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Rumor Fact
Evidence Logic
Rumor from Newsweek
17 year-old actor Jonathan Jackson is a top bet to play Anakin Skywalker in SW2
Rumor from
Actor Jonathan Brandis is up for the role of Anakin
Rumor from AICN
- Actor/dancer Gregory Hines will play a character called A-90 in SW2 and
possibly SW3 (...?)
Rumor from French television guide Télé 7 Jour
- in an interview Liam Neeson reportedly hinted that Qui-Gon Jinn may appear in SW2
Rumor from U.K. Radio One's 'Newsbeat' (09/27/99)
- Anthony Daniel's (C-3PO): "I'm keeping the second week in April free for
some shooting"
Rumor from (09/26/99)
- Jesse Spencer and Donald MacKinnon are the two latest named mentioned to
audition for the role of Anakin Skywalker
Rumor from Rick McCallum's
translator at Czech Premiere (09/15/99)
- According to a translator, McCallum said that Darth Sidious and Senator
Palpatine are the same person
Steve's Guide/JediNet
rumor (09/07/99)
-The working title for Star Wars: Episode II is "Tyranny
Unsubstantiated Internet Rumors (circa 09/07/99)
-The new Sith Apprentice in Episode II will be female. Catherine Zeta-Jones
is under consideration for the role
-Don Lemmon, nephew of actor Jack Lemmon, has been offered the part of a cloned Jedi named
-Actors rumored for the part of Anakin: James Van Der Beek, Jonathan Jackson, Norman
Reedus, Ryan Phillippe
U.K.s Daily Mirror tabloid newspaper rumor (07/23/99)
-Based on comments from Star Wars: Episode Two/The Phantom Menace producer Rick
McCallum, casting has begun on the second chapter of the prequel trilogy. The latest
actor's name to be mentioned is Robert Carlyle (most likely
for the role of Governor Tarkin)
Unsubstantiated internet rumors (circa 07/13/99)
-Actress Gillian Anderson has been approached or is in talks to play a female Jedi
-Episode II is titled Crusaders Of The Force
AICN rumor (07/13/99)
-Actor Gabriel Byrne is in talks to be in Star Wars Episode II
Unsubstantiated Internet rumors (circa 06/24/99)
-Qui-Gon Jinn is actually Darth Sidious
-Qui-Gon Jinn is the mysterious Darth Bane
-Darth Sidious and Palpatine are clones of each other
-Darth Maul will return as a clone or as several clones
-Darth Maul will return with a cyborg lower body
-There is a new Sith Lord code-named "Darth Rage" or "Detori"
AICN rumor (05/21/99)
-Ewan will be sporting a beard
-At one point there was talk of quite a bit of dark hued leather for the Jedi costumes
-From the waist up C3P0 will have his shell put on
-There are New Sith Lord designs being done
-They are toying with the idea of an entire Sith Council, their council chambers, etc.
-We will be seeing the evolution of the Sith Interceptor into more Empire-looking material
-Leonardo DiCaprio as Anakin
Cinescape Online rumor (05/21/99)
-The Mandalorian Warriors have seized control of Anakin Skywalker's home planet.
-Anakin will return to the planet to free his people from bondage as a Jedi Knight, with a
powerful army at his command
-A love triangle between Obi-Wan, Anakin and Amidala
-Darth Sidious somehow had a hand in Anakin's conception
-Uncle Owen will show up for the first time
AICN rumor
-Production on Episode 2 is moving quietly
-Things in Australia are already in progress ( plans, sets, props, scouting for external
scenes). The majority of work will be done in Australia
-They are also searching for another young male actor. There's many new characters in
Episode 2.
-Gabriel Byrne has been mentioned
-Fett is in Episode 2 and 3. Bulloch is not considered for the part at this moment.
Episode 2 includes:
-The Clone Wars
-Anakin's wedding
-The Feel of Episode 2, is a lot like Episode 5, but still much darker.
-Jar Jar is in Episode 2-3 at this point. Jar Jar is expected to be much more important
(like Chewie in Episodes 5-6)
-The Transformation of Anakin Skywalker The Jedi into Anakin Skywalker, The Jedi Master.
-The identity of the future Emperor
-Photography is expected to take place at Fox Studios in December '99 with Lucasfilm
granted high priority on the use of sound stages and other facilities all the way through
early 2001
-Natalie Portman is not expected to show up at Fox Studios Australia for filming until her
school's summer break in 2000. This may be an indication of when the principal photography
phase will start
-Some shooting could take place Down Under in September. In addition to the main
production at Fox Studios Australia, this source expects location shooting to once again
take place in Tunisia and Italy
-Part of the Italian location shooting may occur at the "Vesuve" volcano
Rumor Fact
Evidence Logic
Fact from French Press Conference (09/22/99)
- The release date for Episode 2: summer 2002
- The script for SW2 will probably not be completed until Christmas, '99
- The casting won't start until the script is completed.
- Some shooting may occur in France
- Yoda will be fighting in one of the next episodes. Whether this is with the
force or with a lightsaber is unclear
Fact from Caserta Press Conference
- Producer Rick McCallum said that there are chances for a lightsaber duel
taking place on the Vesuvium (a volcano near Naples)
-A monastery in the medieval city of Assisi may be used to portray a Sith
Fact from ILM (09/20/99)
- Production has begun on SW2, without Iain McCaig
Fact from German N-TV Network (08/25/99)
"I'm just waiting for the final script [for Episode II], we'll start
building sets in November and we'll start shooting in June."
-Rick McCallum
Fact from Cut Magazine (Japan) (08/25/99)
"The reason why the stormtrooper army was created shall be told in Episode
2, but it becomes obvious to the Emperor that droids are of no use for
This entire issue shall be explored fully in the next film. You shall learn
why droid armies perform badly and evolve into stormtrooper armies."
"In The Phantom Menace one of the Jedi
Council already knows the balance of The Force is starting to slip, and will slip further.
It is obvious to this person that The Sith are going to destroy this balance. On the other
hand a prediction which is referred to states someone will replace the balance in the
future. At the right time a balance may again be created, but presently it is being eroded
by dark forces. All of this shall be explained in Episode 2, so I can't say any
-George Lucas
Fact from Empire (U.K.) Magazine (08/01/99)
"At one point, when Obi-Wan kills Darth Maul, he just fell into the pit. I looked
at it and thought this isn't going to work because, if people like him enough, they are
going to want him to come back and they're going to assume somehow he gets out of it. So I
had to cut him in half to say this guy's gone, he's history, he ain't coming back. I'll
come up with another apprentice. The whole issue of having apprentices, poor Darth Sidious
trying to replenish his apprentice supply, is one of the main plot points."
-George Lucas
"Although details of Episode II's storyline have yet to be released,
Lucas has indicated that the film will be a romance (most likely between Anakin and Queen
Amidala) set against the backdrop of a large and dramatic conflict. However, according to
[Rick] McCallum, much of Episode II's plot also focuses on Obi-Wan Kenobi. Mace
Windu should play a prominent role, and it is likely that Boba Fett will emerge as one of
the central antagonists. Given that Tunisia is a confirmed location, the story will
undoubtedly take the characters to the desert planet of Tatooine at some point. Design
work for the many characters, creatures, sites, and vehicles for Episode II began
in May, 1999.
Star Wars: Episode II should be released in theaters in May, 2002"
-Star Wars: Episode I Insiders Guide
Jar Jar Binks will most likely return in Episode II.
Episode II will primarily be a romance.
Greed is the central theme of Anakin's fall to the darkside.
The seeds for Anakin's fall have already been sown.
Anakin will not fall until Episode III, but we will see the beginning of the fall in
Episode II.
"Recent indications may be that George Lucas hasn't started writing Star Wars:
Episode Two yet, but a source of the Insider's who got his hands on Laurent Bouzereau's
upcoming Making of Episode One book reports in that the tome reveals that Lucas has been
working on the Episode Two script since June 1998. Lucas also told the author that the
storyline for all three prequels has been plotted out, while dropping at hint at the
Sith's role in Episode Two. "I couldn't have done Episode I without knowing the
complete story, It was all mapped out, and I knew what the story was -- I just had to
write specific scenes. But it was still quite a challenge, because Episode II required
that I write a love story in the middle of a Star Wars movie. Basically, that's what
Episode II is -- a love story, with the Sith's relentless drive to take over the universe
in the background. The challenge was to balance those two things." -Cinescape Online
Episode II will most likely be directed by George Lucas.
Episode II, now being written by George Lucas, will begin in shooting in Sydney in 2000.
Fundamental and basic concept design is being done on Episode II.
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