems to be the question on a lot of people's minds. Current thinking is leaning toward Palpatine and Darth Sidious being the same person, with Palpatine being a dark lord from day one, maneuvering his way into the senate. I happen to personally think there is more to it than that, since the novel makes it very ambiguous who Palpatine and Sidious really are. WJ

It all seemed to work out well for Palpatine, in that he used Amidala's fear to claim his place as chancellor and gain power. But his original intent (if we assume that he is Sidious) was to capture and kill her/have her sign the treaty. Any ideas as to what he was trying to gain through taking over Naboo? Perhaps he hoped to become Chancellor all along, using the pity vote thing he mentioned to Amidala if she had been killed or imprisoned? Perhaps he knows that she's predestined to father two force-strong children?
Rob Vaughn

That is a very very good question, one I have asked myself from the beginning. Let's try to work out an answer: Assuming that Palpatine is Sidious (a claim which I will not quite buy into yet) it seems clear that the obvious original plan was to invade Naboo, capture the Queen, and force her to sign a treaty legitimizing the occupation. Now, with the Federation seemingly in legal control of the planet Naboo, would the rest of the republic fear that that were next and vote for 'no confidence' in Valorum? Was Palpatine counting on that particular sympathy vote?Well, that did not transpire, since two pesky Jedi interfered and secreted the young Queen off the planet and safely to Coruscant. We see how Palpatine used this to his advantage clearly enough, the final mystery lies in the end. Palpatine/Sidious felt the planet Naboo was firmly under Federation control. He was very disconcerted when the Queen began to make "aggressive moves", but when the reports of the massed Gungan army reached his ears, Sidious had a change of heart and said that the situation would work to 'their advantage'. He also warned Maul to be mindful. Now was Sidious/Palpatine clever enough to use either outcome of the battle at Naboo? I am going to think more on this issue, and when I come up with an answer that I think is satisfactory and has no major loopholes or logic flaws I will post it. Thanks for the question WJ

On your page you state that she regarded Anaking "disdainfully and with littel respect."  That is a lie.  She regarded him as a kind boy, but she found slavery strange and didn't understand much of Tatoinne.   She liked him and continued to develoup a closer relationship with him throughout the rest of the movie.  Please change your page.  Thank you.And if you would like to discuss any of this further my address in ceiser@hotmail.com  thank you.

That particular description I posted of Queen Amidala is literally months old, and was the best I could do from the sources available, so calling me a liar is kind of uncalled for, I think. The page will remain as is, for the sake of archive. When The Whill Journal: Special Edition goes active, any descriptions of characters will be completely updated and accurate. WJ

Your website is very good and is by far one of the best sites about the prequels. I do have to say, though, that your first conclusion about sen. palpatine/darth sedious (about how they are the same person) is veryl ikely not unlikely.  it is true that the sith are in hiding, and what if one was on the planet Naboo only to gain a seat on the Senate where he could start plans for the demise of the Jedi. Although for an episode 2 and 3 a story of how Palpatine searched for the sith maybe he found them to be seduced by the sith.  that was avery good conclusion.
Sean Tully

Thanks for your compliment, I appreciate it. The Palpatine/Sidious discussion is currently the question most frequently raised on my site. I think Palpatine had bad intentions from the get-go, but I am still unsure about his relationship with Sidious. Maybe I am reading too much into the mystery. WJ

Over all it is O.K. but the teal on olive or tan or whatever is an eyesore and quite hard to read. I copied and pasted it so I could read it without going blind. White on tan is also bad, especially since you have off-white stripes running through it. Try black type on white. You can't go wrong. And please don't arbitrarily stretch pictures. Better yet,don't stretch them at all.

Thanks, I think...I have had a couple complaints about the color of the font against the background, and I will be addressing that in the near future. As far as arbitrarily stretching pictures, it was an attempt to have a uniform pictorial layout. I concede your point however -no more picture stretching. Scout's honor. WJ

Just wanted to let you know that I loved your site.   It was very informative,and I thought the possible plot section was really cool!   I understand that it's not the actual story and unlike others would like to claim it did not in the least spoil the movie for me...in fact it actually made my anticipation for the movie all that much stronger.  I can't wait for you to start working more on the next to movies.  I just don't know if I can wait for another 3 years for Episode2 to come out!  :)Thanks again for your site.  I loved it!

Thanks so much for your compliment.Never fear, as we can all see, my Alleged Plotline came very very close to the final film. I have already started work on the Alleged Plotline for Episode II and will use the same sleuthwork I used for the first one. Keep watching! WJ

I thought the movie was great. It laid the groundwork for episodes IV,V, and VI. It didn't answer allot of my questions, but raised a lot of new ones, which is great!I did not think that Jar-Jar was that annoying, or hard to understand. I was 8 years old when A New Hope came out, and have been hooked ever since. I always joked that by the time George Lucas came out with any new films that I would be married with kids of my own. I was very moved when I was able to take my 4 year old son to see the film on opening day, it was great, he has been "addicted" to Star Wars for about a year.He loves the heroes, villains, and especially the action, which is what I fell in love with all of those years ago.People should lighten up and enjoy the movie for what it is: an awesome adventure series that spans generations, and is extremely entertaining. By the way , I love your site, I need to learn more about the Journal of the Whills

I am glad that you enjoyed the film. The Phantom Menace had it's faults, naturally, but I enjoyed it as much as any other SW film. Thanks for your comments about my site. Keep your eyes peeled in the near future for The Whill Journal: Special Edition. By the way, The Journal of the Whills is a fictional work created in the mind of George Lucas. It was to be a chronicle of the events that took place during Star Wars. Unfortunately you cannot get a copy because one does not exist (yet). WJ

First of all, I thoroughly enjoy your site.  It's the first place I turn for the latest SW info.  Keep it up.    I won't bore you with my review of TPM, but I will share with you my favorite moment (which may be surprising).  All true SW fans who stayed through the end of the credits would recognize J. Williams's Anakin's theme as a light derivative of the Imperial March.   Especially the sequence at the end of phrases, which was very clearly the same as DV's theme.  Then, as the screen goes black, and the orchestra is holding out a sustained minor chord for some time, you hear one <<Khoooo-pahhhh>>.It's really quite chilling.    On another note, I have found that a lot of your scoops/rumors are thought provoking (if not always accurate).  Here's one that's been kicked around here:  Anakin further delves into the Dark Side because of this anger/sadness when his mother is killed (he is on his way to liberate her when called off on a Jedi mission, probably the Clone Wars).  He blames the rigidity of the Jedi code for forcing him to fight a trivial battle and not allowing him to fulfill his promise to her.What do you think?    As I said, keep up the good work!

Thanks for your compliment, I appreciate it. I hope you keep turning to The Whill Journal first in the future, and when I start the Special Edition. William's score was criticized by some, but I thought it was excellent. However, I feel that Lucas needed to use the music more effectively. I feel it is clear now that Lucas has established what a large part of Anakin's turning will be caused by -the loss of his mother. I think it is a safe bet with all the foreshadowing in the novel and film that Anakin will someday return to Tatooine in an attempt to free his mother and the rest of the slaves. I think you are right on track thinking that he will rebel against the Jedi code -much like the rebellious Qui-Gon. If you think my previous scoops/rumors were thought provoking, wait 'til you see some of my new ones for Episode II! WJ

Hi, I like your site very much, it is very factual, which is nice. One thing I noticed in the movie which I thought was very odd- Someone (Palpatine? Valorum?) mentioned "Bail ANTILLES from Alderaan"! ANTILLES! What's up with that? Did Lucasfilm make a mistake, or are there two Bail's from Alderaan, Antilles AND Organa? Sounds like a mistake to me.Also, why do you think Vader does not take any note of R2/3PO in Episodes IV-VI? I could see the droids not recognizing the name Skywalker when they meet Luke due to memory wipes or something, but there is no reason Vader should not recognize them, especially C-3PO! Probably the only explanation is that Lucas did not think of the droid/Anakin connection when he wrote Episodes IV-VI, and came up with it when he wrote the TPM. Also, I did not get the impression that Kenobi is a native to Tatooine as you mentioned in your site. Do you still think this? It brings up questions about whether or not Owen Lars and Kenobi are related at all.  And, why do you feel Kenobi and Palpatine may be genetically related?
Thanks, Ken

Antilles seems to be a real popular name, almost as much as 'Skywalker' eh? Maybe it is like 'Jones' or 'Smith'. Your realistic explanation is probably the correct one, but I'm sure an argument could be made that there are a lot of astromech and protocol droids, and that someone who went through as much as Vader/Anakin did might forget them from 30 some odd years earlier. It states on the Official Star Wars website that Kenobi is a Tatooine native, so I can only go with that for now. The reason I thought Palpatine and Kenobi were genetically related was from a time I was trying to piece together elusive "connections" on the official site. If that is really their status, I have no idea. Thanks for the compliment, BTW WJ


I am a revived Star Wars fan, as I bore much pride and love for the culture, yet lost such for a time being, only to be revived by Episode I. My question for you is: what you state on your site, do you still hold with the theory that Palpatine is not Sidious? Do you still hold the belief that Palpatine was taken over by Sidious? And, if so, could you please inform as to where you attained your sources? Thank you for you time,
Jedi Brand (Alex Escalona).

It is much harder for me to support my theory that Palpatine and Sidious are not the same, since the film seemed to make that clear. The novel was much more ambiguous, however, and if one read that alone one might never connect Palpatine and Sidious. Only time will tell... WJ


I've heard that the reviews on the movie is saying that many of the actors doesn't get a chance to develop their character because of the dialogue. That is said about, for example, Ewan , Natalie and Jake. --Can you tell me which actors who are going to play in the second episode too?--Maybe they will have a chance to go a bit further in the art of acting. I don't know if the reviews are right but if they are, then maybe G. Lucas spared some of the information about the characters for the next two episodes?--Can you also tell me how big piece "the phantom menace" is in the Star Wars history?-- --Is it just a beginning or a pretty big part of the trilogy?--Thanks for your reply! //
Simon Jansson. Sweden. Ps. We won't be able to see the movie until AUGUST!!!. #@¤$#&!!! Ds

The actors that are definitely slated to appear in Episode II are: Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman, Samuel L. Jackson, Ian McDiarmid, Frank Oz (as Yoda) and Anthony Daniels (as C3P-0). I have seen the film, and I can agree that some of those criticisms hold true, but only to the extent that they did for the other films in the original trilogy. George Lucas has never been renowned for his fantastic dialogue, frankly a lot of the more inspired moment were form script polishers. There is a little more detail about some of the characters in the novelization, but Lucas can kind of decide to do whatever he wants with background info. As far as your last question, it is hard to say. It is a big part of the history simply because it is the first part. All of the six films will tell the whole story of the rise, fall, and redemption of Anakin Skywalker. WJ

Hello, I am Writing you to inform you that your Theory on Darth Sidious destroying Palpatine is almost totally correct. He does Seduce Palpatine But Instead of destroying him he uses him as a pawn to rule the Imperial Senate. Palpatine dies of  old age the day that the Imperial Senate is disbanded. As soon as the news of the death touched Sidious's Ears he had the Senate disbanded before anyone else found out. So the galaxy thinks that there emperor just went into hiding . Through the other two movies The emperor is seen in both but not the first. That's because Palpatine was always kept close to Sidious And by showing one it would have ruined the plot. This Information is from a very reliable source. If you Believe it print it and Ill feed you more if not thanks for your time and ill take the scoop to another site
Sincerely Needer

Well, if what you say is true then that is pretty cool. I figured it was the most logical plot progression. The part about them both surviving until basically the beginning of ANH is something I had never considered. Hey, I am always willing to hear some inside scoops, if you get anymore, pass 'em my way!  WJ

What do you think about some of the press that the Phantom Menace is getting as being targeted for young children and that it lacks the integrity of a serious Star Wars movie, especially the character Jar Jar Binks?In light of the fact that Return of the Jedi was perceived as somewhat childish because of the too cutesy Ewoks?
Brian Michels

Is there such a thing as a 'serious Star Wars movie'? Yes, I suppose ESB was the most serious of the trilogy, but Star Wars was always intended for children. The simple fact is that adults can enjoy it too. I have seen TPM and frankly I thought JarJar was kind of funny. I agree he was there for the kids, but he made me laugh a couple of times. I do not much like the Ewoks at all, but the Gungans are much better than those little furballs.  WJ

I am so glad that I have finally found someone that agrees with me.  This is a movie for the little ones.  I'm still kind of a child myself although 19.Movies have tremendous influence on children when they are young.   I don't know where these people are coming from thinking that Star Wars belongs to their Generation and that they should be the audience with the most say.Star Wars molded my mind.  And the children of today need something just like that.  If this next movie is as Good as ROTJ and even a little better,already I am more than happy.  I have a theory why everyone's so self-centered and greedy, thinking Star Wars belongs to them.  They have been seduced by the Dark Side.  Anyway thanks again.

Well, it's always nice to hear from someone who agrees with my opinion (ha ha). Let me just say that I have seen the film and at 26 years old truly enjoyed it. The real treat will be when I see it with my 9 year old cousin, because that is who it is really for.  WJ

I would like to know how much you liked"The Phantom Menace",Because all these critics are driving me insane.

I have posted my review of TPM on my Updates page, so make sure to check it out if you're interested.   WJ

Your summary is close, with a few minor exceptions. I believe Darth Maul's light saber is broken by Qui Gon Jinn during the fight. After Maul defeats Jinn he battles with Kenobi. He knocks Kenobi over a ledge, and Obi Wan loses his light saber. Obi Wan is hanging on with one hand while Darth Maul is standing over him trying to knock him down. Obi Wan uses the force to jump up while at the same time have Qui Gon's light saber fly into his hand. This move is conducted in a very brief time, and as Obi Wan lands he strikes down Maul who falls into the pit and dies. When Obi Wan goes over to the injured Jinn he is alone for his master's final words. The queen is still in the throne room. My question is why when Qui Gon Jinn died did his body not disappear, become one with the force, like Obi Wan's does in Episode 4, and like Yoda's does in Episode 6? If you know the answer to that I would like to know.

Maul's lightsaber is actually cut in two by Obi-Wan. The 'disappearing Jedi trick' has been explained as a technique that only someone greatly in tune with the Force can do. Yoda supposedly taught this technique to Ben Kenobi, as a way to guide young Luke Skywalker through all his perilous trials ahead. If you remember, Anakin at the end of ROTJ remained flesh and blood as well.  WJ

Does Alex Guiness drink Guiness?
Ban Semmens

Well, what do you think he was offering to buy that guy in the cantina? WJ

I don't understand something. It's the young actor Jake Lloyd is Anakin Skywalker, Luke's and Leia father, how could be Queen Amidala (Natalie Portman) be Luke's & Leia's mother? Jake Lloyd (Anakin) seems younger than Queen Amidala . Is this relation possible? Thanks so much.

In Episode I, Anakin is about 8 or 9 and Queen Amidalia is about 14. Episode II takes place 10 years later, so Anakin is about 19 and the Queen is about 24. Sound like they could make babies? WJ

Well, I think your site is whilly good! Haha, ya, ya I know-lame joke. But all joking aside, I love your site. I have been a Star Wars fan since the day I understood what the word, force meant! Anyway.......I actually wanted to ask you a question. I'm assuming that Queen Amidala and Anakin will get married at some point during the Prequels. Do you have any idea if their romance will be a major part of the plot <like Leia and Han>? Also do you know a place where I could get a few spoilers about their relationship?Thanks so much:) May the Force be with you,

Thanks a lot for the compliment and the lame joke. I have actually been called "Slick Whilly" before (ugh). You are correct and most likely the courtship and marriage of Anakin and Amidala will take place in Episode II or at the very latest early Episode III. Lucas has already stated that Episode II will be a romantic film, so put 2 and 2 together. There is currently no information (spoiler or otherwise) about their relationship, but keep watching my site, and something might arise! WJ

To whom it may concern, I love this site I'm glad there are people who still love Star Wars enough to do something like this.
Ely Avinoam

Thanks so much. I am thrilled that you like it and that you love the modern day mythology as much as I have come to. WJ

I have heard stories that Boba Fett was a key part can't understand how. Is this true in the first three movies and can we expect more on this in the Prequels
John Dibbet

George Lucas has stated that Boba Fett will have a "prominent role in Episode II". What this role may be is pure speculation at this point, but it may have something to do with the Clone Wars. There is a theory that the clones in these wars are a race of cloned warriors called the Mandalorians. Boba Fett, as it turns out, wears Mandalorian combat armor. There is another rumor that Boba Fett is actually Anakin's childhood friend Kitster. WJ

Hello, I just got the soundtrack today, and saw the commercials for the first time.  I totally agree with you on the fact that this thing is for children.  I haven't seen the movie yet, but that One Dream commercial really took me back to when I first saw Star Wars.  I was 4, and I knew nothing of the symbolism or anything.   I just saw a hero, and some robots that made me laugh.  Help me remind these people that the movie is about a kid, and it is for the kid in us all. Anakin's theme has to be the best movie theme song I've ever heard.  It really helps me remember what Star Wars was all about.  Star Wars didn't get ruthless until the end of Empire, and it even got heroic again in ROTJ, so we should all be patient and let the movie be child-like, after all it is about a child that is only 8.  I think I will love it now that I've heard that sterling soundtrack, and finally saw those ads.  They really set the tone of what I'm hearing in the reviews ( though the reviewers don't like it).   We need the wonder and amazement that this 'kiddie' movie will bring.
Randell Weatherall

Well thanks for the concurring opinion. It would seem George Lucas basically is saying the same thing I did about preliminary reviews about the film. Here is an excerpt:
"When the fans were brought up, Lucas talked about their enthusiasm and his own disappointment regarding their initial response to the title The Phantom Menace. Lucas revealed, "When I read that some of the die-hard Star Wars fans were disappointed with the title of this new movie, I could see they'd also lost sight of the purpose. They wanted it to be much loftier, but it's the perfect title for an old-fashioned serial. They've grown older and somehow expect the films should be for them, but they're not. I think that's the reason so many people are saying The Phantom Menace is more kid-friendly than any of the other films, which is categorically not true. It's just that the original fans have lost sight of what thrilled them in the first place."Lucas was on the defense revealing that he was’t particularly worried about the early reviews and rumors saying, "[The original trilogy was mostly] trashed one way or another, especially by the major media. I certainly expect not to do well critically. I never have. You sort of accept this. When you get a situation like this where you have so much high expectation, you can't possibly live up to that. What critics have failed to realize from the beginning is that the Star Wars films are made for young people. These films were intended for 12- and 13-year-olds… My intention has always been to make a Saturday afternoon serial for children. People forget what the movies actually are." http://www.cinescape.com/
It would seem that you and I share the same opinion as George himself. Pretty coool, hunh? WJ

Nice SW-related site. I was curious about your choice of the title "The
Whill Journal", since it's the one thing that drew me to your site.
Here's why...
I have an old, hardback copy (purchased when I was a youngster) of Lucas' Star Wars - A New Hope "novelization". In it, there's a brief prologue describing the sequence of events leading up to Episode IV, followed by the salutation: "From the Journal of the Whills." (I had assumed that was what Episode I would be entitled, so imagine my surprise when Georgie-boy announced that it would be called "The Phantom Menace".) I wonder if any of the remaining Prequels will be entitled "The Journal of the Whills". What's your take on it, and how did you come to use "The Whill Journal" for your site?

BTW, I wholeheartedly agree with your assessment of the early reviews of the movie. This morning, I sent an e-mail to the chief film critic at Daily
Variety, whose premature review was the most scathing. In short, I conveyed my belief that most Star Wars fans, whether their 13 or 33, are in it forthe story, not an obtuse assessment of the film's cinematic qualities. I think we can all draw our own conclusions on May 19th.
Best of luck! SPS San Antonio, Texas

Thanks for the kind words.I too saw the reference to the fictional enigmatic work known as the Journal of the Whills in the prologue of A New Hope. Whether we actually find out anything about this book is still unknown.As far as can be told, it is the written chronicle of the events covering all six Star Wars movies as told in flashback from a far future date. It seems you are not the only one who agrees with my assessment, since George Lucas has said essentially the same thing in the face of recent critical review. WJ

Queen Amidala marries a little boy? That does not make any sense at all, she should marry Darth Maul, that guy is one horny devil.

Darth Maul only has eyes for young Obi-Wan.
After all, he doesn't have a double-ended lightsaber for nothing. WJ

You wanna know what I think of your posting of the alleged plot? I think it stinks!  You are taking away from the very mystery and wonder that George Lucas is trying to preserve.  I have to question both the character of the person who published this blatant plagarism on the web and of those who are stupid enough to read this crap! When I stumbled upon this, I had to catch myself from reading it.  Scanning down, it looked as though the entire script was there.
I must admit, I enjoy surfing the web for the latest news on the extraordinary upcoming prequel, but this is going way too far!
Thank You,
Cory Jones

This is the first response like this I have gotten, but I knew it would eventually come.
The only person 'stupid enough' to read my Alleged Plotline on the web is the person who cannot read the word 'spoiler' I put in the description for the section. It is interersting that you 'stumbled across this; "whoops, I just happened across a Star Wars Episode One site that has a summary of the alleged plotline which has a spoiler posting." Hmmmm...
As far as plagarism goes....have you read a dictionary lately? Just who might I have plagarized off of? I have painstakingly culled together bits of information all over the web since last year. I have combined them into an order which no other web site has been able to do as completely as me. It was hard work, and I made sure to give credit and a link to everyone who had a bit or piece of info.
It is also very humorous that you have decided to launch into a little tirade on my plotline section at this particular time, since the NOVELIZATION and the ILLUSTRATED SCREENPLAY are both on the stands available to the public! Interestingly enough, I have looked at the Screenplay and my plotline happned to be about 95% accurate! I am rather pleased that I did such a credible job, and I have many other emails and guestbook signings to that effect.
If Lucas is trying so hard to "preserve the mystery", as you so eloquently put it, then why didn't he authorize release of these official publications until after the film's release?
I am afraid the page will stay, if only to point the way to my new mirror site which will have in depth review and analysis of The Phantom Menace.
Much to your chagrin, the new and improved Whill Journal will also be devoted to information and speculation about Episode II.

No time for love, Dr. Jones! WJ

In the summary of Episode One, you had mentioned Obi-Wan does the double kick on the two battle droids on the Federation Battleship. In Trailer B, however, there is clearly a Naboo Fighter docked above his head, thus he is in fact in the Naboo hanger in Theed. Just thought you might like to know.
The Liverastic

Thanks for the correction; you are of course right. I have left my summary in it's final complete form, however, since the screenplay is now available. (I'm using it for comparison against the real thing...pretty close if you take a look!) WJ

Hi, I'm a reporter at bostonherald.com. I helped put together a quick Star Wars news archive, and we've linked to your site. (You can see it at: http://www.bostonherald.com/bostonherald/starwars/starwars.html) If you have such a space, could you link to ours? Either way, it's been a pleasure reading your site. Thanks,
Bill Burke bostonherald.com

What can I say man...thanks a lot! I'll be glad to link to your fine, fine site. (Good taste too) WJ

WOWOWOWOWOW, that is the best, [the Alleged Plotline] of course I have seen some video's and some stuff you could put in? The part when that monster is eating the ship underwater. That would be nice. But other then that this is the best site for the movie so far.
Indio 316

Thanks for the compliment! I think Roderick Vonhöven has already covered the image+plot aspect adequately. Check out The Virtual Edition if you haven't already. WJ

I found your site this evening and wanted to compliment you on your terrific work. I have been needing a fix like this since the second trailer was released. I do have a question if you have time to spare. The first is whether or not the Whill Journal was ever published either entirely or partially? I only remember a reference from it in the SW:ANH novel and I would be very interested in reading it.
sangeeta and manish

Thanks so much for the compliment. The "Journal of the Whills" is a fictional account of the entire Star Wars saga as told in flashback form. It is a concept of George Lucas that remains shrouded in mystery. WJ

Loved the summary!
C Hobbs

Thanks, I loved writing it! WJ

WJ: I have spent the last three days catching up on prequel news and rumors and would like to proffer my thoughts on not just on what I've read on your page but on others. The whole "midi-chlorininadinin" thing has got to be unfounded speculation. That would suggest that the Force is completely physiological, hence biological, hence physical or material in it's very basic nature. Conceivably it could be replaced in a blood transfusion, or created in a transplantable kidney like organ. It removes the notion that the Force is mental, mystical, cerebral, spiritual, and psychological. This leads me to my next observation, do the Clone Wars have to be about clones? My limited understanding of the Clone Wars, having been out of the Star Wars Universe/History scene since I discovered girls and rock and roll 15 years ago, is only based on the reference that is made in Ep. III. Could the Clone Wars be referencing a place, or a person, or as someone suggested somewhere I read, about two similar wars. If there is other evidence to the contrary, I am open to accepting it. Additionally, why would cloning, even if my above premise is wrong, (Jedi Knights, presumably?) make sense to the notoriously paranoid and fiendishly conspiratorial Dark Force guys. Why would you, as Darth Journalist, want to make evil little duplicates of yourself, knowing full well that they could and eventually would be used against you someday? I thought that's why there was never more than two Darths around at the same time. Even though I am nowhere near that evil, I can see that idea has problems. If that could be logically explained, and I admit it may, how could such a process be explained. Technologically or mystically? Draw Jedi blood, culture the midi-chlororidiianainan things, mix with clay in a hyper-blender, bake in a microwave blaster oven, and viola, clones. Or inject Jedi blood in volunteers/slaves/prisoners, shake well. I don't intend to sound so facetious and maybe I'm asking to much of milieu where planets can be blown up but it has to at least be plausible, if not logical, in that world. Lastly, if the all the above were adequately and convincingly argued in favor of cloning and Clone Wars, I don't think DNA would be medium of transference. It would have to be something made-up, like the mini-choliciandian things. DNA would be too direct a reference to our reality. How can fairy tale heroes have DNA? All of this discussion about the Clone Wars and clones sort of sounds to like our late 20th century angst about cloning is being projected into a world where we have heroes we root to win and villains we desperately want to see defeated in an issue we can't completely comprehend, much less fight our selves right now. That brings my argument to a confusing full circle. Thanks for your time
TX-412 [Also, great site, good discussions, and excellent analysis, but at times I found it hard to read the text against the background.]

It would seem from all sources I have at my disposal that the 'midi-chlorians' are in fact in the film and novelization of The Phantom Menace. It is supposedly the adept's ability to 'talk' with these microscopic creatures that allows one to effectively weild the force. Do I think this demistifys the concept? Yes, somewhat but there is not much either of us can do about it. (Nobody liked the freakin Ewoks either...)
The Clone Wars are still a mystery, and you can certainly be correct in any one of your assumptions. If you are interested in my theory, take a look at my "Unifying Theory of the Clone Wars"
The Dark Lords of the Sith would not be cloning theirselves or other Dark Jedi, they would be cloning an ancient race of superwarriors called the mandalorians. These super-troopers would be used as cannon fodder to thin out the ranks of the Jedi, while the Dark Lords of the Sith swooped in for the chance to finish them. Think about the possibility of how the Jedi purge could have ben pulled off and I believe you will find my therory has merit.
I have a feeling that the people of the terrified Republic are going to demand that the Jedi allow themselved to be cloned to fight the hordes of Mandalorians, and that the Jedi will have a moral objection to this. (perhaps cloning kills the midi-chlorians or mutates them). It is with this refusal that Palpatine pulls off his coup de grace, since the people are now suspicious of the Jedi it is easy for him to claim them as inneffectuial and actually a danger to the Republic. Remember, if nothing else, The Clone Wars will be a "damned fool idealistic crusade".
Thanks for the compliments and criticism, the font will be a little easier to read upon the opening of my new mirror site, sometime in late May! WJ

I have a couple more questions for you. My friend says that Star Wars will only be on 1000 screens nationwide. I read in the latest time magazine that it will be 2,500 screens. My friend is no idiot. But wouldn't Lucas be crazy not put it out on as many screens as possibly? Also, is it possibly to buy advance tickets? thanks again

Here is the official party line from StarWars.com:

"April 23, 1999 -- Over the last several weeks, Twentieth Century Fox, Lucasfilm, and The National Association of Theatre Owners (NATO) have consulted in order to determine an advance ticket sale practice for Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace that will provide the least inconvenience for families, fans and general movie goers and hopefully avoid a potential ticket scalping problem. Fox and Lucasfilm announced today the following practice to be followed on Star Wars: Episode I advance ticket sales.
Tickets will be made available for advance sales on Wednesday, May 12th at 3:00pm eastern daylight time at those theatres and ticket outlets in the United States and Canada that offer advance ticketing. Theatre owners have agreed to make every reasonable effort to first accommodate those fans already standing in line. In a continuing effort to discourage scalping a maximum of 12 tickets may be purchased per customer."
The 2500 screen thing sounds about right, but make sure to realize that a theater has to meet Lucas' strict standards for the film to be played their first-run. WJ

Like the site mate keep it up
Matthew Saunders

Thanks mate! I plan on it! WJ

Jason, can you please provide a response to the following questions:
Darth Maul looks like a representation of Satan, the devil. How do I explain Darth Maul to my young kids ages 4 and 3? Is Darth Maul an alien? Why was Darth Maul made to look so evil and made to look like Satan? What are the purpose of Darth Maul's horns and skin markings? What was George Lucas, who is an excellent father, thinking of when he approved the Satanic image of Darth Maul? What reason does George Lucas have to show and portray a Dark Lord of the Sith which looks like Satan?
Thanks for your help!
John McKay

That is quite an interesting question, and there will not be a true answer until all "the making of" books and documentaries about The Phantom Menace occur. However, I can always give my opinion...
Darth Maul certainly does look like some medieval Christian descriptions of the devil. However, this image of the devil was originally used by the Roman Catholic church in order to discredit a pagan fertility god known as Pan. Pan was commonly shown with horns and hooves, playing a flute. He, along with Gaea, the Earth Mother, were both worshipped in pagan earth religions, and are still worshipped today by Wiccans.
The Phantom Menace will most likely be rated PG-13, so it may not be appropriate to allow your children to view it. There will be depictions of violence, death, and evil portrayed in it.
If you are going to allow them to view it, I would simply tell them the truth: Darth Maul is an actor in scary makeup, and he looks scary because he is supposed to be the bad guy.
Darth Maul is an alien. Here is his rumored origin (still unconfirmed):

"According to this source, Maul (whose "real" name is Khameir Sarin) is from a species called "Zabrak". Observant Star Wars fans might have noticed that there is a similarly horned member of the Jedi Council. He's a Zabrak too, named Eth Kooth.

So how did Darth Maul/Khameir Sarin get caught up in the black arts, anyway? Apparently, after a long search for a suitable apprentice, Darth Sidious discovered the young Force user on the Zabrak homeworld, Iridonia, when Khameir was just twelve years old. Sidious forced the lad to lay a trap for some of his friends. This ambush ended up killing seven Jedi Knights, and the after effects transformed Sarin into the second of the two Dark Lords of the Sith." -Cinescape Online

While I am sure the evil image of Satan that the Catholic church has perpetuated had something to do with Maul's appearance, I feel his makeup is more influenced by the idea of Japanese and Chinese demons and demon masks. The masks (called Omi in Japanese, I believe) generally have a horned and ferocious appearance with markings on the face. As Maul's clothing and fighting styles are primarily Oriental, I feel his makeup and appearance have that as a main influence as well.
George Lucas has a cinematic vision for Star Wars. He is first and foremost an artist, and can paint his celluloid canvas however he sees fit. People have seen the devil in many things; a slot machine, a bottle of whiskey, even a President of the United States. Lucas wanted to make a clear statement that this character in his story is unquestionably evil and ferocious, and to succeed in a visual medium such as film required an extreme image. I suppose if one sees Satan in a Dark Lord of the Sith, it is more in the eye of the beholder than in Lucas'. WJ

I have another question for you Jason, in episode 1, Anakin is 9, and obi-wan is probley in his 20's. I'm sure jake Lloyd won't reprise his role in the future movies. But what about Ewan McGregor. There probley going to go ahead at least 10 years for episode 2 right? Will they just make him look older? thanks again

Ewan McGregor will play Obi-Wan in all three prequel movies. They will use makeup and hair stylists to make him seem older. By the time Episode III is made, he will in fact be about 6-7 years older than he was when TPM was filmed. Oh yeah, he can also act like he's older, too. WJ


The way you weave together the varied Star Wars logic in your site is incredible!! This is one of my favorite places to further educate myself on Jedi history. You guys have some amazing writers, keep up the GREAT work!! I defintely rate this a 10+.
James Leach

Thanks a lot for the compliment. I try as hard as I can to produce an enjoyable site that has a little bit deeper content than racing to publish pictures or news first. As far as the 'you guys' goes, it is just little ol' me! But then there are all of you of course, who help fill this forum. Thank you for writing! WJ

Does the first movie deal with the clone wars at all? If so, which part of it? The start? the end? the events leading up to it?

The Clone Wars will really not come into play until Episode II. However, Episode I will certainly show the events leading up to it/them. WJ

Well I definitely felt sheepish when I found my inquiry on the forum page. Okay to add to the forum, I have a question about Darth Maul. Does anybody have any information on this guy, the actor I mean. I found out his name and that is all. Are the powers of Star Wars keeping him intentionally in the dark, or am I just not looking in the right places? I would appreciate any information you could give. Thanx again.

No need to ever feel sheepish.
Martial artist Ray Park plays Dark Lord Darth Maul in The Phantom Menace. The 24 year-old Scotsman is a black-belt in Chinese Wu-Shu, a gymnast, and has appeared in several British television commercials. His most prominent role before Episode I was as a martial artist/stuntman in Mortal Kombat: Annihilation. He plans to be in a stage production of Peter Pan and intends on travelling to China before the Episode I premiere to 'keep his skills sharp'. WJ


Hello, I love the Whill Journal site but I have a bit of a problem. You have a forum and I spent some time trying to join up on the discussions. I may be just a bit of a dumbass but where do I go? I went to the forum page and everything and couldn't find this site. Please enlighten me.
This is one of my fave star wars prequel site. Sorry I never got around to signing your guestbook until now. I especially love the plotline. I'm impatient and want to know as much about the new movies as possible. Keep up the updates. Thanks for your time.
Colleen aka Jedisilk

Thanks so much for the compliment. You are not a dumbass, you are just giving my knowledge of HTML too much credit! The Forum is just where I post all my emails and stuff. If you want to get involved, just email me like you did, and/or sign my guestbook. I will get back to you and post your comments there. WJ


Just a quick question, but where are you operating out of? I'm in Seattle. I believe that we are going to be right and old Palpy is going to be a good guy as George has stated. Also good call on Sidious being the last of the Sith. As for Maul not being detected it still could make sense. Remember in EP IV Darth really didn't know Obi Wan was on the Falcon either, so its not like they automatically would know there is another Jedi around. Well see how it turns out soon enough.
Mike Shimek

I currently live in Pittsburgh, PA, but used to live near Seattle for about a year. It is bugging me, it seems so damn obvious now that Palpatine and Sidious are the same person, but I can't accept it! Yeah, it is not like Jedi have Force homing beacons on their heads. Luke slipped by The Emperor but was felt by Vader. Perhaps the Jedi Council simply feels a dark ripple in the Force. WJ

It is made clear that Anakin/Vader was trained by Obi-wan (at least at first). But also Obi-wan said something to the affect that he was trained by Yoda, not Qui-Gon...what gives??? Any thoughts?

I am sure Lucas did not develop the character of Qui-Gon Jinn until very recently. Jedi and Sith alike seem to share a Master/Apprentice relationship, however, all Jedi are subject to training and evaluation by the council. WJ

I'd like to know the relationship between Darth Sidious and Senator Palpatine. Are they one and the same, from the trailer it seems they are played by the same actor?

Boy, you and everyone else. Darth Sidious and Senator Palpatine are both played by Ian McDiarmid, who also played The Emperor in ROTJ. Funny thing is, Ian McDiarmid has played the 'same' character with three different names....hmmmmm, seem weird to you too? I would like to think that Palpatine is a Senator from Naboo and that Sidious is the last of the Sith (meaning two different entities), but we won't know for sure for a while. WJ

Very impressive site! I wanted to ask you for your comments on why exactly episodes 7-9 will not be made.  I know producer Rick McCallum was quoted recently during his StarWars.com on-line chat as citing the extreme difficulty of making movies with the kinds of special effects that episodes 1-3 will have (he also rather cryptically mentioned something about the reasons for not making 7-9 being revealed in episode 3), but I don't find that answer satisfying.  If anything, special-effects will become easier to create over the next decade or so. In addition to short-circuiting the aesthetics of the six movies (making episodes 1-3, waiting 20 years to make episodes 4-6, and then calling it quits would have made more sense), I also think Lucas could be taking a commercial risk: aside from devoted fans, who's going to rush out to see, in episode 3, Anakin finally become Darth Vader?  He's a bad guy.  People want to cheer good guys.  Episodes 7-9, it seems, would present the possibility that, like at the end of Return of the Jedi, they could. Regards.
Matthew Frey

Thank you for your compliment!
Well, good question. Star Wars is Lucas' baby (like it or not) and I really truly feel that he does not want to relinquish control of it to anyone after his death, and let's face it, he is gonna be really old when the idea for the sequel trilogy comes about.
Frankly, I think Lucas is not particularly interested in the sequels. They have been done to death in the expanded universe, as Lucas only prevented writing about the Clone Wars and other events just prior to ANH. The closest thing I could see is perhaps a "Young Jedi Knights" or "Clone Wars" TV series, which given today's special effects (think Babylon 5), may have the potential to be very good.
I must disagree with you on your take of EP 3. The trend in the 1990's has been toward dark film noir. I think the dark and gloomy Episode III will have an enormous audience -after all everybody loves a good drama! WJ

I have been reading this and other sites and have not heard mention of what I am about to say. Lucas is obviously taken by folklore and mythology, that sort of thing. I see a striking similarity in the story of "The prophecy of the one who will bring balance to the Force..." and King Arthur's tales. In KA, there is a story about Lancelot and his Gallahad (sp?). I can't recall the plot exactly, but I think Merlin goes on a quest to find a protector for Arthur. Merlin is told that the protector will be met at the end of his journey. Anyway, he meets Gallahad and Gallahad's father, Lancelot. Lancelot is a strong battler, thus the assumption that he must be the ONE who will protect Arthur. But it is really Gallahad and there are serious repercussions to this mistake. Some of my KA storyline may be confused, but I think I explained the gist of it. In any event...this sounds a lot like the confusion surrounding who will actually bring balance to the Force Luke or Anakin...Qui-Gon, a wizard, thinks Anakin is the ONE and it turns out that Luke is really the ONE. Just some food for thought
Stranger Without A Name

The King Arthur parallels have been mentioned before, and I do think your theory has credence. However, it really is Anakin who is the ONE, it just required Luke to act as the catalyst for his redemption. Always remember that Luke was utterly helpless at the end of ROTJ, and it was Vader alone who killed the Emperor, thus bringing Balance to the Force. WJ

I want to voice my concern, once again, over the midi-chlorian thing. This is just stupid, stupid, stupid. Nothing more about the Force should be revealed, least to mention that the Force is driven by a microscopic race of beings in someone's blood. George if you are listening, please do not use this midi-chlorian thing, please, please, please!!!!!!!!
Tusken Boy

Well, I can't help but agree that the Force should remain 100% mystical, but it seems our pleas have gone unheard. The Midi-chlorians are supposed to be 'no big deal', but everything I have heard about them suggests they are a bad idea that should just be scrapped. WJ

I read your page today and you mentioned that it was pretty obvious the GL wants us to think that old Palpy and Sidious are the same. I am of the opinion, however, that he wouldn't make it obvious unless he wanted us to believe so for a reason. I think that they might be clones.
First of all if there is even a hint of clones in this movie it would help to set up EP II which is ten years later. Also I would have the feeling that if Palpatine himself was a Dark Lord the Jedi Council would be able to detect him if they were on the same planet. I'm more under the assumption that Palpatine knows or maybe is even helping Sidious with his plans and that at a later time when Palpatine is elected president and declares himself Emperor that Sidious does him in and assumes his identity.
The very Journal of the Whills portion that is in front of the first novel for Star Wars could even be taken to mean this very thing. It talks about how after declaring himself Emperor he shut himself off from the populace. In this way who would know that it really wasn't Palpatine. Let me know what you think.

There are really only two reasons for Lucas making it so 'obvious' that Sidious and Palpatine are the same: either they are the same, or Lucas is intentionally misleading everyone.
I am personally still of the opinion they they are two different beings, despite the trailer. I think it makes for a better storyline, and if you take the hints, I still believe it is true. Lucas has made it a point to say Palpatine is a really great guy in EP I. He also has stated that Darth Sidious is the 'Last of the Sith'.
One thing that has not been adequately explained is how Palpatine and Sidious can apparently simultaneously communicate with the Federation and with Amidala and Bibble, unless he is a real quick-change artist.
I agree that if Palpatine was a Dark Lord that the Jedi Council would detect him, however; Maul is clearly seen above Coruscant! This greatly confused me, perhaps the huge population of the galactic capital can mask the Force. My overall theory of Palpatine /Sidious can be found here if you care to look.
Good call on that Journal of the Whills thing, by the way....WJ


Hey whoever you are- here's just a point I picked up from the trailer....
Who is Queen Amidala's advisor (in a hologram) who says "You must contact me"? The camera focuses on one of the queens handmaidens-- I think this is suggesting that the Queen changes her identity as often as her dress!!!-- But I wonder if Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon know this???? What do you think ???

I am Legend! J/k, the Queen's advisor is Sio Bibble, played by Oliver-Ford Davies. The Queen is all over the place with costumes and handmaidens, but I have a feeling the Jedi (at least Qui-Gon) know the real score....WJ


Hello, great job on the plotline summary of Ep.1. I have one question
that nobody was able to answer...Is The Emperor In Ep. 4-6 SIDIOUS? They
look identical. But isn't the last name of the Emperor "PALPATINE"...as
in the senator. I realize the senator is deceitful and will become the
Emperor...I guess. But how would that explain the two of them, obviously
not the same since in your summary they spoke to each other, looking
alike? Maybe the clone wars? What do you think?  
Also, obviously, there will also be a revelation on Anakin's father, as
history repeats itself (Maybe Ep.2). Remember, "don't defy the council,
not again."..any rumors on this you might know of? Thank you for your
time, just curious.

Thanks for the compliment, but remember it is my assessment! I may very well be wrong on many points! It seems obvious only in Trailer B that Palpatine and Sidious are the same, everywhere else points to them being two different people, so I am sticking with that.
The Emperor was never referred to as "Palpatine" in any of the original trilogy films, I am sure they came up with a last name for him as almost an afterthought. As I mentioned above, you can look here to see my definitive conspiracy theory concerning Sidious/Palpatine!
I am curious about Anakin's father as well, but I remain unconvinced that it is Qui-Gon. We may never find out, but it would be pretty cool if it was Palpatine (Or how about Maul? Poor Shmi, those horns must hurt!)....WJ


Wow! That trailer was pretty awesome! I liked the little touches like the grass blowing and the frog-like creature hopping on the rail in front of Jabba. JarJar's voice didn't seem to be as annoying as I thought it would be, but we'll have to wait on that I guess. My impression of CG is that it is really good, but there were some things that annoyed me, like the overall glossy look to the CG stuff. For example, the shot of the Naboo fighter flying next to the one that exploded looked kind of cheesy... George sure has a lot happening in this film. I wonder what surprises in terms of environments, etc he has in store for Ep1 & 2!!!??? Lastly, is George really going to direct 2 and 3? Later,
Tusken Boy

I agree, awesome trailer! JarJar's voice still seemed annoying to me, but I am sure I'll get over it. As far as the CG goes, I think it is really just nitpicking by anyone at this point, unless something looks really bad. How soon everyone forgets the options (stop motion puppets and miniature models!)
I expect eventually a huge underwater and surface battle on a water planet, maybe Mon Calamari, a fire planet and maybe Concord Dawn, the planet with the huge 'Braveheart style' fight scene between thousands of Jedi and  Mandalorian clones!
More likely than less George will direct Episodes II and III....WJ


I was just thinking... Will Chewie be in any of the new (or should I say old) movies. He is 200 years old...The Falcon probably is too. And when I was reading an issue of Spin, it said there was going to be more than three movies. Is this true?
(Source: Ryan "Wookiekid" Gray)

Chewbacca is alive during the Prequels. Whether we see him at all is anyone's guess, but I think we will see him. Wookie ambassadors will be present during the Senate scenes. The backstory is supposed to be that Wookies (along with other races) were enslaved when the Empire rose to power. Han Solo, then fledgling cadet at the Imperial Naval Academy, freed Chewie and was expelled from the Academy. I have a funny feeling we may see Chewie and young Han during Episode III.
We may see the Falcon, but it will look a lot different than in the original trilogy. There will be no more Star Wars movies after Episode III; there will be six in all....WJ


Hi. My name is Jackson Compton and I have some thoughts on your forum.
1. I believe that the master/apprentice relationship exists with most of the Jedi. It makes sense if you figure it is based on an order or trade. But, you will have some who are too old to train, or who have worked themselves into political positions, hence the Jedi Council. When the Jedi were hunted down and destroyed, Yoda had to become the teacher out of necessity to train Luke.
2. I remember, a long time ago (no pun intended), reading about an interview with Lucas and him talking about the roughdraft of the story he had out-lined. He talked of the Clone Wars and Obi-Wan being a key player in it. He also hinted that maybe Obi-Wan had been cloned during the wars to help the diminishing order of the Jedi. It was also hinted that when Vader and Kenobi fought in the volcanic cavern, that Kenobi fell with Vader into the lava. Vader made it Kenobi did not. His clone, however, lived on with only the memories that the original had told the clone about. So when he says, "I don't remember owning any droids," he means it. His bit about saying, "Truth depends on the point of view," also makes wonder about the clone aspect.
3. Obi-Wan knew he was going to die and "wills" himself to the force. Same with Yoda. Vader was to concerned with seeing his son with his own eyes to concentrate on giving himself over to the force. If a Jedi is struck down in combat or dies with the "willing," his physical body is left.
4. On the casting call, I'm going to pass until I see the movie.
(Source: Jackson Compton)

Hi there, thanks for your input:

1. Sounds pretty good to me, I generally agree.
2. I am unfamiliar with that particular interview. The Clone Wars are one of the more mysterious little aspects of the whole Star Wars universe. They have been speculated over at great length, but the only one who knows for sure is Lucas. I have a little personal theory, here goes:
Palpatine / Darth Sidious /whatever gets their hands on some Mandalorian DNA. The Mandalorians (who wore the same armor as Boba Fett wore) were supercommandos who served the Dark Lords of the Sith and the Dark Jedi 4000 years before ANH in the Sith War. These forces were defeated by the Jedi and Republic armies. 4000 years later, the Sith are rising again (led by Darth Sidious) and Palpatine clones armies of the Mandalorians into existence. Now the name "The Clone Wars" makes perfect sense. Mandalorian clones are used to fight the Republic. Also, this conflict is a 'clone' of the Sith War 4000 years before. The Dark Jedi and Mandalorians are winning victory after victory over the Republic since the Dark Lords of the Sith use the power of the Force to attack (Jedi are forbidden to use it for attack) and their Mandalorian troops can be replenished with cloning technology.
Now here is the neat part: no one has ever satisfactorily come up with a reason for the extinction of the Jedi. Usually people say they were framed by Palpatine for some crime and that public opinion turned against them. well here is another theory of mine:
The terrified peoples of the Republic demand from their Senators that their best warriors, The Jedi, be cloned to defeat this enemy threat. There is a great debate about this, but the majority (including Palpatine) are in support of this. The Jedi however, are totally opposed. They are strictly against their own cloning. The Sith and Mandalorians are eventually defeated, but there is great suspicion and resentment toward the now decimated Jedi after this. Palpatine then begins a campaign of a massive military build-up, convincing the people of the Republic that a conventional military is what will protect the galaxy, not the archaic and suspicious Jedi. The people are behind their beloved leader, but unbeknownst to them, Palpatine / Sidious orchestrated the whole bloody war in order to thin out the Jedi ranks and consolidate his/their dictatorship with martial law ....whew....
3. Well, I kind of agree, but Anakin is in fact seen with Obi-Wan and Yoda at the end of ROTJ...
4. Ya, I guess I will too.

Let me know what you think of my theory, I am interested in hearing your opinion....WJ


I have several issues for discussion, and would like to hear your thoughts:
1. The training of the Jedi: In ESB, Yoda is characterized as the definitive Jedi teacher, yet in TPM, we seem to have this system of an apprentice being taught by a senior Jedi (with Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan, and Obi-Wan/Anakin). Where did the title "padawan learner" come from? Where does Yoda fit into this system, and how is it that he earns the reputation as THE Jedi teacher?
2. The Droids: Thinking about the Droids, their memory, and the continuity from TPM to ANH. In ANH, upon discovering Luke and R2D2, Ben Kenobi says "I don't remember owning any droids" (in response to Luke telling him that R2 claims that Ben owns him). Wouldn't you think that Ben would remember R2, especially since he plays such a significant role?
3. The Funeral Pyre at the end of TPM: When Ben Kenobi was killed in ANH, his body vanished instantly, apparently assumed immediately into the Force. The same happened with Yoda when he died. When Qui-Gon dies at the end of TPM, it would hold that his body would do the same and therefore not require a funeral pyre. Perhaps the pyre serves as a fire of remembrance rather than a fire to dispose of his body?
4. Casting of Anakin for EP II/III: Any ideas/recommendations?
Keep up the good work (Source: Ben O'Rourke)

Thanks for writing. "Padawan learner" I am fairly sure comes from some of Lucas's initial drafts of The Star Wars. There was a character named Darklighter (sound familiar?) who was referred to as a "young padawan-Jedi". Padawan was always a term to be used for apprentice or young Jedi, it would seem.
I think it was probably Jedi (and possibly Sith) tradition to have a mentor/protege relationship. Yoda was beyond this, one of the 12 Masters on the Council. After the Jedi were hunted to extinction, Yoda was one of the few remaining Jedi left, and certainly the only member of the Jedi Council. This alone puts him in a unique category.

Ben is a tricky one isn't he? His whole "certain point of view" attitude seems to lend itself to loose interpretation. He never said he didn't remember the droids, he said he never owned them. Correct, right?

The dead Jedi disappearing trick, eh? I have a feeling that only truly ascended masters of the Force know this trick: Yoda certainly did, and Ben was around long enough to learn. I do not think all Jedi or Sith Lords were capable of this. Then again, when Kenobi was struck down in ANH, his robes remained (remember Vader trampled them?) Perhaps Qui-Gon's robes remain also, and are burned like Vader's armor at the end of Jedi.

Casting of Anakin...very interesting...I do not feel familiar enough with young actors currently to make any definitive statements. I have heard the Dawson's Creek stuff, but have kind of dismissed that. Surprisingly (to me) is that I actually think Matt Damon might be good. I saw a little of Good Will Hunting and he can certainly pull of the role physically, and definitely can be angry (looks like Jake Lloyd a little, too). I suspect he is too old to convincingly play a 19 year old, though (maybe not)....WJ

What species is the character Darth Maul? What planet is he from? (Source: Michael)

A very very good question. Sorry I can give you no answer, as there is none. However, I can give you some speculation that a member of the Jedi Council (as seen in the teaser trailer) may be of the same horned species as Maul. I am sure there will be a new planet that he will be from, perhaps Malastare or one of the planet names used in the early drafts of Star Wars. In the same vein, I am currently writing a fictional serial concerning the early adventures of young Darth Maul, which you can look at under Fan Fiction, if you so desire....WJ

02/27/99: I heard JarJar's voice...did you? My initial reaction - - "Shmoo". It sucked!! I'd much rather have Peter Lorre be the voice. I hope he is not as whiny as the clip indicates. Maybe JW's music will drown this little baby out. I fear that this will be a spruced-up ROTJ. (Source: Jundland Waste Dude)

I heard JarJar's voice also and it was very irritating. Then again, everything must always be taken with a huge grain of salt. I am sure that before ANH if any of C-3P0's lines were listened to, most people would think he was a whiny suck too. I agree that with the music and sound effects and voice levels mixed he might turn out ok.
The movie should overall be more blatantly violent than any of the three original trilogy films, hopefully preventing any comparison to ROTJ. Anyway, for the film to truly be Star Wars, it cannot be all serious combat. There must be just the right balance of comedy, silliness, drama, and all the great things that make up classic Star Wars....WJ


02/19/99: I know Yoda will be in these movies--but will he ever engage in any duels?--I'd love to see the little guy go at it.
Also will there be any references to Han Solo, Chewbacca, or Boba Fett? (Source:Tim Murphy)

There have been several rumors that Yoda might actually fight during the Prequels -whether this would be solely with the Force or with a 'saber is pure speculation. There was a rumor that he had a short white lightsaber, but if he does we probably wouldn't see it until EP. II or III anyway. There is also the possibility that we will see Yoda defeat a powerful Dark Jedi at the site of 'the cave' on Dagobah.
George Lucas himself said that Boba Fett will play a prominent role in Episode II. We may see a young Han Solo sometime in Ep. III, and Chewbacca should be alive during all the Prequels, but it's anyone's guess at this point....WJ

Did you see the trailer description on TFN? What are your thoughts? I was disappointed. (Source: Tusken Boy)

Yes, I did in fact read that description. My thoughts?
I initially balked when I first read it. Then I went back and read it again. It sounds plausible that it is a description of the real thing. I remember when I first read the teaser trailer description on Dark Horizons. I thought that it was fake. I even went so far as to publicly say that I could come up with a better trailer.
Then I saw it in the theater and that all changed. I believe that when we see this trailer on the big screen it will be just as fantastic as the teaser. I am looking forward to hearing Darth Maul's voice. I wonder if they will electronically enhance it? Seeing the Nimoudians and Darth Sidious will be very cool also....WJ

02/13/99: WhillJournalist I love the site, especially the plots sections and the logical deductions. I have one question for you though. Have you heard whether they will do anything on the great victory that the Rebels had in the opening scrawl of A New Hope? Since I saw the movie, I always thought that part would've been interesting to develop. I also have a theory about the upcoming trilogy Prequels.
The reason why Artoo or Threepo don't recognize Obiwan is because they had their memories erased, lest they fall into the hands of the empire as Obiwan secreted Anakin's two kids away.
I cannot wait to see the movies and I know that they will surpass all my expectations. Take Care (Source: Rasheed)

Thanks for the compliment, Rasheed. I think it would be very cool if the 'great victory' that the rebels score as referenced in the opening crawl of ANH would be shown at the end of Episode III, but I am unsure the timetables would allow for it. Episode III takes place about 20 years before the events in ANH, so unless there is a flash-forward at the end of the film, we probably won't see it.
Lots of people have speculated on the possibility of the droids memory wipe, but somewhere George Lucas himself has stated that neither of the droids memory has been erased. This is why both of them have such a high level of sentience. Lucas can change his mind on a whim, however, so we will just have to wait and see.

I was wondering if we are going to find out how the Emperor turned to the dark-side. It's still a mystery and since Senator Palpatine isn't noted to be a Jedi in any of the history that I have read I wonder how he became strong with the force and how he became a dark Jedi. Thank you (Source: David Radord)

That is a really great question, and I will direct you to Logic, where numerous writings on that matter have been posted.

I just heard on a local morning radio show this morning that ticket prices for "The Phantom Menace" will be $26.95 ea. Have you heard anything regarding this as to whether or not this is true. I am having a hard time believing it myself. I mean, if that's true Lucasfilm will lose soooo much money because people will only go to see it once if at all. It just doesn't make any sense. Thanks, (Source: Jake)

I have heard that tickets for The Phantom Menace may be slightly higher than regular ticket prices. This does have a precedent: when ROTJ was released it's ticket price was higher than other movies playing. I am confident that the price hike would only be a dollar or two (or three).

Do you think The Phantom Menace can beat Titanic? All my friends say that it will kill off Titanic, I have a very pessimistic attitude. I think that TPM will break the box office record of highest gross on it's opening day. because everyone is going to fill up just to see the "Lucasfilm LTD" logo. But I do not think it can beat out Titanic. I cannot explain why Titanic became the success that it is, and I do not think I could mimic it. It is a once in a decade kind of thing. In a way I don't want to Episode 1 to beat Titanic, I really want to see Episode 3 do that. Stay Frosty
(Source: Victor)

Well, I think I basically agree with you Victor. I think TPM will come close to Titanic, but there is just not as much mass appeal as there was with James Cameron's masterpiece. It would be pretty awesome if Ep. II or III beat it, but by then (2005?) something else may have come along.

Do you know if there will be any pre-sale tickets or any special showings going on (kinda like what they did with the last three) please let me know Thanks (Source: Chris)

Scuttlebutt has it that there may be some special showings, but it would be an extremely limited showing at best. Demand for tickets to this film is going to be like the super-bowl; so expect corporate buys, scalpers and all the other scum and villainy associated with that scene.


01/19/99: Trust me I have been keeping up with your page, I've just been too busy to write. I've seen all of these supposed 'plot leaks' recently, but none of them shed new light. One thing that I've been thinking about is exactly how will this movie end? ANH had an ending since George probably did not expect the movie to generate enough interest in a sequel, but this movie has a definite continuation about it. Yet, everything I read sounds like ANH type ending. That surprises me. Also, we've heard about them since day 1, but what do Nute Gunray, Boss Nass, etc look like? I've seen thousands of pictures of everyone else but nothing on these folks. Does Gunray really exist? And finally, have you heard any rumors on directors for Ep II? That's it for now later (Source: Tusken Boy)

Thanks for keeping up with the site, I really appreciate it.
How will the movie end? Well, as close as anyone can figure, it ends with a ceremony centered around a funeral pyre of Qui-Gon Jinn and perhaps also Darth Maul (I would hope they just don't let the Peko-Pekos at his corpse, after all). It would also seem that the final scene is more than just a funeral, but has many smaller plot aspects to it. It will definitely be more of a 'tune in next week' ending than ANH.
Recent pictures of some alleged Nimoudians (of which Nute Gunray is a member) have appeared on the net recently. They are simian (apelike) in appearance, and in a weird way look kind of like they belong on Planet of the Apes. Boss Nass has appeared in production sketches, in black and white. He looks vaguely like JarJar, but is very obese with a huge gut.
As far as Episode II... Georgey boy himself may be a good candidate, but other rumors have included Stephen Spielberg and Shawshank Redemption's Frank Darabont.

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