"And in the time of greatest despair there shall come a savior and he shall be known as: THE SON OF THE SUN"
("Journal of the Whills," 3:12)
This is the final posting (07/24/00) at The Whill Journal: Special Edition. All further updates through Episodes 2 and 3 will be at www.whilljournal.com

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Archive 2000

Monday July 24, 2000:

It will be a day long remembered...

Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to introduce Whill Journal: www.whilljournal.com

My little website has come a long way from The Whill Journal back in '98, to The Whill Journal: Special Edition, to it's present, and (dare I say?) final incarnation, Whill Journal. To my hardcore little group of fans who have stuck with me the whole way: thanks. Let's hope your ranks swell.

This is the final posting at The Whill Journal: Special Edition. All further updates through Episodes 2 and 3 will be at www.whilljournal.com  WJ



My, The Official Site seems to really have a plan for the dissemination of Episode 2 stuff. When TPM was in production, it was a rarity to glean even the slightest hint from StarWars.com, but that seems to have changed this time around.

We now know that Jimmy Smits will play Bail Organa. That is very interesting when compared to the original actor that was to play him in TPM: Adrian Dunbar. In case you've never seen his picture, Dunbar is a very vanilla-looking Caucasian about 50 or 55 years old. And not really what you'd call good-looking. Now we have Latino heartthrob Jimmy Smits in the role... I think this could point us in a direction that the rumored Anakin/Amidala/Obi-Wan love triangle will actually be Anakin/Amidala/Bail Organa. This makes much more sense, with poor Obi-Wan caught in the middle.

SW: Episode 2 Fact and Rumor have been updated.  WJ



SW: Episode 2 Fact and Rumor have been updated.  WJ



Okay, a pretty decent update today, with a lot of the latest SW2 info consolidated.

First off, there is a new section of The Whill Journal: SE... Editorials. To kick it off, Darth Cansanii has what he says is irrefutable evidence who Darth Sidious really is...

Secondly, SW:Episode 2 Fact and Rumor have both been updated. 

Lastly, the Forum has been updated as well. A reader brought up a question concerning my opinion about actor Daniel Logan, cast as a "mysterious young boy." What role could he possibly play? Well, my answer was predicated on seeing a picture of the lad, and finally I ran across one on www.starwars.com.

Now placing Daniel between Jake Lloyd (5 years younger) and Hayden Christensen (6 years older), I think we have our answer. A flashback sequence featuring a 14 year-old Anakin.  WJ


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