Fact: Facts from Homing Beacon Star Wars
Newsletter (07/13/00) Fact from StarWars.com
Facts from StarWars.com
(07/11/00) "Mace Windu's fighting abilities are second only to Yoda. If he gets within range, there's no question... you're dead." "Of course, he's [Anakin] the chosen one. The audience will want to see that manifest itself. There needs to be flashes of brilliance. He's more skilled than Obi-Wan. Anakin always attacks. He's better and he knows it, which means he's brash on occasion." "The bounty hunters have so much weaponry, comparing them with Jedi is like comparing a tiger with a shark. The styles are just so different. Within three feet, nothing can stop a Jedi. Bounty hunters fight from a long range for as long as possible." -Quotes from SW2 stunt coordinator Nick Gillard
Facts from StarWars.com
(07/07/00) Fact from StarWars.com
(06/29/00) Fact from StarWars.com
(06/26/00) Facts from StarWars.com
Fact from StarWars.com
Fact from StarWars.com
(05/13/00) Facts from the Star Wars Insider
(issue 49)
Fact from StarWars.com
Fact from StarWars.com
(02/02/00) Fact from TV
Guide.com (01/08/00)
Fact from Entertainment Tonight (12/15/99) Evidence: "Another galaxy, another time. The Old Republic was the Republic of legend, greater then distance or time. No need to note where it was or whence it came, only to know that...it was the Republic. Once, under the wise rule of the Senate and the protection of the Jedi Knights, the Republic throve and grew. But as often happens when wealth and power pass beyond the admirable and attain the awesome, then appear those evil ones who have greed to match. So it was with the republic at its height. Like the greatest of trees, able to withstand any external attack, the republic rotted from within though the danger was not visible from outside. Aided and abetted by restless, power-hungry individuals within the government, and the massive organs of commerce, the ambitious Senator Palpatine caused himself to be elected president of the Republic. [this suggests Palpatine engineered the invasion of Naboo, lending further to the assumption that he and Darth Sidious are the same person] He promised to reunite the disaffected among the people and to restore the remembered glory of the republic. Once secure in office, he declared himself Emperor, shutting himself away from the populace. Soon he was controlled by the very assistants and boot-lickers he had appointed to high office, and the cries of the people for justice did not reach his ears. Having exterminated through treachery and deception the Jedi Knights, guardians of justice in the galaxy, [this suggests that the Jedi are not exterminated directly by The Clone Wars but by more political means] the Imperial governors and bureaucrats prepared to institute a reign of terror among the disheartened worlds of the galaxy. Many used the Imperial forces and the name of the increasingly isolated Emperor to further their own personal ambitions. But a small number of systems rebelled at these new outrages. Declaring themselves opposed to the New Order they began the great battle to restore the Old Republic. From the beginning they were vastly outnumbered by the systems held in thrall by the Emperor. in those first dark days it seemed certain the bright flame of resistance would be extinguished before it could cast the light of new truth across a galaxy of oppressed and beaten peoples..." -SW: ANH
"Both robots [Artoo and Threepio] knew that no machine could match the fluidity with which those shapes [Stormtroopers] moved and instantly assumed fighting postures. The new arrivals were humans in armor, not mechanicals." [this suggests that humans are much more efficient at fighting than droids, i.e. Battle Droids] -SW: ANH
"Be as subtle as possible; there is no need to attract attention, even on this miserable outpost world [Tatooine]" [this statement seems to give an insight into Vader's feelings toward his past] -Darth Vader, SW: ANH
"Luke, I'm not going to wait for the Empire to conscript
me into service. [this statement suggests that the
armies of the Empire have been conscripted and not cloned into existence]
In spite of what you hear over the official information
channels, the rebellion is growing, spreading. And I want to be on the right
side -the side I believe in."
"I've heard that they're starting to imperialize commerce in all the outlying systems." [an interesting insight into the relationship between the Empire and the Trade Federation] -Biggs to Luke, SW: ANH
"I think the construction of this station [the Death Star] has more to do with Governor Tarkin's bid for personal power and recognition than with any justifiable military strategy." [this statement gives an interesting insight into high ranking Imperial thought and Tarkin's status as second to the Emperor in ANH] -Imperial Officer, SW: ANH
"As the Emperor wills it," Vader
added, not without sarcasm, "so shall it be."
"'Who is she?" he [Luke] demanded,
staring enraptured at the hologram. "She's beautiful."
"I've certainly never heard of an Obi-Wan Kenobi." [see above hypothesis] -C-3PO, SW: ANH
"'You handle a landspeeder pretty well for a machine,' he
[Luke] noted admiringly.
"Owen Lars didn't agree with your father's ideas, opinions or his philosophy of life. He believed that your father should have stayed here on Tatooine and not gotten involved in... Well, he thought he should have remained here and minded his farming." [this is a very important statement; it suggests that Owen Lars knew Anakin Skywalker, and more importantly, knew him while he was a farmer on Tatooine, something which must occur in Episodes 2 or 3] -Obi-Wan to Luke, SW: ANH
"You see, Luke, that's where your father and Uncle Owen disagreed. Lars is not a man to let idealism interfere with business, whereas your father didn't think the question even worth discussing. His decision on such matters came like his piloting -instinctively." [this statement suggests that Anakin and Owen disagreed over a matter of ideals -further supported by Obi-Wan's reference to 'following me on some damned fool idealistic crusade'] -Obi-Wan to Luke, SW: ANH
"This [lightsaber] was the formal weapon of a Jedi knight" [this statements suggests that Jedi used weapons other than lightsabers] -Obi-Wan, SW: ANH
"Vader used the training I gave him and the force within him for evil, to help the later corrupt Emperors. [this statement is very curious, suggesting that there was more than one Emperor, fueling the argument over whether Darth Sidious and Palpatine are the same person] With the Jedi Knights disbanded, disorganized, or dead, there were few to oppose Vader." -Obi-Wan, SW: ANH
"Now that their [the Rebellion's] main source of munitions, Alderaan, has been eliminated..." [this statement suggests that Leia's claim that 'Alderaan has no weapons of any kind' may be a distortion of the facts] -Vader, SW: ANH
"The Jedi are extinct," declared Tarkin positively. "Their fire was quenched decades ago." [this statement confirms that the Jedi were hunted down and destroyed within the period of the prequels] -Tarkin, SW:ANH
"He [Obi-Wan] is the last of the Jedi -and the greatest. The danger he presents to us must not be underestimated -yet only I can deal with him." [even in Vader's arrogance, he acknowledges that his aged and past-his-prime former master is still a singularly dangerous enemy, and the greatest Jedi who ever lived] -Vader, SW: ANH
"Both men [Stormtroopers aboard the Millennium Falcon] remained comatose despite all efforts to revive them. [here is another Jedi Force-power] -SW:ANH
"Your power has matured since I taught you, but I too have grown much since our parting." [this supports the theory that Obi-Wan continued to practice and develop esoteric Force-skills the years he spent on Tatooine] -Obi-Wan to Vader, SW:ANH
"I met your father once when I was just a boy, Luke. He was a great pilot." [Anakin was famous for his piloting skills, but also unusually this scene suggests that Blue Leader was not surprised that Anakin had a son] -Blue Leader to Luke, SW: ANH
"A human bounty hunter, [Boba] Fett was known for his extremely ruthless methods. [it is acknowledged that Fett is a human male] He was dressed in a weapon-covered, armored spacesuit, the kind worn by a group of evil warriors defeated by the Jedi Knights during the Clone Wars." [this is one of the more important bits of evidence from the novels. this statement tells us unequivocally that the Jedi fight and ultimately defeat evil warriors who wear the same armor as Boba Fett during the Clone Wars] -SW: TESB
"With obvious distain, Vader turned to Fett. [this is an odd statement, considering the general consensus from the film was that Vader and Fett had mutual respect for each other] "Bounty hunter," Vader addressed the man in the black-marked silver helmet, "if you are waiting for your reward, you will wait until I have Skywalker." -Vader, SW: TESB
"Jabba smiled grimly. "Your mind powers will not work on me, boy. I am not affected by your human thought pattern." Then, as an after thought: "I was killing your kind when being a Jedi meant something." [perhaps Jabba assisted in Palpatine's Jedi purge] -Jabba to Luke, SW: ROTJ
"It was a Jedi rule-of-thumb, but it took the soldiers in the second skiff by surprise; when outnumbered, attack. [here is evidence of some Jedi battle-tactics] This drives the force of the enemy in toward himself. Luke jumped directly into the center of the skiff and immediately began decimating them in their midst with lightning sweeps of his lightsaber." -SW: ROTJ
"A feeling of fullness, of power, of dark and demon mastery -of secret lusts, unrestrained passion, wild submission -all these things were in Vader's heart as he neared his Emperor. These things and more." [here is some insight into why Vader serves his Emperor] -SW: ROTJ
"Vader felt complete at the Emperor's side. Though the emptiness at his core never left him, it became a glorious emptiness in the glare of the Emperor's cold light, an exalted void that could encompass the universe. And someday would encompass the universe... when the Emperor was dead. For that was Vader's final dream. When he'd learned all he could of the dark power from this evil genius, to take that power from him, seize it and keep its cold light at his own core -kill the Emperor and devour his darkness, and rule the universe. Rule with his son at the side." [here is Vader's plan, and his ambition] -SW: ROTJ
"Patience, my friend," the Supreme Ruler cautioned. "You always had difficulty showing patience." [Anakin/Vader's primary problem with training is his lack of patience] -The Emperor to Vader, SW: ROTJ
"Obi-Wan would have told you long ago, had I let him... now a great weakness you carry. [interesting. It was Yoda's decision to keep the information concerning Luke's father from him] -Yoda to Luke, SW: ROTJ
"I was going to tell you when you had completed your training," the vision of Ben answered. "But you found it necessary to rush off unprepared." [this gives insight into Obi-Wan's and Yoda's ultimate plan] -Obi-Wan to Luke, SW" ROTJ Rumor: Rumor from various sources (07/14/00) Rumor from AICN (07/13/00)
Rumor from Prequel
Watch (07/08/00) Rumor from Il Resto del Carlino Italian
newspaper (07/08/00) Rumor from various sources (circa
Rumor from TheForce.net
(07/03/00) Rumor from Premiere television
show (07/02/00) Rumors from various sources (circa
Rumor from AICN
(06/12/00) Rumor from the Waikato Times
Rumors from The Big Breakfast
(06/06/00) Rumor from The Danish Star Wars
Association (06/06/00) Rumor from Dublin's Evening Herald
(06/05/00) Rumors from Coming
Attractions website (06/05/00) Rumor from Coming
Attractions (06/01/00)
Rumors from AICN
(05/28/00) Rumor from JediNet.com
(05/28/00) Rumor from TheForce.net
(05/25/00) Rumor from T'Bone Fender's
from TheForce.net website (05/18/00) Rumor from ET and Access Hollywood
(05/18/00) Rumors from the Coming
Attractions by Corona website (05/03/00 to 05/18/00)
Rumors from various sources (05/04/00)
Rumor from AICN
Rumor from AICN
Rumor from AICN
Rumor from CinescapeOnline
(02/28/00) Rumor from Dark
Horizons (02/28/00) Rumor from AICN
website (02/06/00) Rumor from AICN
website (01/13/00) Rumor from Dark
Horizons website (01/11/00) Fact
Evidence Rumor Logic Logic: It is logical to assume that The Clone Wars occur during, and are an integral part of SW2.
It is a safe assumption that Anakin returns to Tatooine to free his mother, and possibly all the slaves. He may lead an army to do this, or he may do it single-handedly.
It is a logical assumption that Anakin returns to Tatooine and becomes a farmer. He also becomes acquainted with Owen Lars. It is logical to assume from Obi-Wan's previous statements that he comes to Tatooine to convince Anakin to abandon his farming and follow Obi-Wan on an idealistic crusade, which Owen disagrees with. There are two logical possibilities for this "idealistic crusade": The Clone Wars, and fighting against the Empire during the Jedi purge. It is logical to assume that this crusade is The Clone Wars, since Anakin/Vader assists in the Jedi purge.
It is logical to assume that the main enemy that the Jedi/Republic fights during the Clone Wars are the Mandalorians, the armor of whom Boba Fett wears in the Classic Trilogy. This does not confirm whether Boba Fett is Mandalorian, but it is a fact he will play a "prominent role in Episode 2". It is also a sound assumption that the Mandalorian warriors are cloned into existence, hence the name "Clone Wars".