Review Analysis
I have seen Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace.
And I liked it a lot.
First I must relate how I came to see the film on opening night (briefly):
I had planned on seeing TPM this weekend since I figured it would be sold out
everywhere and I am not interested in camping out in line for tickets. A buddy and I were
returning from the pistol range (not P.C.) when I decided on a whim to swing by the
theater to see just how much of a zoo it would be. We pulled up, and I ran in to discover
that the show was sold out until 12:15am. On my way back to the car (to go home, hafta
work you know) a man approached me and asked me if I was looking for tickets. I thought,
"hmmm, a scalper, eh?" and asked how many he had.
"Three," the man responded. My pulse quickened.
"How much...?" I asked dubiously. His response was incredible:
"Oh I'm just looking to get rid of them. My wife waited in line for 3 hours for these
but our kid stood us up. Just gimmie what I paid," said the angel from heaven.
Needless to say, 45 minutes later I was watching the yellow scroll fade into the black sea
of stars. So what did I think? Here goes:
The Jedi are bad-asses. McGregor and Neeson looked mean as hell taking Battle Droids
apart, especially McGregor who had some extra Japanese-style moves. The Neimoidians were a
good 'dupe' enemy. They thought they were more powerful than they really were, but you
could feel their uncertainty. Naboo (as well as every other cityscape or vista) looked
fantastic. JarJar looked almost perfect. He was almost truly 'photo-realistic' throughout
the entire film (with some exceptions). The same can be said for Sebulba and Watto. Jake
Lloyd acted fine in my opinion, he was as convincing as any kid need be. Yoda was as cool
as he always is.
notable points:
- The saber-play was excellent, fast-paced and exciting. The end battle was fantastic, but
the first fight on Tatooine needed to be a bit longer
- The Gungans were pretty good, way better than Ewoks
- I cannot understand the reason for the Midi-chlorians unless Lucas is going to make them
an important part of the Clone Wars
- The Pod Race was perfect
- Palpatine is really cool and conniving, but it is seemingly clear that there is no room
for interpretation that Palpatine /Sidious are the same person
- Best line of the film: Palpatine (to Anakin): "and we will be watching your career
with great interest, young Skywalker..."
- Music needed to be employed more effectively. When it was there it was good, but there
were times when it just seemed to be lacking. 'Duel of the Fates' was excellent at the end
- Watto was a truly inspired character, he looked, acted, and felt perfect in the role
At the end of the film the crowd in the theater stood and cheered. Me included.
Mission accomplished.
Star Wars is back.
Analysis Characters
After watching Return Of The Jedi: Special Edition
again, I noticed something significant in light of Episode I.
The Emperor's observation tower at the pole of the Death
Star is the basis for the design of the spire of the Jedi Temple. Or in the case of the
timeline, vice versa.
"The film [Episode I] also introduces Senator Palpatine (Ian McDiarmid),
who, according to existing Star Wars canon, eventually takes control of the
Republic and proclaims himself Emperor. The Emperor, it seems, is also responsible for
Anakin converting to the dark side.
In The Phantom Menace, the central villain is a cloaked figure named Darth
Sidious. A Sith Lord (the same title Darth Vader will later bear), Sidious unleashes a
vicious Sith Warrior, Darth Maul (Ray Park), who slays Qui-Gon before he is killed by
Obi-Wan. The obvious return of the Sith causes grave concern for the Jedi Council, who
will undoubtedly be forced to deal with their evil counterparts in later films."
"Episode I is composed of five separate plots, which intersect throughout
the film. The underlying story, according to Lucas, revolves around Senator Palpatine's
rise to Supreme Chancellor. Other plots include: the Trade Federation invasion; the Jedi's
efforts on Queen Amidala's behalf; Anakin's induction to the Jedi order; and, finally, the
return of the Sith Lords. Some of these plots will be developed further in Episode II."
-Star Wars: Episode I Insider's Guide
I figured now would be a good time to get a little more in-depth about what I truly
thought of the film after some time has passed.
First, the racism issue. What a bunch of crap. I think George forgot that he was making
this movie in 1999, where people will read a civil rights issue into anything. I find it
much easier to believe that an alien attempting to speak English would speak it with an
accent than with none. Funny, nobody seemed to mind that all the Imperials spoke with
British accents...
That said, the "how wude" line spoken by Jar Jar was funny once, but was real
stupid three times. I am not sure about the "brain-dead" line spoken by the
Neimoidian, either. As a whole, I think all the fans see that with the 'midi-chlorians'
Lucas is setting up something about the Clone Wars, but that doesn't mean we have
to like it. I did not like the scene where little Anakin asked Qui-Gon about them, and he
gave a little pseudo-scientific explanation.
Maul, Maul, Maul... His face should not have been revealed until the end battle. When he
appeared as a hologram, it should have been like Sidious, with people left wondering at
some of the strange markings on the bottom part of his face. He needed to be shown to be a
more awesome force to be reckoned with. He certainly proved that in the saber duel, but
his mere presence alone should have provoked more fear and dread. The saber fight between
Qui-Gon and Maul on Tatooine should also have been longer (I wonder what happened to the
rumor that he made it onto the ramp but was kicked off -that would have been better!)
The Queen's ship should have been shown jumping into hyperspace. The final scene with
Anakin in space I feel would have played out better if he had been shown to be much more
frightened and concerned than he was. This would have left JarJar as the only comic
relief, which is the way it should have been. Dogfights are not the vehicle for comedy.
Review Analysis Characters
Characters: (with special thanks to the Star Wars
Episode I Phantom Menace Scrapbook and Star Wars Episode I The Visual Dictionary)
Qui-Gon Jinn
A venerable Jedi Master, Qui-Gon Jinn discovers young Anakin Skywalker, proving to be a
pivotal event to the future of the Jedi and to the entire galaxy for generations to come.
Jinn is mentor to the young and headstrong Obi-Wan Kenobi, whom he attempts to instruct in
many aspects of the Force, sometimes to the chagrin of the Jedi Council. Jinn is wise and
powerful, but has been known to take matters into his own hands and defy the wishes of the
council from time to time when he feels high of purpose. Qui-Gon Jinn meets his noble end
on the planet Naboo at the hands of the diabolical Sith Lord Darth Maul.
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Although young and headstrong, Jedi-apprentice Obi-Wan Kenobi will become one of the
greatest Jedi to protect the galaxy. As The Phantom Menace begins, Kenobi is a
Padawan apprentice on a secret diplomatic mission to resolve a dispute between the
Trade Federation and the planet Naboo. Kenobi is perpetually in turmoil over the apparent
contradictory teachings of his trusted mentor Qui-Gon Jinn, who is widely known to have a
"shade of grey" perspective on the otherwise black and white nature of the
Force. Kenobi faces his greatest challenge ever in the powerful Dark Lord Darth Maul, but
the challenge lies more in maintaining his control of the light side than in actual
physical combat. Kenobi ultimately vanquishes the Sith Lord and is brought together with
Anakin Skywalker, who is eventually to become his greatest pupil -and greatest failure...
Anakin Skywalker
Anakin Skywalker is the young boy who would eventually become the dreaded Dark Lord of the
Sith Darth Vader. In Episode I: The Phantom Menace, Anakin Skywalker is a
blue-eyed nine year old residing in the desert town of Mos Espa on the planet Tatooine.
Anakin lives with his mother Shmi in a hovel in the slave quarters, as he and his mother
are slaves of a shop owner named Watto. Anakin is unusually strong in the Force, and can
see events before they occur. The boy has an uncanny ability with machines, and is
responsible for the construction of a certain protocol droid.
Anakin is removed from his situation on Tatooine after the venerable Jedi Master Qui-Gon
Jinn arranges for his freedom. Jinn promises Anakin's mother that he will be trained as a
Queen Amidala
The young and newly elected ruler of Naboo, Queen Amidala desperately attempts to save her
planet from the greedy Trade Federation with help from Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan
Kenobi. Amidala is shepherded off Naboo by the Jedi and her head of security Captain
Panaka, but must first make a detour to the remote world Tatooine in order to repair their
badly damaged craft. Amidala makes a moving plea to the Galactic Senate, before ultimately
being manipulated by Senator Palpatine into calling for a vote of "no
confidence" in Chancellor Valorum.
Padmé Naberrie
During the brutal invasion of Naboo by the Trade Federation, Queen Amidala trades places
with her handmaiden Sabé, who dons the Queen's elaborate dress and ornamentation. Sabé
disguised as the Queen, is captured and about to be handed over to the Neimoidians, while
the real Queen remains safe behind the handmaiden identity of Padmé. When fate intervenes
and the two are rescued by Jedi Knights, the deception remains in place to ensure the
Queen's safety. During this mission is when the beautiful young woman first meets Anakin
Skywalker, whom she regards quizzically. The boy grows on her in time, and the two will
eventually develop feelings toward each other which are more than mere friendship.
Darth Maul
Fear followed the footsteps of all the Dark Lords. Darth Maul, Dark Lord of the Sith first
makes his appearance on the heels of the failure of Neimoidians Nute Gunray and Rune Haako
to capture Queen Amidala. The enraged dark mastermind of the Naboo invasion Darth Sidious
unleashes Maul in an attempt to correct the situation. Evil personified, Darth Maul has
been ordered to destroy Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi assigned to protect Queen
Jar Jar Binks
An outcast from the underwater depths of the planet Naboo, JarJar Binks must convince his
fellow Gungans to take up arms against the greedy Trade Federation in battle to preserve
their planet.
The plucky little Astromech droid who saved the heroes of the rebellion countless
times in the original Star Wars trilogy is first introduced to the audience in
the very same capacity. Part of a standard onboard contingent of repair droids, Artoo
successfully fixes the deflector shield aboard the Queen's ship just in the nick of time.
In these travels, the little R2 unit meets his future counterpart C-3P0 on Tatooine. Like
with Luke Skywalker years later, R2 provides invaluable assistance to young Anakin while
he struggles with the controls of an unfamiliar N-1 fighter.
Beginning life as a home-built protocol droid, C-3PO was an unfinished bundle of wires and
metal before becoming the shiny golden droid we all know. Anakin Skywalker proudly
presents his pet project to Padmé, JarJar and others; his gift to his beloved mother
Darth Sidious
Cloaked in flowing robes and shrouded in evil, Darth Sidious is a Dark Lord of the Sith
and the mysterious power behind the Trade Federation's blockade of Naboo. As he conspires
and manipulates, he keeps his presence - and his true intentions - well hidden.
Senator Palpatine
The legendary Galactic Senate on the capital world of Coruscant gathers representatives
from planets throughout the Republic. Senator Palpatine takes a leading place in this
elite community, and his voice carries special influence in discussions that will shape
the future of the galaxy.
Shmi Skywalker
Every boy has a mother, even Darth Vader. As a child on Tatooine in the old republic
Anakin was raised by his mother Shmi in difficult circumstances. Their entire family were
slaves in the service of Watto, but this did not deter Shmi from keeping hope that one day
her boy would become something more. That day finally came with introduction of Jedi
Knight Qui-Gon Jinn, who is more than willing to remove the boy from the backwater
environment and place him into Jedi training. Through a daring bet during a racing event,
Jinn manages to secure the boy's freedom and Shmi then places the decision to leave or
stay at the young boy's feet.
Ever the consummate businessman, Watto will barter with money, goods, even human lives to
make a profit. Watto is the owner of a 'junk shop' in the city of Mos Espa which is
frequented by many intergalactic travelers. As is the local custom on the more remote
worlds, Watto owns several slaves, two of them being Shmi Skywalker and her son Anakin.
While not a cruel master, Watto refuses to grant the slaves their freedom without a price.
This price is paid for Anakin Skywalker by a bet placed by Jedi Knight Qui-Gon Jinn. Watto
thinks he is a sure winner, as his favored racer Sebulba has planned to sabotage Anakin's
pod, but the outcome of the race is decided in Jinn and Skywalker's favor. The owner of
slaves Anakin and Shmi Skywalker, and a notorious gambler, Watto is a Toydarian junk
dealer who supplies the denizens of Mos Espa with all manner of mechanical odds and ends.
Sebulba is of the Dug species, known for extremely sharp reflexes and piloting skill.
Sebulba is no exception to this, and is widely considered to be the best Pod Racer in all
of Mos Espa. Sebulba will not shy away from using any dirty and underhanded trick in the
book to ensure that the result of every race he participates in will be the same: win.
Chancellor Valorum
The great Galactic Congress has been the primary governing body of the Republic for as
long as any could remember. In the Senate chambers on the planet Coruscant at galactic
center, thousands of representatives from the various sentient lifeforms across known
space gather to vote on issues concerning the fate of the Republic. at the head of this
assemblage is one man: Supreme Chancellor Valorum. The beleaguered Chancellor attempts to
keep peace within the Senate chambers, as well as in the galaxy, while being ever wary of
political maneuvering. Valorum is especially watchful of Senator Palpatine of Naboo, whose
influence in galactic affairs has been steadily growing.
Captain Panaka
Among such power as The Dark Lords of the Sith and Jedi Knights, most other characters may
seem ineffectual. This may be true to some extent, but there are still regular people in
the galaxy who are just as heroic and noble as the legendary force-users. Among these
individuals is Captain Panaka, Head of Naboo Royal Security and personal bodyguard to
Queen Amidala. Shortly after landing on the remote Outer-Rim planet of Tatooine, Jedi
Knight Qui-Gon Jinn decides to enter the city of Mos Espa in search of parts to repair the
young Queen's royal yacht. Amidala, disguised as her loyal handmaiden Padmé, insists on
accompanying the Jedi. Panaka is reluctant to let her out of his sight; but with the
wisdom and humility that comes from being such a great warrior, Panaka is able to admit to
himself that she will be in even better hands than his with the venerable Knight.
Ric Olié
Ric Olié is the pilot of the Naboo spacecraft carrying Queen Amidala to Coruscant, the
capital of the Galactic Republic. Their quest is to recruit help for the besieged planet
of Naboo. An expert in his field, Ric will pass on important skills to young Anakin
Skywalker during the course of the adventures ahead.
Jabba the Hutt
Jabba the Hutt is a crime boss of gargantuan proportions. He, along with several
other of the infamous Hutt species essentially run the remote planet Tatooine as a base of
operations for a small smuggling empire.
The Jedi have existed as guardians and protectors in the Republic for as long as can be
remembered, and Yoda has been an important part of this sect for the past 800 years. A
member of one of the twelve Masters sitting on the council, Yoda seems to have the
important deciding vote over whether the young Anakin Skywalker should begin the Jedi
training. As Anakin and his sponsor Qui-Gon Jinn stand before the council, Yoda explains
to the child about hate, fear aggression, and suffering. Yoda feels the danger in the
youth, but Qui-Gon Jinn feels that the revered master is wrong on this occasion.
Mace Windu
The Jedi Knights have been guardians of peace and justice in the Galactic Republic for a
thousand generations. At the head of this noble order was the Jedi Council, which consists
of twelve revered Jedi Masters. Prominent among these masters is the human Mace Windu,
honored for his wisdom and experience. Windu gives special orders to Qui-Gon Jinn (upon
his return to Naboo) to discover the identity of the new dark warrior encountered on
Tatooine. He hopes quietly that his suspicions about the rise of the Sith will not be
confirmed, but in his heart he knows otherwise.
Sio Bibble
The young Queen Amidala, while brave and intelligent, simply cannot rule the planet Naboo
without valuable assistance. Sio Bibble acts in the capacity of planetary governor, and
bravely elects to remain on the besieged world while the Queen flees to Coruscant during
the Trade Federation occupation.
Nute Gunray
The Neimoidian viceroy appears to be in charge of the invasion of Naboo, but he is
actually carrying out the orders of the mysterious Darth Sidious.
Being the personable little boy that he was, Anakin Skywalker had many friends in Mos
Espa. One of these was a small, dark-haired lad named Kitster.
Another friend of Anakin Skywalker's on Tatooine, of the Rodian species.
Aurra Sing
A bounty-hunter who despises Jedi and derives satisfaction from stalking force-sensitive
prey. Long before she became a mercenary, Aurra Sing was identified as a Jedi hopeful. At
some point during her training she failed the Jedi order and became a creature of evil.
Heading the Trade Federation, the Neimoidians are cowardly creatures who tend to exploit
peaceful civilizations that have little power to fight back.
Jedi Council
The twelve members of the Jedi Council govern all matters concerning the Jedi.
The current members are: Yoda, Mace Windu, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Oppo Rancisis, Depa Billaba, Adi
Gallia, Plo Koon, Eeth Koth, Even Piell, Yarael Poof, Saesee Tiin, and Yaddle.
Galactic Senate
The Galactic Senate creates laws, pacts and treaties, and it governs the galactic union of
planets and star systems known as the Republic. The Senate is led by a Supreme Chancellor,
who is elected to this position by his fellow senators to serve as roving ambassador,
arbiter, policymaker, and planner.
Queen Amidala's trusted confidants know everything about their royal mistress. When
Amidala is threatened, these highly trained women are responsible for keeping their
beloved Queen out of harm's way.
Senate Guards
The guards of the Galactic Senate wear striking robes of blue, symbolizing the
Senate's supreme authority and the long tradition of its wise and just rule.
There are two major species on the planet Naboo -human and Gungan. The Gungans live
chiefly in the subsurface city of Otoh Gunga, led by the obese Boss Nass. This subsurface
residence is made possible by the strange geology of the ancient planet; instead of the
usual molten core, Naboo has a honeycomb of layers. In contrast to the peaceful Naboo
people the Gungans have a longstanding warrior tradition.
Battle Droids
In the present uncertain political climate, security is a scarce commodity. The greedy
Trade Federation has created an army that requires no food, no drink, no sleep. Millions
of these high-tech battle droids amass into a virtually unstoppable armed force. Utterly
heartless in the performance of their duties, and obeying their orders with the steel-cold
loyalty of machines, battle droids are instruments of destruction, anathema to the more
civilized peoples of the galaxy. Battle droids are often given the likeness of their
creator species, since they serve as stand-in soldiers, but the actual designs of these
robotic creations may be a varying mix of several different factors.
Droidekas (Destroyer Droids)
Droidekas are deployed in wheel formation for swift positioning. After rolling into place,
they quickly transform into an upright walking configuration for battle, becoming
three-legged weapons platforms.
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