- Are Senator Palpatine and Darth Sidious the same
Question: Are Senator Palpatine and Darth Sidious the same person? Answer: Officially the relationship between Palpatine and Sidious is still unknown. Unofficially however, all evidence points toward the two characters being one in the same. Actor Ian McDiarmid, who played The Emperor in Return Of The Jedi, also played Senator Palpatine and Darth Sidious. A question still remains, however, since no one at Lucasfilm will come right out and confirm it. Another doubt comes from the novelization of TPM. In it, the connection between the two characters is much more ambiguous. Question: What is the relationship between Padmé and Queen Amidala? Answer: Queen Amidala, played by actress Natalie Portman, always appears publicly in ornate dress and surrounded by many handmaidens. The reason for this is twofold: first it enshrouds her in an air of mystery. Second, it allows the Queen to use one of her handmaidens (named Sabé) to act as a decoy Queen. When Sabé (portrayed by actress Kiera Knightly) is dressed as the Queen, the true Queen takes on the handmaiden disguise of Padmé Naberrie. In the film, Amidala (Portman) was dressed as the Queen up until first captured by the Trade Federation Battle Droids. The decoy (Knightly) remained in place up to when Amidala (Portman) pleaded her case before the Senate. After this the disguise was resumed until Amidala (Portman) revealed her true self to Boss Nass on Naboo. Question: What is The Journal of the Whills and how can I get a copy? Answer: The Journal of the Whills is a fictional book that exists only in the mind of George Lucas. It appeared in some of the earlier drafts of Star Wars: A New Hope and was essentially a history book that told the events from The Phantom Menace to Return Of The Jedi in the form of a flashback. The only place the name appears now is in the prologue of the novel: A New Hope. Question: What planet is Jar Jar Binks from? Answer: Jar Jar Binks is a Gungan from the city of Otoh Gunga on the planet Naboo. Question: Did Darth Maul really die at the end of The Phantom Menace? I have heard that he comes back as a clone in Episode II. Answer: From all available information, Darth Maul is dead and gone. Question: Why didn't Qui-Gon Jinn disappear when he died like Ben Kenobi and Yoda did? Answer: Jinn's failure to disappear upon death is a good question, and one that Lucas says will be addressed. Lucas is cryptic on the matter, but does imply that Ben Kenobi's statement (to Darth Vader) that, "if you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine" is very important to this. An unofficial possibility is that both Yoda and Ben Kenobi had time to meditate and prepare for death, whereas Qui-Gon died suddenly in battle. Question: Who is Anakin Skywalker's father? Answer: The implication is that Anakin Skywalker had no human father but was in fact conceived by the microscopic Midi-Chlorians themselves. Whether this process was spontaneous or induced remains to be determined. Question: What are those energy field things during the fight between Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon and Darth Maul? Answer: Those red energy fields that separate the two Jedi from Darth Maul during the final duel on Naboo are called "electron gates" or "laser gates" and are part of the makeup of the power generating complex. They serve as a security barrier to the dangerous melting pit. They also happen to be a handy plot-device. George Lucas has addressed the fact that some fans were confused about this and said that he may add additional scenes in a "Special Edition" of the film to clarify it. |